The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2139: Through death

White clothes, dark green flames.

At this moment, Bai Zhining completely showed what is the ultimate contrast, because it only takes a short moment from being inconspicuous to controlling death.

"Night Dire Division, hahaha, I said how could your majesty not arrange our Daxia Taboo by the side of the empress, who turned out to be a close female officer."

At the next breath, this frantically surging aura of hedging was broken by the pleasant roar from Sun Jian, and then the life-hard Sun Cockroach, who was **** in the air by the whip of the long river, had a brighter color of joy in his eyes. , Opened his mouth and shouted again:

"Old lady, all those who look down on Daxia will pay the price. Perhaps you should ask about your Majesty, and ask for the exact message of Daxia before doing evil.

"Although I don't know how long it has been, there is no doubt that the strongest front of my Daxia is on the way to this place. From then on, there is no place for you in the entire Taixuan land, and even under the heaven and earth. Place."

Sun Jian's extremely overbearing voice made the face of the old woman more and more ugly, and then he clenched the Sanhe long whip in his hand and spit out a few words coldly:

"Noisy, looking for death!"

Before she finished her words, the old woman shook the whip wildly, trying to smash Sun Jian and others in the whip into minced meat, but she saw Bai Zhining standing in front of Rouge, directly in the void beside her, and drew a faint long sword.

Hold the sword, draw the sword, cut the sword!

Bai Zhining's movements were completed in one go, short and powerful, and at the same time full of an inexplicable beauty, just like the last luster blooming before life dies.


The sword scream is like a dragon chant, and like a divine piano music, playing the void. At the same time, a dark green sword light straddles the void, directly slashing the phantom of the Sanhe Longwhip, and completely cut off the latter without fancy. .

Under the heaven and the earth, the origin is respect, Bai Zhining smashed the whip of the Sanhe instantly with a sword, which can fully explain the power surging in his body, even if it is not the power of the chaotic death mother that the old woman said before, it can at least restrain the old woman from shaking. The ups and downs of the weather.

"Supernatural powers. Dead Lake!"

After an instant, another extremely cold voice came from Bai Zhining's mouth. As he spoke, this great summer nightmare division taboo person moved forward with his right foot and took a step forward slightly.

With one step, Bai Zhining's flames of death burning outward suddenly fluctuated several times, and even the corners of the white clothes on the former's body appeared charred due to the fierce fireworks.

At the same time, with the light of another dark green death sword light, the incomparably mighty tide of death began to spread out in all directions centered on Bai Zhining's body. After a short while, it was convenient to form a huge giant on the ground. The lake of death.

When this lake of death passes through, whether it is underground or the grass blades that have already broken out of the ground, they all start to retreat as if they have encountered something extremely terrifying, and even on its light blue surface, patches of black spots began to appear. .

There is no doubt that Bai Zhining is releasing his own world, and the horror of this world far exceeds the expectations of the woeful old woman.

But at this time, the very dignified old woman had no time to think too much, raised her mouth to the sky, and began to frantically absorb the wandering power of the surrounding sky, and at the same time, the grass blades that had been released before began to retract backward.

However, after an instant, the sword light came, and death came!

Another dark-green sword light completely tore through the void and appeared in front of the old woman. With the concentration of death power in the lake of Bai Zhining's body, a large number of grass and leaves that were too late to retract were completely taken away from life. , Turned into ashes after burning paper.

As the ashes flew, the ground in front of the old woman suddenly exploded, and then a piece of grass with countless runes broke out of the ground, instantly turning into a huge barrier, blocking the old woman.


After an instant, the sword light slashed across the grass blades, making a very harsh sound, and at the same time a violent shock wave swept out, and instantly swept away the ashes flying across the entire underground battlefield, but this madness The shock still made the void and the earth hum.

And it is worth mentioning that in the face of Bai Zhining's strength beyond expectations, the old woman has already begun to show her own herbaceous body.

In the next moment, the sky-grass that blocked the dark green sword light retracted under the ground again, but behind it, the figure of the old woman in the sky disappeared without knowing when.

At the same time, Bai Zhining, who was holding the hilt of the long sword, frowned slightly, put the sword away, the blade was pointed downwards, and his body was slightly bent in a posture of storing the sword. At the same time, his dark eyes did not look at the undulating void in front of him. But above the head.

Bai Zhining's eyes were as cold as seeing through death, but in fact, after Bai Mingxiu pulled out the Great Sage Yiyinqin from the depths of her soul, she had already died once.

She walked through the door of death, knowing death, and even predicting death, because in a sense, it is death!

After a while, Bai Zhining looked at the void in front of the sky, and the figure of the old woman fell from the sky. At this time, the former, except for the little girl who seemed to have completely lost her life, was still hugged with her left hand, and on her right hand, there was a dark blue line. The whip, dancing vigorously.

The long whip in the hands of the old woman is already a manifestation of its heavenly aura. At the same time, above this whip, the runes of the grass are outlined and entangled. These runes have already brightened and released an unimaginable magnificence. Directly at the bottom of Bai Zhining and Rouge, waved down.

What the old woman wielded this time was the entire world around her!

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm was originally born to avoid the gaze of the chaotic dead mother, but from the beginning, the dead mother only fell in love with the sleepless. You are not the sleepless. Therefore, the deity does not believe that you can have unlimited possession of this death. force!"

With the roar of the old woman, in the next moment, the whip of the sky was like a long river, like a rolling torrent, scouring down, with the potential to completely shatter Bai Zhining below.

At the same time, Bai Zhining, who was leaning over with his sword, narrowed his eyes, drew his sword directly, and directly cut out against the torrent of the sky rushing from above.

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Crypt Swarm!"

After an instant, the dark green sword light reappeared, but the difference this time was that within the sword light that was cut out, there were countless dense swarms of Mingyuan insects flying around.

What’s even more terrifying is that every insect in this insect swarm has the face of a different creature, wailing, roaring, and thumping out, and this insect swarm has passed through the border, and the entire river bottom void is completely corroded by the force of death, appearing The first breath leaked.

In other words, what Bai Zhining cut out in this way was not a simple swarm of insects, but the countless cursed souls wandering at the gate of death!

This sword leads to death!

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