The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2140: Death context

Among the Great Summer Hui Army, there is a recognized sword saint, but few people know that there is also a girl with a sword beside the female officer beside the empress.

If the sword in Jiansheng's hand is the so-called life sword of heaven and earth, then Bai Zhining held it in his hand at this time, and the sword of death was undoubtedly the sword of death.

The sword light is mighty, countless worms of the cursed souls, flying crazily within the dark green sword light, and rushing forward. These worms have the most extreme desire for all living things, especially the sky that is blasted out by the old woman. Zhili is the most delicious and delicious food.

Therefore, the forbidden supernatural powers cut by Bai Zhining instantly surged outwards, even extending outwards, and the entire void above the horizontal bars suddenly crashed into the torrent of the sky that rushed down from above.

After an instant, the two extreme powers of Heaven and Death rushed to one place without fancy, and suddenly divided the world where everyone was in into two distinct parts.

After a short moment, the old woman who leaped high, just about to continue to swing down, the cold voice from Bai Zhining's frozen space continued to linger:

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Soul-sucking witchcraft."

Before the words fell, another sword light rolled up, and this sword light was no longer the dark green before, but an extremely splendid colorful light.

"This is weird!"

A low whisper came from the mouth of the old woman, but due to the fear of the chaotic dead mother in her heart, she still changed from offensive to defensive, and then behind him, a large blue sky leaf stretched out again, transforming As a huge shield, stand in front of you.

Nourished by the countless treasures of heaven and earth in Xiyuan, the body of the grass leaf is unimaginably firm, comparable to the supreme artifact, and then in the next instant, the face of the old woman suddenly changed.

The soul-sucking sword light from this bombardment did not have any impact on Mitian Ye, but it made Mitian the old woman feel that the source of her life was sucked away in an instant.

It is true that Shouyuan is the most precious thing for the wandering old woman at this time. Just as Yanzhi said, her life style is about to come to an end now, and Bai Zhining's soul-absorbing sword light is just now. It was as if a pot of cold water was poured on the residual candle that was already empty.

How terrified this old woman was. After a weird cry, she flew back, and it was not enough to get out of the shroud of the soul-absorbing sword light. She backed out again, and a loud roar came out:

"Absorb vitality, the Chaos Death Mother's ability to absorb vitality, you shouldn't appear in this place, and you shouldn't appear in the place!"

Perhaps it was too frightened, the old lady repeated her judgment several times, and then her gaze crossed the trembling void ahead, and saw Bai Zhining who continued to hold the sword downward and began to gain momentum, and her eyes continued to expand and shrink again.

Following the sight of the old woman, you can see Bai Zhining standing in front of the rouge. The temperament and aura on her body have changed drastically, especially the girl’s original black hair has turned dark green, and her body The white clothes on her were covered with dark veins that symbolized the power of death.

What a terrifying death vein this is!

It seems that these dark veins lead to the endless darkness of the door of death.

At the same time, Bai Zhining originally had some ruddy cheeks, covered with the meaning of turning blue and purple like frost, but in her dark eyes, the meaning of guardianship was so fortitude.

Death and guardianship were originally two things that were completely difficult to juxtapose with each other, but at this time they were intertwined on the face of this determined girl.

At the next breath, Bai Zhining paused slightly with his right hand holding the sword, ready to draw the sword, because in front of him, the voice from the old woman in the sky sounded frantically again:

"Although I don't know how a forbidden existence like you was born in this place, but my mother-in-law can understand it."

After the words fell, the old woman who retreated to the distance in one breath, the rickety body straightened forward slightly, and the voice continued:

"Obviously, you are not a sleepless person, so naturally you can't use this power of death as you want, because this is a taboo among taboos, even if you can witness it with your own eyes or touch the existence of this power with your own hands. .

"In other words, you, little girl, are like holding a sharp sword without a hilt. While hurting the enemy, you are also stabbing yourself. If the deity didn’t guess wrong, the death vein spreading outward from your body , Is the most intuitive backlash of the power of death."

At this point, the smile on the face of the old woman in the sky became thicker, and the voices continued to ring out:

"That is to say, once this death vein covers your whole body, then according to the rules set by the Chaos Death Mother, you will become her favorite sleepless person, and the existence of the sleepless person must not be the deity. More introductions, right?"

After speaking, the old lady of the sky continued to look at Bai Zhining with her lips tightly in front of him, and while shaking off the whip in her hand, she raised her voice quite a bit, and then came out again:

"So little girl, even if you control the power of death that is frightening to everyone, you can't stand in a stalemate with my mother-in-law, and unfortunately, you still have a fatal weakness.

"That is, you have to protect the bitter tea behind you, so you can't leave the position at this time to fight the deity head-on, so the deity has the absolute first-hand advantage. My mother-in-law only needs to force you to become a sleepless person. At that time, you will return to the control of the Mother of Chaos."

After the words were finished, the old woman began to put away the stern look on her face, then lowered her head and looked at the girl with blue starring eyes that she had been holding from beginning to end, and she changed violently again.

There was a hesitation in the eyes of the old woman, as if she was making a decision that was not easy, and then her left hand finally moved, raising the baby girl a little bit, and murmured:

"You Jinyu, following my mother-in-law's soul, was originally one of my mother-in-law's backhands, but now everything has become too fast. As long as you get the bitter tea tree, this magical medicine, you It’s not that important to my mother-in-law."

After the word by word fell, this old widow made an action that made Ruyue let out a scream.

The old woman opened her mouth directly, facing the neck of the girl in front of her, and bit her!

"You, you cannibalize!"

With Ruyue’s scream, the old woman’s mouth pierced deeply into the neck of the little girl in her hand. After the next breath, the latter, who had already looked purple, suddenly began to tremble to an unprecedented degree, and opened her mouth with a cry of pain. Scream of fear:

"Mother-in-law, don't!"

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