The land of Taixuan, Sanhe County, the world has turned upside down.

When Zhao Yu, who was extremely angry with an extremely rare expression on his face, slammed his fist on the land of Sanhe County in front of him, the whole Sanhe County began to undergo earth-shattering changes.

In a broad sense, Sanhe County occupies a large area on the southeast coast of the entire Taixuan Land. The area is huge. At the same time, the three huge rivers inside it, after intersecting each other, are rolling and rushing, forming a huge triangle area, as if A powerful formation outlined above the ground.

This triangular area is Sanhe County in a narrow sense. In other words, it is the controlled world that the old woman said before when roaring.

For countless years, the old woman has used the power of the sky to obscure the characteristics of the heavens. With extremely crazy actions, in the area within the Three Rivers, the souls of countless creatures have been imprisoned, making them an object of entertainment and enslavement.

In this way, when Zhao Yu's punch began to evaporate the power of the entire Sanhe area, a very terrifying scene began to appear in everyone's sight.

I saw countless light blue sky powers, together with countless rivers within the three rivers, after being bombarded by the young emperor's supreme emperor, the heaven and the earth seemed to have completely reversed their position, and the originally gray sky turned directly into a turbulent river. River surface.

Although this scene was not unfamiliar to the big Xia official behind Zhao Yu, everything that happened to countless creatures in the wasteland city caused the brows of taboos to frown tightly.

The next breath, the aura within the body was once again condensed by Tianhui Jun Jiangyue, and his iron and **** eyes stared at Chengwanghe City not far away. The countless people of Sanhe who were wailing in Sanhe, said with a little bit of amazement. out:

"The bodies of these Sanhe County people in the city are fading. It turns out that they are not physical entities, but puppets whose souls have been fastened by people. This so-called Hetiancao uses such a life as a plaything. It is really a ruthless method."

Accompanied by Jiang Yue's cold words, centering on the low mountain where Zhao Yu was located, another wave of mighty silver emperors rushed out, instantly sweeping across Wanghe City.

Emperor Huanghuang was unstoppable, and then the entire Wanghe City began to collapse in an all-round way. At the same time, the countless souls whose bodies had completely dissipated opened their mouths and wailed even more terribly. Then, together with the power of the surrounding sky, they were swept to the top of the sky.

Regardless of the entire Three Rivers turning around, the momentum is immense, but whether it is the evaporation of the heavenly energy or the entire erasure of the Wanghe City, only a very short time has passed.

There is no doubt that rouge is a taboo among the taboos in Zhao Yu's heart, so for the sake of the latter's safety, the infinite violent punch of the young emperor can be described as shocking the world!

After an instant, the last wave of silver emperor wave once again shook the whole earth and swept outwards.

"Boom boom boom!

Under the strongest silver wave, the land of the Three Rivers began to split outwards, and at the same time, the blue roots full of runes were revealed in the depths of the ground. .

Then Xu Qing, the windrunner behind Zhao Yu, lowered her head slightly, staring at the earth-dragon-like rhizomes below the cracked ground, and a solemn voice came out:

"The root system actually extends almost to the entire Sanhe County. It seems that the body of this so-called weeping grass is beyond imagination."

"It's not necessarily true, Xu Sicheng, the rhizomes under this ground are all virtual roots without entities, which should be similar to magical powers, used to draw power from the depths of the earth.

"The most urgent task now is to find the empress, so see if you can start from the root system below and cut it off completely to lock the location of that stubble of heavenly grass?"

After Jiang Yue's proposal fell, Xu Qing thought about it for a moment, shook her head, and said:

"Since it is a virtual root similar to magical powers, then it is meaningless to cut it off. Maybe you can mobilize the Nirvana Army to blast the entire Three Rivers Land from start to finish?"

The taboos behind Xu Qing were okay as soon as the three words of Nirvana came out, but for the younger generation who heard this name for the first time, the whole sea of ​​consciousness was like a violent wind and tsunami, causing infinite waves.

Obviously, this is a new army in Daxia that has never appeared before the world!

And with Zhao Yu's great efforts every time, it can be foreseen that this will undoubtedly be an army capable of destroying the world!


After an instant, these two words with terrifying meaning began to be deeply carved into the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge of these younger generations. With the next breath, they hurriedly calmed down the turbulence and ups and downs in their minds because of an incomparably vast sense of consciousness. Fluctuations rushed out of the emperor shadow in the forefront.

For the Daxia cultivator present at this time, he could hardly find words to describe how mighty this divine sense was. Then this divine sense swept across the entire Three Rivers in all directions, but in the next instant, it stopped directly. .

Although to the living beings, divine consciousness is an intangible thing between heaven and earth, the young emperor’s vast and extremely vast divine consciousness stopped, and the taboos suddenly raised their heads, because this gave a very different feedback. message.

It means that the young Master of Great Xia has already discovered something.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Zhao Yu, standing proudly between the heavens and the earth, directly stretched out his hands and tore the void in front of the void. At the same time, the void of Sanhe County in front of everyone was torn outwards like a thin cloth. Open, you can even hear the crisp tearing sound clearly.

"I felt a trace of breath, which belongs to the breath exuded by the Death Prophet of the Night Dire Division."

Accompanied by the emperor's voice from the young emperor's mouth, the void around everyone began to waver, and they changed their shape, and it only took a short moment to disappear into the wasteland where they were originally.

At the same time, in the place where countless currents of Sanhe County meet and roll over the three rivers, the young emperor’s flying figure in the dark golden robe appears again, bowing his head condescendingly, watching the three long rivers below roaring like an evil dragon, black. Within his eyes, the emperor's anger became more and more intense.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu raised his right hand and made a gentle move towards the rear. The voice came out:

"Jiansheng, cut off the river below for me, and then follow the bottom of the three rivers, all covered with investigating guards, I want to thwart the bones and ashes the grass!"


After the emperor's voice, the Jiansheng holding the sword behind Zhao Yu drew out the blood crystal sword in his hand, and faster and more violent than the sword, the infinite sword aura surrounding Jiansheng's body.

Ancient taboo magical powers. Blade storm!

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