The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2142: Continuation of life

"Mother-in-law, don't eat me, don't eat me!"

At the bottom of a big river in the Land of Three Rivers, within the world where Mi Tiancao is located, the tumbling and shaking of Qi is still continuing, and it is getting more and more intense, but at this time, the old woman in the sky, in the eyes of Ruyue and others, has already matched that choice. There is no difference between the devouring ghosts.

In other words, the old lady who bit on the neck of the girl has long no longer possessed the human nature of beings in her body, and she is an almost crazy monster.

With the bite of the old woman, the girl in her hand trembled more violently, and the shouting voice became smaller and smaller. At the same time, the old woman's old face criss-crossed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Becoming delicate and white, it seems that there is an existence in it, and it shows back in time.

After just a few breaths, the old woman, from an old woman with a squatted body, became a beautiful woman!

"You are my mother-in-law's second life, so it's time to return your life to me."

After the cold and merciless voice came from the mouth of the old woman, she moved her mouth, which still had blood stains, over the little girl’s neck, and then discarded the completely dry and dead girl like a rag. , Slammed on the ground in front of him with a soft bang.

This soft sound directly made the courageous like the moon, and shook subconsciously, but Bai Zhining in front of him, without saying a word, swung his sword out, and blasted out a resentment that divided the world and the earth in front of him. Spirit sword light.


The sword whistle sounded again, and at the same time, within the sword light, those resentful spirits cursed as insects in front of the death gate wailed and screamed and rushed out frantically.

After an instant, before the sword of the insect swarm, the figure of Grandma Mi Tian, ​​who was already a beautiful woman, appeared directly, and at the same time, on the hands of the latter, the unique blue rune of Mi Tiancao appeared, each holding a whip. Ying swayed towards the sword light without reservation.


The deafening roar once again shook the void, the dark green death force and the blue sky-heavy force opposed and intertwined, and countless cracks visible to the naked eye appeared on the ground again.

The next breath, when the shocking auras were opposing, the slender and beautiful body of the old woman in the sky was blown back by the sword light, and kept back, leaving a very dazzling trace on the ground.

Although Bai Zhining was cut into the air again, the exquisite face of the old woman did not show any anger, but became more mad. Then he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, rolling out every word:

"It seems that the deity didn't guess wrong. Look at the death vein on your body. It has increased a lot, and it has already climbed halfway."

After speaking, the old woman opened her hands and waved the whip in her hand again, and looking forward along the former's line of sight, we could clearly see Bai Zhining's original white palace dress, the strips of hideous The dark veins of death are spreading upwards little by little with the latter's mobilization of the power of death.

The old woman is worthy of being a terrifying existence who has lived for countless years. She judged the situation extremely accurately. Then she continued to violently shake the whip in his hand, with a harsh and tyrannical voice, and continued to roll out:

"The Chaos Dead Mother is the most dangerous existence in this world. Even if you don't know what means you use, you can sneak through the door of death, but this is tantamount to personally sending yourself to the Chaos Dead Mother.

"For an alien like you, if you want to come to Chaos Death Mother, you should be very fond of it. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I really want to see what happens once your body is covered with this death vein?"

After falling down with an infinitely cold voice, the void in front of the old woman was suddenly cut out by a death sword light, and the former was cut off again, but at the same time, the ground on the bottom of the river where Bai Zhining and Yanzhi were, a dark blue root The blade of the grass pierced out with its teeth and claws, and rushed down.


After an instant, there was another sword howl, which completely cut off the leaves of the Heavenly Grass, and then the power of death spread out, completely corroding the Heavenly Grass into ashes.


At this time, the wicked grass leaves extending from the ground are not the virtual roots seen in the air by the celestial army and other taboos, but the real wicked grass entity.

Therefore, after the death force of Bai Zhi you is imposed on it, it will act like a bone gangrene directly on the body of the old woman.

After an instant, above the old woman’s white and delicate face, the black energy that represented the power of death gushed out, instantly eliminating the heavenly power in her body, causing a wrinkle on the face of the old woman. Appear.

"It's really a weird and powerful force of death. No wonder the place where the Chaos Death Mother descends, apart from destruction, there is only destruction."

The murmured admiration came from the mouth of the old woman. While speaking, he raised his delicate jade-like right hand and brushed his cheek where the first wrinkle appeared again.

Strangely, as the wrinkles of the wrinkled wrinkles faded at a speed visible to the naked eye as the old woman brushed her right hand, the wrinkle wrinkles faded at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Then, with the extremely beautiful face, the wrinkle lifted her head again, his eyes locked on Bai Zhining in front of him, with a little mocking voice coming out. :

"Little girl, look at the death vein on your body. You are about to climb up to your entire face, and eating the entire Jinyu deity will completely consume you."

After speaking, the body of the old woman once again disappeared in place, turning into a violent arrow, shooting straight forward, and at the same time raising her voice several times, rolling out:

"So let's see who can't hold it, or you have another choice, which is to pull your sword forward and see if you are flying away from your mother-in-law, or if your mother-in-law eats that little bitter tea. faster?"

After this roar from the old lady of the sky came out, the words suddenly became extremely illusory, as if sounded in all directions at the same time, making it unrealistic to hear.

At the same time, Bai Zhining, who clenched the sword of death in his hand, stared at a place in the void with his cold eyes, and then without hesitation, he cut it out with a single sword.

After an instant, the sword cut out was no longer a single death sword light, but three death siphons glowing with colorful lights, and directly forced out the figure of the old woman who rushed into the void.

In the next moment, Bai Zhining's lips pressed tightly, and the sense of protection in her eyes became more and more intense. In the end, she seemed to have made a certain decision. He turned his head slightly and looked at the calm rouge behind his face. A smile appeared immediately, and he spoke softly:

"Mother, don't be afraid, with Zhining, no one will hurt you."

After finishing the words, Bai Zhining seemed to have thought of something, and directly squeezed the sword of death in his hand, and the muttering voice continued:

"In order to continue her life, this Heavenly Grass is doing everything possible to swallow Niang Niang. Then, in turn, can it be understood that once the Niang Niang takes this Heavenly Grass, she can also continue her life?"

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