The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2143: Death's door

Under the sky and the earth, unpredictable, and under the intertwining of countless causes and effects, there will be many unthinkable things.

This is also one of the magnificent places in this world, because it is full of variables, full of accidents, and even countless lives, which are also part of this firework-like feast.

But as the saying goes, there is no permanent banquet in the world, so life will wither and everything will change. Even the whole world will fall into complete disintegration at a certain moment and be reborn in the ashes.

This is what many people understand, but they don't want to admit it in their hearts. Therefore, the longer the living and the longer the cultivation, the less willing to face death, and do everything possible to escape the gaze of the chaotic dead mother.

This includes the Supreme Supreme Tai Xi mentioned in the mouth of the grass.

Tai Xi Zhizun opened up two Xi gardens and planted two magical medicines at an unimaginable price, in an attempt to survive the whole world catastrophe by relying on Mitian and Huitian.

However, behind every move against the sky, there is a low probability that cannot be lowered to fight for life, so the supreme died. Although he does not know how he died, he left two Xiyuan and three. Special creatures come to face the problems they once feared the most.

Escape from death!

Fate is sometimes so magical, fate is fate, and when these two creatures who have walked out of different Xiyuan meet, there is no beauty of reunion, and some are just cruel to death.

The old lady and rouge are both living creatures in Xiyuan, but their attitudes at this time are completely different.

At this time, the old woman in the sky, even if Bai Zhining used two soul-sucking witchcraft sword lights to cut into the void again, but the expression on her face was still mad and greedy, and her cold and stern voice continued to roll out:

"Xiao Kucha, since God arranged you in front of my mother-in-law, then you must belong to my mother-in-law, and my mother-in-law must inherit the supreme position of Taixi, and become the real ultimate heaven and earth!"

On the other hand, Rouge is calm and calm, even in the face of life and death crisis, she still has the tolerance of the Empress Great Xia.

She still remembered that whether it was when Zhao Yu was enthroned or when the capital city was attacked later, an old lady who had guarded Daxia's life held her hand and told her.

As a woman of the Great Xia Emperor, she had to look calm and not be surprised when the sky fell, and then unconditionally trust her man.

She is the empress of Daxia, the empress protected by countless people of Daxia!

And when Bai Zhining's voice reached her ears, the pupils of Rouge's eyes surrounded by dark green starrings expanded and contracted imperceptibly.

It is true that Bai Zhining is not unreasonable in saying that everything is connected causally, and for these two special creatures planted by Taixi at this time, the best way to continue their lives may be to devour each other's origin.

Although Bai Zhining's words were not heavy, they still sounded very clearly in this river bottom world. Then the beautiful face of the old woman was taken aback, followed by a boundless rage, and he opened his mouth and let out a roar:

"Swallowing the deity? The person who is about to die at this time is also trying to swallow this mother-in-law. Who gives you the courage and courage."

This unrelenting roar did not fall, the ground of this river bottom world began to roll violently again, and then the denser grass blades roared out, turning into horrible whip shadows. Constantly whizzing down.


After an instant, between the whistling whip shadows, the sword light from Bai Zhining rose again, directly covering the entire body where Rouge was, and completely severing all the power that came in.

This is not over yet, this time, the sword of death that Bai Zhining slashed out was extremely violent, and even turned into two death dragons, roaring and spinning forward, and instantly appeared beside the old woman.


The voice that came out of Yu Bai Zhining's mouth was still cold, it was the coldness of death.

After an instant, the sound came out, the sword light fell, and at the same time the two death dragons within the sword light opened their sharp mouths, one left and the right directly bit the body of the old woman.


At the next breath, Ssangyong inhaled at the same time, sucking away a large part of the vitality in the body of the old woman without fancy. At the same time, the latter opened his mouth and let out an extremely painful scream:

"Damn, damn!"

However, after screaming, the old woman, ignoring the extremely fast wrinkled face, stretched out her hands, grasped the death dragon biting on her neck, and then slammed it out a little bit, and the tyrannical voice continued:

"Look at the death vein on your body. It has already climbed to the neck. As long as you climb up a little bit more and climb to the sea of ​​consciousness, you are a real sleepless person.

"So in this situation, how many more swords can you make?"

After this crazy voice came out of the mouth of the old woman, a color of firmness once again appeared on Bai Zhining's face, and then the white-clothed girl with the veins of death constantly rising on her cheeks grasped the long sword in her hand.

At the next breath, Bai Zhining turned the sword's edge down, and this time, she was not gaining momentum, but under the extremely puzzled gaze of the old woman against the sky, she thrust the sword of death straight into the land in front of her. superior.

After an instant, a torrent of green death power that can be seen by the naked eye began to sweep out with the long sword as the center. It took only a short breath to turn the entire surrounding area into death. world.

At the same time, the burning death flame above Bai Zhining's body also began to change drastically, and within the flames began to appear one after another being tortured souls.

These souls have no expressions, they have long since become numb in the infinite cycle of death, but because of this, the power of death contained in the souls can be described as shocking.

After this incomparable death force blasted out, the smile on the face of the old woman in the sky dissipated a little bit, and then just about to speak, her complexion changed drastically, and she opened her mouth and made a weird cry:

"You are crazy, you actually want to call the gate of death, are you really not afraid that you will become sleepless, struggling in the cycle of immortality, life after life?"

When the voice fell, Bai Zhining, who stood firmly in front of Rouge, folded his hands inward, and after clasping it, he made a mark in front of him. At the same time, in front of Bai Zhining, a huge portal slowly emerged. Above the portal, the death symbol The text was intertwined, and finally formed a huge and incomparably dark eye.

At the same time, with the appearance of this death gate, the death vein on Bai Zhining's body rose wildly upwards, and instantly climbed up on his cheeks, and the next breath, the extremely cold voices came out:

"I was a person who died once. If I can let my mother survive this disaster, then why don't I fall into the river of sleeplessness?"

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