Bai Zhining, like Ruyue, had no relatives for a long time, so the rouge standing behind him was his relatives.

In a sense, Bai Zhining's current life, including all cultivation bases, came from Zhao Yu. Therefore, at this critical juncture, he did not hesitate to choose to open up a path of vitality for the rouge behind him. , Even if it is his own life.

In the world of the river bottom, the dark green long sword is inserted in front of you, the ghostly vast door of death exudes an aura that makes living beings infinitely fearful, and what makes the old woman feel that the cold hair is standing on top of Bai Zhining's body and the death. In the flames began to condense the soul of the injustice.

These unjust souls are completely different from the insect swarm that was cut out by Bai Zhining before. In other words, the previous confinement within the insect swarm was the spirit that only wandered in front of the gate of death, but now it is in the body of Bai Zhining. Condensed from the above, but the true soul in the door.

After an instant, under the increasingly frightened gaze of the old woman, Bai Zhining, who lifted Jieyin up in both directions, gently pushed the door, as if he was pushing the door of death in front of him completely.

"Little girl, you are crazy, you are completely crazy, stop, stop quickly, once you open the door of death, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Accompanied by another weird cry from the old woman in the sky, Bai Zhining's hands kept moving, and an increasingly cold voice continued to be heard:

"With countless deaths, countless evil spirits were born in the gate of death, and now these evil spirits will linger in the world, ancient forbidden supernatural powers. Drive evil spirits!"

This voice containing infinite chill fell, and the intertwined death veins spread directly along Bai Zhining's pretty face, over his mouth, nose, and eyes, and approached step by step.

But Bai Zhining's action of pushing the door forward did not stop, because her guardianship was unparalleled!

After a few more breaths of time, it completely crossed the death vein of Bai Zhining's eyes, just like a sharp sword raised high, directly facing the sea of ​​knowledge of the former. At the same time, the taboo of the Great Summer Nightmare Division firmly pushed forward. The opened right hand is still stable and strong.

Perhaps in the next instant, Bai Zhining could completely open the door of death in front of him, and then countless resentful spirits lingered on his body, he would whistle and pounce out, turning the world where everyone was in, truly into a paradise of death.

At the same time, in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, an unprecedented fear of life and death bursts out directly, causing the old woman to retreat wildly, but as she just flies outwards, her consciousness is locked tightly. Bai Zhining's every move ahead.

Facing the death gate controlled by the Chaos Death Mother and the infinite resentment, the fear in the heart of the old woman was beyond words to describe, but in the next moment, her footsteps flew outwards.

Because Bai Zhining's hands pushing open the door of death stopped, because the shoulder of the former was held by a white hand stretched out, and at the same time the voice from Rouge sounded directly:

"Zhi Ning, that's enough, stop."

Although Rouge's words are not heavy, they are firm that cannot be rejected. In fact, she rarely speaks in this tone, but there is no doubt that this is a purpose.

Yizhi came out that Bai Zhining, the maid of the Baidi Palace, should obey, so the latter stopped pushing forward and opened the door of death, his lips moved slightly, but in the end he did not speak, but stood again. Straighten up.

"This palace wants to live, it's true, but it absolutely won't allow you to use your lives in exchange for this palace's life. Daxia doesn't allow it, your majesty doesn't allow it, and this palace doesn't allow it!"

After finishing this speech with an irresistible intention, strands of incomparably pure life breath poured out from Rouge's right hand, directly injected into Bai Zhining's body that was corroded by death veins.

The next breath, an extremely incredible scene appeared directly.

I saw that Bai Zhining's death vein, which had almost covered his entire face under the injection of the emerald green life aura, was like ice and snow smiling when he met the flames, and quickly retreated, revealing the latter's beautiful face again. .

"Every life deserves to be respected, whether it is a weed on the side of the road or a small flower, this is the Tao of this palace, let alone the people around this palace.

"Under the heaven and the earth, unpredictable, it is not as simple as black or white. This palace naturally knows that killing is part of the chapter of heaven and earth, and there is no such great ability to make the world peaceful."

Speaking of this, Rouge paused for a moment, and then continued to speak in a very firm voice, word by word:

"But at least, as far as this palace can do, don't ask people to die for me. This palace is the empress of Daxia, now it is the turn of this palace to protect you and so on."

As the voice fell, the breath of life in Rouge's hands became more intense, even like a rising green sun, rising from the bottom of the river, shining everywhere.

At the same time that the extremely rich life light was shining, Rouge raised his left hand and gently held the directly coiled hair, and a simple wooden hairpin was inserted into her hair.

On the hairpin, there is a cloud engraved, it is called a cloud hairpin.

This seemingly ordinary, but extremely unusual hairpin, every owner is shocked by the world, the master took it for a lifetime, and later handed it to the lord of Great Xia Zhao Yu.

Then Zhao Yu personally put it on the rouge's hair on the day of marriage.

Zhao Yu had never talked about the power of this hairpin with Rouge, but under the extremely critical situation now, this little hairpin seemed to have a reaction, and directly called out one after another.

This call sounded deep in Yanzhi's heart, with warmth and stability, so that the Empress of the Great Xia subconsciously raised her hand and held it in her hand.

The hairpin in Rouge's hand had almost no weight, it was as light as a cloud, and immediately after the cloud carved above the hairpin, it began to outline strands of faint runes.

Then the runes flowed forward along the entire hairpin, and at the same time, I felt the strange old woman in the back, the footsteps of retreating outwards, staying in place.

There is obvious unwillingness in the eyes of the sky, and at the same time, the expression on his wrinkled face is constantly changing.

For her, in order to swallow the origin of rouge, the price she paid at this time is not small. If she is allowed to leave like this, it will undoubtedly be a devastating destruction to these countless years of layout.

Obviously, this is a dilemma!

Therefore, at the next breath, the old woman who was in hesitation turned around abruptly, staring at the door of death that had dissipated ahead, and opened her mouth again with a roar:

"Attempting to scare away the deity? A joke, the deity has lived for so many years, how can you be scared away by these two little girls?"

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