The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2154: I will kill whoever wants to intervene

Storm, thunder and lightning, frost, snow and rainbow.

The eight most famous celestial beings since the Xiangong era are also the celestial beings who have had the greatest influence on the entire Taixuan folk.

In other words, the functions controlled by these eight gods can be said to have penetrated into the daily lives of ordinary people, day and night, from morning to night, throughout the year, from spring to autumn.

Among them, the snow falling from the sky above is under the control of the Snow Girl, one of the Eight Immortals.

Outside of Daxia, at the top of the Hengduan Mountains, along with the awakening of the Snow Girl who once dominated the snow, the countless snowflakes that appeared out of nowhere in the void began to surge extremely violently.

In the end, these snowflakes were overwhelmingly descending, and they began to continuously revolve around the shadow sitting in the broken ice coffin, as if they were cheering for the return of their own masters and making a crackling sound.

"We congratulate Her Royal Highness Xue Nu to return!"

In the next breath, among the flying snowflakes, the five ancient immortals all knelt on one knee, and their extremely respectful voices rang out directly.

The reason why these people call the Xuemin woman in front of her is His Royal Highness because she is the daughter of the Antarctic Changsheng Maharaja who once loved the most, and is also one of the highest-ranking little people among the entire family of immortal gods in the south of Changsheng.

However, what surprised these revival immortals was that since the snow girl in front of her began to show her majestic aura, she stopped speaking and fell into a deep silence.

In fact, compared to the classes within the secular world, in the ancient fairy court, the ranks of the immortals are undoubtedly more disparity, so even if they are surprised, these immortals all bow their heads and dare not look up.

Then, among the five immortals, the headed Shuangwu Immortal, after a little hesitation, raised his head slightly, and looked forward carefully, then his eyes changed.

Because of the shadow guarded by countless snowflakes in front of him, within his eyes, the color of struggle appeared again, and it was this struggling that caused the Frost Martial Immortal's complexion to change for a while, and the last time he gritted his teeth, he directly opened his mouth and made a loud voice. call:

"The original will in this mortal body, such a strong resistance, all the immortals, all together, release the immortal power of eternal life, and come to wish the Hall of Xuenuv the next strength."

When the voice fell, the other four ancient immortals did not hesitate, directly raised their hands to mobilize the boiling immortal power in their bodies, and wanted to pour out toward the position of the snow girl in front.

But in the next moment, the movements of these people stopped, because a burly figure as a stalwart as a hill, directly moved a step to the side, just to completely block the figure of the snow girl behind.

"Mortal, get out!"

Liang Po's move caused the female fairy with the most violent temperament to open her mouth and let out a beating, and immediately after her right hand stretched forward, she once again grasped a raging ice thorn, and the whole figure instantly disappeared in place.

If you slow down time ten million times, you can see that in the void, the figure of the female fairy leaps forward like a wild beast.

That's right, save.

At the same time, on the female fairy's body, after the frost-white longevity ice immortal force poured out, it directly formed the shadow of a snow leopard.

After blinking, the immortal snow leopard appeared in front of Liangpo at a speed of almost teleportation. The leopard's claws shot out and grabbed directly against Liangpo's head. The ice thorn condensed from its magical powers. This is the extension of the claws of this leopard fairy!

What is even more striking is that this sharp edge is infinite and mercilessly cutting the void claw. When it is swung, it is silent, and only when it appears in front of Liang's neck, it suddenly bursts out with a cold light.

"Ice Fairy's cultivation base is really fast to restore his cultivation base and immortal power. This sharp claw is worthy of the name of his once chilling killer."

Along with the claw of the female fairy, a heartfelt admiration came from the mouths of the other immortals, and in the eyes of these people, there was still a high indifference.

Because in the subconsciousness of these immortals, the head blocking the figure in front will fly out immediately afterwards, and then the hot blood that spews out will add to this world full of falling snow. A scene of poignant colors.

"Many arm is a car."

An indifferent voice came from Shuangwu Daxian's mouth, but before the voice fell, he stopped abruptly and directly blurted out:

"How can this be?"

At the same time as this exclamation sounded, there was an extremely sharp knocking sound of gold and iron, and this sound of gold and iron knocking came from under the claws of the female fairy, and also from the broken neck of the unmoving beam. Place.

After an instant, under incredible gazes, the ice thorn wrapped in the sharp edge in the female fairy's hands began to shatter every inch. At the same time, under the ice thorn, the dark robe on Liang's body was not even the slightest. damaged.

The ice thorns shattered and the sharp claws broke. Only the ice fairy at this time knew the pain most clearly, and it was obvious that he could not accept the scene before him. After a trance, he opened his mouth and let out a strange cry:

"What monster!"

The strange cry fell, the female fairy with extremely cold expression, only then thought of lifting the surging Qi in her body, ready to withdraw, and move away first, but in the next moment, the former noticed that in front of her, a big hand like a fan of puffer was stretched out. Then, ignoring the surging longevity immortal power around him, he squeezed the ice fairy's neck.

At this moment, Liang Po’s right hand seemed to contain the entire world of infinite darkness and vast abyss. With a slight pinch, it easily crushed the fairy power on the female fairy, and then made the latter's body begin to become extremely violent. Trembling.

This kind of trembling, there is fear, there is pain, and naturally there is also the unbelievable after the belief in the heart is completely shattered!

"I do not believe."

After a low groan with infinite pain came from the female fairy's mouth, she still did not give up, stretched out her hands, and firmly grasped Liang Po's forearm.

But it was clear that all this was in vain, because this female fairy, even if all the remaining strength in the body was applied to Liang Po's arm, it would not cause any harm.

In this case, it was like the ice leopard girl, who was still sharp before, turned into a sick cat with all her fangs and claws, and she was left with deep weakness.

After a breath, Liang Po stretched out his right hand with a slight force again, and completely pinched the throat of the female fairy in front of him, and then the young voice lingered in the ears of these ancient immortals for the first time:

"I brought people, this is her life, no matter who it is, no one can interfere.

"If anyone wants to intervene, I will kill whoever!"

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