The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2155: Kill without mercy

For a long time, anyone who has had contact with Liang Po knows that the strongest shield behind the Great Northern Territory has a calm personality, and the sky is not shocked.

He is often silent, but he is pure in his mind and extremely reliable.

Liang Po, who speaks a little bit, has hardly ever said a kill word in his life, but at this time, under the snow, the faint kill word in his mouth is enough to pierce the sky and ignite lightning!


Liang Po’s undoubted voice came out, and the countenances of the ancient immortals around him suddenly became extremely iron, especially looking at the female fairy who was pinched by Liang Po directly by his throat, the law of the immortal surged out. , I want to shoot at the same time.

But after an instant, before these ancient immortals could do their hands, the ice leopard immortal who was pinched like a chicken directly opened his mouth and let out an extremely painful grunt:

"help me!"

The female fairy's voice was extremely weak, because she could clearly feel the extreme power coming from Liang Po's big hand.

At the same time, this force shrank inward, almost squeezing the female fairy's throat and the entire soul into pieces.


The more and more painful sobs from the ice leopard fairy made the movements of the surrounding fairies directly stagnate, and even a thick melancholy color appeared on their faces.

The next breath, Immortal Shuangwu, whose breath was rising and shrinking back and forth, gritted his teeth, just about to open his mouth and continued to make a beating, but at the next moment, the voice was stuck in his throat forcibly and could not come out.

Because Liang Po in front of a few people, under unbelievable gazes, raised the female fairy who was holding the throat in his hands, directly without fancy on the ground in front of him, and fell violently.


After an instant, this forceful heavy smash directly caused the entire mountains below to tremble fiercely, and the trembling was far more than the mountains below, as well as the several ancient immortals who were originally high above them.

Although these immortals who have been dominating the situation countless years ago are arrogant and defiant, it is due to the deep-rooted prejudice between the immortals and the ordinary, and it does not mean that they are arrogant and ignorant fools.

Therefore, at this moment Liang Po radiated energy outwards, as well as its violent power that would easily smash the entire mountain, so that these immortals felt an unprecedented strength.

Then the figures of the other immortals all appeared behind Immortal Shuangwu, their eyes stretched forward, looking at the female immortal who had been smashed on the ground by Liang Po, her body was already motionless, and her eyes were dignified. The look reached its extreme in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Immortal Shuangwu leaned forward slightly, posing as if he was facing an enemy, and the voice came out:

"With such strength, you must not be an unnamed person, please register!"

Immortal Shuangwu's words fell, without receiving any response from Liang Po, and then the former's complexion became more ugly, and his eyes were undulating, which seemed to be difficult to get off.

It is true that these immortals are already full of bitterness at this time. They originally vowed to attack the Bafengguan Jieren, but they did not expect to encounter a completely invisible existence among the Hengduan Mountains.

"His Royal Highness Xue Nu is the princess of our longevity fairy goddess. It is extremely important. Therefore, if your Excellency refuses to let go, you can only do it once."

In the next breath, among the words from the Shuangwuxian population, it was the first time to bring equality and even dignity, which made the girl Pearl behind Liang Po curl her lips, and a clear voice came out:

"It's too late to talk and discuss now, because Daxia is not really what you expected. We didn't even know that we were touched at the door of our house. This girl thinks that now you should consider your own safety. !"

As soon as the voice of Pearl fell, Immortal Frost Wu, who was too late to respond, suddenly raised his head, then opened his mouth and let out a wild roar:

"Everyone stay away!"

But before this roar sounded, the enchantment where the mountain was located had already cracked after an ear-splitting loud noise, just like a glass that had been directly pierced, crackled and exploded.

However, at this time, the few ancient immortals of the longevity line under the barrier had no time to take care of the broken barrier above, because the four spears that were blasted at almost the same time, from top to bottom, tore the void, in an instant. Appeared in front of these ancient immortals.

On each spear, there are slices of ancient black dragon scales overlapping up and down and spreading outwards. At the same time, on the dragon scales, ancient dragon runes outline it, engulfing the ultimate power of destroying the sky and the earth. , Enough to move everything in the world directly.

Among the five ancient immortals who appeared on the top of the front of the Hengduan Mountains, except for the female fairy who was directly stunned to death by Liang Po, among the remaining four, Immortal Shuangwu had the highest cultivation level, so only the latter was the only one who was capable. He reacted before the black dragon spear stabbed, abruptly withdrew a step back, and avoided the spear against his face.

However, Immortal Shuangwu did not have any joy, because at the same time, three painful grunts sounded beside Immortal Shuangwu:


Along with the muffled sound, the immortal power burst out violently, but what made the Shuangwu Immortal despair was that the original extraordinary surging immortal power looked so pale at this time.

Then Immortal Shuangwu turned his head and happened to see a dark dragon spear that appeared out of thin air, completely ignoring the celestial arts exploded by the ancient celestial beings, tearing the power of the bodyguard, and plunged directly into an ancient celestial's. chest.

After an instant, the pitch black dragon spear came out, and the violent and unparalleled huge power nailed the ancient immortals to the ground forcibly.

What a shocking picture this is!

Except for Immortal Shuangwu, the rest of the ancient immortals were pierced through their bodies at the same time in the same face-to-face, like fish on a chopping board, falling down without resistance, not even making a scream.

"Damn it!"

Immortal Shuangwu, who was terrified in his heart, opened his mouth and let out a roar at the next breath, and the whole person jumped back a few steps again, and now he has only one thought in his mind, which is standing on the ground above the mountains. The farther the spear, the better!

However, some destinies are already destined, and] When these ancient immortals choose to take the first step towards the Great Xia Bafeng Pass, it means that there will be the current situation.

After an instant, a deafening dragon roar, together with a huge shadow, flew under the mountains of the Hengduan Mountains, and then the hurricane formed by the black dragon guarding the ancient black dragon shaking its wings completely shattered the surrounding Qixianyu.


Long Xiao shook the sky, and at the same time, a vague black shadow fell on the back of the ancient black dragon, like a dark meteor, traversing the void, both speed and power surpassed the dragon spear that had been blasted from the sky before.

"Your Majesty has an order, but if you want to be unfavorable to Daxia, the ancient immortals will kill you without mercy!"

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