
To the south of Daxia's border, on the top of the Hengduan Mountains, this low shout from Daxia Black Dragon Guard was like the sound of Yan Luo's sentence of life and death, with infinite murderous intent and evil intentions.

For taboos who can easily tear open the void, the speed of their actions far exceeds the speed of sound propagation. Therefore, this low voice has not fallen, the dark shadow that was smashed from the sky violently, Already appeared right in front of Immortal Shuangwu.

At the same time, the pitch-black dragon guard on Shunzi's body began to burst out with an abyss-like glow, and then Shunzi's right fist was clenched, and he directly hit the Frostwu fairy in front of him with no fancy punch. Smashed down.

The power of the ancient black dragon is so vast, not to mention the power of the forbidden magic of this ancient dragon scale, the power possessed in the bare body is enough to smash the mountains and open the mountains and crack the sea.

"Xianshu. Frost Shield!"

After an instant, Immortal Frost Martial, who had raised his aura to the limit, directly blasted out the celestial shield that surrounded him, and immediately in front of him, a heavy shield made of countless frost condensed appeared. Under the heavy fist of Black Dragon Wei Shunzi.


At the next breath, a loud noise that shook the sky came out loudly, and under the heavy fist of Heilongwei Shunzi, this Xianshu heavy shield only resisted for a short while, and it was completely shattered into countless fragments.

After that, Shunzi continued to drive straight in, raising his palm with the other hand, and slapped him against the head of Immortal Shuangwu below.

Black Dragon Wei Shunzi’s palm is completely broken, and if Shunzi’s palm is slapped, even if this Frost Martial Immortal possesses the cultivation base and realm of his heyday, his head will also be slapped into his chest without fancy. Among.

A moment later, along with Shunzi's palm, countless ice crystals exploded in the place where Immortal Shuangwu was originally, and then countless mirrors made of frost appeared.

In each mirror, a figure of a Shuangwu fairy appeared.

At the same time, the appearance, expression, and breath of these Frost Wu immortals are exactly the same, making it completely difficult to distinguish between the body and the illusion.

"Xianshu. Eight-face cream mirror!"

After an instant, the same voice came from the ancient immortal population in every Frost Mirror, and then the Frost Martial Immortal who performed two celestial arts in a row once again showed his own formidable background. He suddenly opened his mouth and faced each other. The Black Dragon Guard, who continued to step forward, opened his mouth and directly spit out the mighty torrent of frost.

The two celestial techniques of the Eight Faces Frost Mirror and the Frost Torrent are one of the strongest combination magical powers that the Frost Martial Immortal has ever wielded. Therefore, in the next moment, it is like a heavenly river rushing across the void. It is not a single one. But hundreds of torrents of frost!

In other words, the figure in each frost mirror, whether it is the body or the illusion, releases the frost magic that freezes all things, and gathers together and turns into a vast sea of ​​ice in an attempt to block the world.

For a moment, the icy void, the ancient fairy Shuangwu's cultivation strength is not strong, but no matter how strong the former is, it cannot stop the black flames from continuing to move forward.

The ice sea is in the air, covering the sky and the earth. The entire body including the battle armor, the black dragon Wei Shunzi, who emits a strong black light, once again stepped forward, stepped out hard, and smashed the ice that had condensed in front of him. Step on it.


Along with this cracking sound, Shunzi shook his right hand, and the spear of the black dragon that had been inserted upside down on the ground instantly disappeared, turned into a jet black streamer, and appeared in the hands of the former.

After an instant, Shunzi held his gun, pointed down, and pierced violently against the white ground below and the crashing ice sea.

The black dragon shot the ice sea with one shot!


Representing the power of the ancient black dragon forbidden demon pouring out, the originally mighty sea of ​​immortality that covered the sky and the sun, its forward momentum was suddenly cut off, and it hovered directly in place.

The void where the entire Hengduan Mountain Range was located seemed to stop for a moment.

After a short while, everything continued to flow, and immediately under the horrified gaze of Immortal Shuangwu, the icy sea that rushed forward, like a wave hitting a dam, completely rolled back.

At the same time, in the icy blue eyes of Immortal Shuangwu, a thick color of horror appeared directly, but the movements in the hands of the former were non-stop, raising both hands, forming a complex and mysterious handprint. Print forward, roar:


But the word "Xianshu" just dropped, it stopped abruptly, because in front of it, the dark figure like a demon **** appeared again, and this time, between Shunzi and Shuangwu Immortal, there was no enchantment and Supernatural power barrier!

Shunzi's black eyes were like ink, in the eyes of Immortal Shuangwu, they were the icy eyes that the Abyss Demon God was watching. Then all the pores on the body of the former completely exploded, and he let out an exclamation:

"You actually have the power of forbidden magic in your body!"

Before the roar fell, the spear in Shunzi's hand, like a black lightning, plunged into the chest of Immortal Shuangwu before him.


With a soft sound, the tip of the dragon spear penetrated into the body, piercing through the entire body of the Shuangwu Immortal, and carried the latter into flight. At the same time, all the vitality and the original immortal power in his body dissipated like a tide in an instant. Go, can't aggregate again.


This immortal Frost Martial, who was hit hard for an instant, only had time to speak and let out a muffled groan, and he felt his body, first raised high by the pierced dragon spear, and then hit by the wave of Shunzi's right hand holding the spear. After falling, the whole person was nailed to the mountains and earth below without fancy, just like the other ancient immortals.


The dragon spear and the Shuangwu Immortal plunged into the ground below, and made a soft sound, and after this soft sound, all the dust settled.

Although Immortal Shuangwu extended some time because of his strength, the ending did not change in any way.

On the top of the Hengduan Mountains, four dark dragon spears stand proudly. At the same time, under the dragon spears, an ancient immortal who strikes, his eyes kept open, staring blankly at the top of his head, the flying snowflakes The sky is extremely dim.

The vitality in the eyes of these ancient immortals who have struck is gradually fading, and behind this vitality, there is so much despair.

Until now, the ancient immortals headed by the Shuangwu Immortal still couldn't accept the reality that they were pierced with spears and death was imminent after a few encounters.

Because they dominate an era, what a proud and great fairy!

"Wrong, wrong, we are all wrong!"

Finally, Immortal Shuangwu, lying on the ground weakly, finally opened his mouth and let out a low murmur, and then the color of despair in his eyes became thicker, and his voice continued to sound:

"Daxia has a monk who controls the power of forbidden magic. This is the biggest nemesis of our ancient immortals. They will die, and more and more immortals will die!"

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