To the south of Taixuan Land, Sanhe County, heaven and earth are upside down, and the river is hanging upside down.

Following Zhao Yu's previous punch to the ground with anger, the three mighty rivers that originally ran through the entire county were completely evaporated by the unparalleled power of the emperor to the sky.

At the same time, the most terrifying scene appeared in Sanhe County today.

The three rivers evaporated, and the original river became a huge gorge spanning the entire county. Looking from the top to the bottom, it looked like the most hideous scar in this ancient county.

These three scars interlaced each other to form a triangular area. At the same time, this area is the world that was once a different species of heaven and earth, created for itself with the power of heaven and earth.

This world is not only a paradise, but also a cage for the wandering old woman!

However, it is worth mentioning that in this area of ​​Sanhe County, in addition to the creatures in the place where the three rivers converge, which are the playthings of the souls that have been imprisoned by the grass, there are also a lot of small cities.

At the southernmost tip of Sanhe County, in Linping City, people are panicking. Numerous or local or Sanhe creatures who have fled to this city gathered outside one after another, looking at the terrifying scene of the river in the south hanging upside down in the sky, and a terrified voice came out:

"The Tianhe is upside down, and Sanhe is forced to hang upside down into the void. What happened? Does anyone know what happened?"

This loud inquiry undoubtedly spoke the heart of everyone in the city, and then the creatures looked around for a week, trying to see some messages from the rest of their faces, but they were all extremely dazed as far as they could look.

"Although I don't know what happened, one thing is certain. The core hinterland of Sanhe County must have undergone unprecedented drastic changes."

With this response, the city fell, and the faces of the other creatures in the city showed dissatisfaction and shouted:

"Aren't you nonsense? In my opinion, this Sanhe County can't stay anymore. You have to go, you must go!"

"Go? Where can you go? Pingshan County is to the south. That's our mortal enemy of Sanhe County. If you go south, if they know where you came from, the savages will really break you into pieces, and then divide them into pieces. Eat it."

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of those around him became extremely ugly. As the former said, they occupy the Sanhe County and Hepingshan County in the southern part of the Taixuan Land. It can be said that there are blood feuds for generations.

Sanhe County is dominated by river-born races, while Pingshan County below is all mountain races. The two sides have fought and killed each other for countless years at the junction, and both wanted to put the other side to death.

In this way, for the Sanhe monks in Linping City, the road to the south was completely blocked, and thinking about this,

These monks in the city looked up at the sky, let the heavy rain pour down, opened their mouths and let out a long sigh:

"What evil did Sanhe County do? It's about to be completely broken."

After a long sigh, among the cultivators, a shrewd cultivator, after looking around, gently spoke to the companion on the side:

"Don't listen to those alarmists, don't go anywhere. The entire Sanhe County, Linping City, where we are located, is the safest."

As soon as he said this, the companion beside the person who spoke, revealed a puzzled look, and said:

"What do you say?"

"Shhh, you must never tell the others."

The shrewd monk who spoke at the beginning looked around quietly for a week, then continued to lower his voice and said:

"To tell you the truth, I saw immortals in the city a few days ago, and there are more than one, there are many, many immortals."

Speaking of this, this person may be caught in a memory. A bright light flashed in the monk's eyes, and a rapid voice continued to be heard:

"These immortals are now in the Shuiyun Pavilion in our city. Do you think there are some immortals sitting in town, coupled with our county's unique and almost perfect defensive terrain, isn't it safer than running around?"

When the words came out, the monk who heard the words brightened his eyes and murmured:

"Fairy, it turns out that the resurrection of ancient celestials that is now circulating is actually true."

After speaking, the person raised his head, letting the rain from the sky fall on his face, and the voice continued:

"I just don't know, do I have a chance to also resurrect as this so-called ancient immortal, smashing the wind?"

At the same time as this muttering sound fell, the Linping City of Sanhe County was heading south, and out of the mountains in Pingshan County, an almost identical inquiring sound came from a well-proportioned but not very young young man. From the population:

"Father, do you think there is a soul that belongs to the ancient immortals flowing in our family's body, and it finally revived into an immortal?"

The young man asked with obvious yearning, but his voice just fell. The man in front of him strode forward with his bare feet and strode forward, but he stopped and then turned around. .

I saw this strong man painted the rune's face with red sand, without any yearning, some just cold and stern, and then he stretched his right hand forward and held the neck of the young man in front of him. Bring up.

"Father, father, the child knows wrong!"

The immense strength made the young man's complexion flush, and he kept begging for mercy. Then the middle-aged man released his clenched palm and threw his son in front of him. Some hoarse voice came out:

"My son, I hope you have one thing to remember. Today's era is no longer the Xianting era, and the way these immortals resurrect is the most thorough way to seize homes. Therefore, whether it is for the individual creatures or the entire Taixuanzhi The land is all predators!"

The middle-aged man said these three words categorically, and the voice fell, he raised his hands, grabbed his shirt, and slashed it out a little bit.

At the next breath, the young man of the Pingshan tribe sitting on the ground in front of him, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he opened his mouth and let out an exclamation:

"Father, your body?"

The exclamation fell, the strong and burly middle-aged man lowered his head and watched his abdomen where several large holes were completely poked. The voice continued:

"Needless to say, you also know where my injuries come from."

After speaking, the middle-aged man buttoned his shirt again, and his voice came out again:

"Some time ago, the first resurrected immortal appeared in the Wuping Mountain Tribe. I found him early and killed him. But the immortal is an immortal after all. Even if it hasn't fully recovered, it has caused unimaginable damage to me.

"If it weren't for my father to rely on the secret medicine handed down by the tribe, I would have died now. Therefore, my son, let me know the reality. These ancient immortals are not the saviors who saved you and me, but the conquerors."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged patriarch of the tribe, his face suddenly became extremely hideous, and roared word by word:

"You know, they are conquerors who despise life!"

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