The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2159: So you are here

Pingshan County, the land of Taixuan, can be described as Sanhe County bordering on the top. It has a completely different landform. This county is mountainous and forested and has a very typical rainforest climate.

At the same time, on this virgin forest-like land, besides countless strange and cruel beasts, there is also a race that has multiplied for generations, that is, the Pingshan tribe.

This tribe is distributed among the rainforests in the form of tribes. The people of the tribe are strong and powerful, and they are also experts in hunting among the jungles.

However, the Pingshan tribe and the monks along the coast of Sanhe County have belonged to the relationship of mortal enemies from the beginning. For countless years, they have fought each other, and their hands have been stained with each other's blood.

"Father, could the injuries on your body be caused by those tribesmen in Sanhe County?"

After the initial panic in a mountainous area in Pingshan County, the young Pingshan tribe, who had recovered a little, put his hands on the ground, propped his body on the ground, and the sound of questioning sounded.

Then the sturdy, middle-aged tribal patriarch with the same extraordinary momentum raised his hand to fasten his robe, and a hoarse response came out:

"You don't have to guess, the patriarch has been stabbed everywhere, if I don't know who did it, then I'll be a fart patriarch."

When the voice fell, the middle-aged patriarch turned around, strode forward, and spoke again:

"The chief of the clan knew in his heart that with the current state, being able to culminate a resurrected ancient immortal is already the result of great luck, and according to the news from the depths of the county, our royal tribes also have different numbers. The few ancient immortals revived and a great war broke out.

"You know, I won't live long, so before the death of the clan leader, I must leave some lingering capital for the entire tribe."

The faint words of the middle-aged patriarch directly caused the young young man behind to fall into a deep panic. Then he looked at the figure in front of him, and subconsciously opened his mouth:


"Mature up, boy, this time I will go down the mountain to conquer Linping City in Sanhe County, and I want you to be a forward for my father."

The next words of the middle-aged patriarch made the young man's heart violently shake again, and then his bare feet were as heavy as pressing the entire mountain, and he could not even take a step.

"The geographic location of Linping City is the most typical defensive city. As long as our tribe can take this city this time, then with the secret technique of the upper clan, a solid defensive line can be established."

When he said this, the middle-aged patriarch’s eyes were filled with madness. Indeed, as he said, in this involuntary troubled world, if you don’t be mad, you will perish!

"This time you come to be the vanguard. If you can survive and capture this Linping City, then the prestige you have accumulated in this battle will be enough to replace your father, and you will be able to control the entire tribe in the future.

"And if you die in this battle, then this is naturally your life, so that's good, the patriarch will not let you go before he is dying."

The words of the middle-aged patriarch, although the tone was flat, but in a few words, the young people behind pushed directly to the abyss of death.

Therefore, at the next breath, the young man's complexion became extremely ugly, and he hurried forward and hurriedly said:

"Father, this Sanhe County is not a soft persimmon, you have to think twice."

Seeing his son look like this, a faint disappointment flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged patriarch, then he shook his head, and while walking down the mountain, he refused:

"At this time, my heart is determined. You don't have to say it anymore. I warn you for my father. You should think about how you can survive the next battle!"

As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man's face suddenly changed slightly, and he directly covered his chest, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, but the strange thing was that there was still a lot of frost in this mouthful of blood. White ice.

After this mouthful of blood was spit out, the middle-aged patriarch's complexion improved a little, and after another cough, he took a deep breath and directly opened his mouth to the sky and let out a long scream:

"The children of the tribe, if you are going to march with the clan leader, whether you are dead or alive, you have to fight for a **** road!"

After this roar, in the extremely dense jungle behind the two, the dense plants directly began to shake violently, and made a clattering sound.

Then the shook sound became more and more violent, and then the first tribal warrior jumped out between the rainforest. After landing, he opened his mouth again and let out a roar:


At the next breath, one after another of the middle-aged warrior of this tribe, following the first tribal warrior, swarmed out, and then, together with the middle-aged tribal chief, began to rush forward in the direction of Linping City under the mountain.

The number of these warriors is like a swarm of ants crazily thumping out of the nest. At the same time, they all carry extremely firm convictions, and the momentum that surrounds them all seems to be transformed into strange beasts in the forest, constantly roaring.

For a full half an hour later, in this jungle, there were Pingshan tribesmen rushing towards the bottom of the mountain, and it is worth mentioning that among the continuous crowds, they were burly in shape at first. Powerful grown-up men, in the end, even the elderly and children dragging their families.

This situation has fully demonstrated the extreme idea of ​​this tribe being completely destroyed if it fails to succeed!

After half an hour, all the people of the Pingshan tribe disappeared in this rainforest, and then the original noisy sound disappeared completely, leaving only the dense falling rain, knocking on the huge leaves, crackling. The sound.


Under the dense voices, the time passed by nearly half an hour.

Then, above the sky, a drop of rain without any abnormality fell from above, passed through the dense rain forest, and then fell towards the ground, and directly below the drop of rain was the piece that was spit out by the middle-aged Pingshan clan patriarch before. Frosty ice cubes.

At the next breath, this drop of rain fell directly on this frosty ice block, and it was instantly frozen into ice crystals before it touched, and then this drop of rain was completely broken and sprinkled around this frosty ice.

A moment later, the ground of this rainforest began to appear a little strange, I saw a very inconspicuous small branch and leaf under the wet soil, a little bit of it broke out of the soil, and it was gently moved to a broken piece. On top of the opened ice crystal, he then carefully swallowed the ice crystal in one bite.

After swallowing the first ice crystal, the branch and leaves retracted directly inward, but this action was only halfway there, and then abruptly stopped, and then suddenly rushed to the side, trying to swallow another one around it. ice crystals.

However, in the next moment, a foot stepped silently in the void, just stepping on this branch, and at the same time, a voice sounded under the rain forest:

"So you ran here, Mother-in-law."

The words fell and stretched upward along the foot that was stepped on, and a pair of eyes could be seen.

It was a pair of eyes with no pupils at all, but with countless golden runes lingering!

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