The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2165: Vertical ballista

At the junction of Sanhe County and Pingshan County, the land of Taixuan, the rain of Qixian continued to fall. At the same time, the extremely gloomy sky and the horrible scene of the sky hanging upside down in the distance made the creatures on the earth almost indistinguishable. Clear sky and earth, day and night.

Then the peak of the mountain outside Linping city sounded a non-heavy finger snap:


This snapping finger came from the wind, and it spread out like the singing of the wind. Then, in the jungle on the mountainside below the windrunner Xu Qing, it was one of the artifacts of the Great Summer War. The blue and white light of the ancient altar burned like a flame. rise.

After this mighty ray of light lit up, a strong blue glow suddenly spread out, forming a blue ocean of light in a blink of an eye. At the same time, within this blue ocean, one after another teleported light appeared out of thin air, turning As a dazzling beam of light, it soars into the sky.

"My lord, is this?"

The majestic and vast ancient breath rushed forward, making the mountain and the complexion slightly change, and at the same time he opened his mouth and let out a question. Then the former raised his head and looked at the teleportation flower that began to bloom on the sky above, with a muttering sound, Continue to ring:

"Such a complicated and weird rune, is this a great formation against the sky?"

As soon as this whisper fell, Shanye's pupils suddenly swelled outwards, and directly let out an exclamation:

"This is a soldier, it turned out to be a soldier, how did they directly appear?"

Although among the primitive tribes of Pingshan County, the patriarch of the mountain has the insight and judgment beyond ordinary people, but he still could not connect the beams of light rising into the sky with the legendary means of transmission in the first time. Together.

In the mountain's subconscious, these Daxia sergeants who suddenly appeared were only deployed in the dense forest on the mountainside platform below. Under the orders of the mysterious Daxia commander beside him, they showed their figure.

After that, Shanye continued to look down, condensed to the mountainside, and there was a shock in his eyes, because every figure that appeared in front of him was something that the former had never seen before.

The bright armor, the ferocious helmet, and the majestic aura of the heavens and earth, in the induction, it is like a roaring giant who has stepped from the barren ancient times, especially the beast heads depicted on the armor. be terrified.

In Daxia, these soldiers wearing beasthead armors all have a name like thunderous ears.

Angry Beast Army!

In a sense, including the Black Dragon Guard, one of the top legions of Daxia, are part of the Rage Beast Army. In today’s Daxia combat system, the Rage Beast Army plays a role in two aspects. A pivotal role.

Tackling and defending!

In the fortified battle, the invincible raging beast army was undoubtedly the sharpest sharp blade of the Great Xia army. In the North Sea battle a few years ago, every time it rushed forward, with incomparable violent power, there was no hindrance. He tore open the line of defense established by the enemy in the Taixuan Land, so that the follow-up Daxia army commander drove straight in.

On the other hand, once a defensive formation needs to be established, then the exposed body, a huge Rage Beast soldier, is a natural defensive city wall. Once the battle is opened, it can firmly protect the back and stand tall.

Such an offensive, defensive and guarded standard army is undoubtedly a manifestation of the strength of Daxia's powerful sergeants, and this time, the angry beast army that appeared on the mountains outside Linping City, Sanhe County, is not attacking, but defensive.

Among the Great Xia army, what kind of army can make the angry beast army choose to give up the ability to attack fortifications, willingly guard the front, and turn it into a defensive city wall?

The answer is not hard to guess.

At the next breath, when these angry beast soldiers formed their formations, their breaths condensed with each other. Behind the sky and the earth, beams of light of various colors burst into the void, rushing directly to the sky and spreading outward. .

Afterwards, within the increasingly dazzling transmission beam, a behemoth began to appear, and gradually solidified, and then a terrifying aura like battlefield smoke swept directly outwards, sweeping the entire world.


The coercion from the front directly turned into a violent roar, exploded in the sea of ​​knowledge in the mountains, and made the latter subconsciously withdraw a step back, looking at the face below, infinite horror surged.

After an instant, following the line of sight of the Pingshan tribe patriarch, he saw one after another hideous giants appearing behind the soldiers of the angry beast army.

In the next breath, these ferocious giants teleported here, lined up outwards, and the whole body was covered with metallic luster cold light, like a silver-gray divine dragon connected end to end.

At the same time, a sergeant wearing a special armor appeared next to the ferocious ballista, his eyes were like torches, his suffocation was wanton, and his eyes were shining with confidence, a confidence that could destroy everything in front of him!

This kind of self-confidence, even if the high **** where the mountain is located at this time, is still some distance from the bottom, but it can still be clearly sensed.

"I have never seen such a violent warrior. Although I don't know what kind of army this is, but the sky is above, what a terrifying aura this is."

The muttering voice came out from Shanye's mouth, and then the voice from Xu Qing, the heart-hearted person, lingered in his ears:

"Daxia Weiyang Army, named after your Majesty's most beloved little princess."

After speaking, Xu Qing also had a sense of war in her eyes, and her voice came out again:

"The reason why the sky and the earth are long before the night is young is because the thunder tears the darkness!"

The short words of Xu Qing, the windrunner, fully demonstrated the strength of Weiyang's army below, and then the mountain and the field, who had no time to think about it, suddenly trembled, because on the mountainside below, there was a mid-term full roar, rolling. And from:

"The angry beast army listens to the order, erects a shield, and defends!"

This roar fell and stood proudly in the forefront. At the same time, an army of angry beasts wearing beast armors held the heavy shield behind, holding the shield forward, and slammed on the ground in front of them, and then defended. Barriers rose to the sky.

After an instant, the command sound full of breath, once again lingered under the heavy rain:

"The Weiyang army listened to the order, erected the thunder ballista, and directed towards Linping City below."

The command sound was heard, and under the gaze of everyone above, the back of each Weiyang Army Ballista, the huge Thunder Ballista, slowly erected.

At this moment, the fierce murderous intent that was several times more intense, swept outwards without reservation, like a terrifying wild ancient behemoth, opened its huge mouth, and began to reveal its incomparably sharp fangs.

At the same time, inside Linping City, in a building called Shuiyun Pavilion, several figures sitting on their legs opened their eyes at the same time, and after a glance at each other, they all blurted out:

"What a strong murderous intent, bad!"

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