"Where is the Immortal Sanhe?"

Within the Shuiyun Pavilion in Linping City, a slightly horrified sound of inquiries came from the mouth of a vague figure sitting cross-legged in the pavilion. After a breath, an ancient immortal sitting cross-legged on the periphery of the attic replied:

"Going back to Daxian, Sanhe Immortal seemed to have obtained some information not long ago and left Linping City directly to the north."

"Damn it, the place where we are has been exposed, dear immortals, release immortal treasure, don't hesitate, there is a powerful enemy coming!"

In the next breath, this stern shout from the head immortal came out, and the immortals in the entire large attic showed a little weird color.

On the contrary, the several ancient immortals with the strongest cultivation base in the pavilion had already sensed the infinite murderous intent that suddenly exploded in the depths of the void. At the same time their complexion changed suddenly, they raised their hands and directly released the ancient and powerful defensive celestial treasure.

After an instant, the densely covered fish shell scales on the entire Linping city wall began to emit light directly, and even directly began to dance, just like this giant fish city, fully recovered, and twisted his huge body.


The sudden shaking of Linping City caused some people in the city who were already worried, and their complexion changed greatly. While stabilizing their figure, they screamed again and again:

"What's the situation? The big city under our feet is shaking extremely violently."

Before this exclamation sounded, Linping City under everyone's feet changed drastically, and then an extremely dense black light gushed out from the walls of Linping City, immediately enveloping the entire city.

In an instant, on the muddy land of the southernmost plain of Sanhe County, a real ancient giant fish appeared in the depression of the cliff where Linping City was located.

The appearance of this giant fish was so abrupt that even the countless creatures in the city were all blank. Then the monks of Sanhe County raised their heads, looking at the dense fish scales that appeared above their heads like a barrier, and opened their mouths. An unbelievable word:

"This, this is a big formation? But I have lived in Linping City since I was a child, but I have never heard of a hidden big formation in this city."

As soon as this statement fell, at the top of the mountains to the south of Linping City, the undulating mountains in his eyes, his fists clenched, and some shocked voices came out:

"Linping City, this Linping City itself is actually a fish?"

"To be more precise, the Linping City itself is an extremely ancient magic weapon."

After the windrunner Xu Qing's response fell, the commander-in-chief of the Radiant Army narrowed his eyes slightly, and a faint voice continued:

"The methods of these ancient immortals are really endless. Even after so many years, they can still leave a magic weapon in the city on this earth."

Xu Qing's faint words made Shanye's heart suddenly stunned. Only then did he understand how ridiculous and pale his previous thoughts and words were.

This Linping City, once regarded as the target of the tribe, is not a prey that can be beaten, but a terrifying beast that can crush the entire tribe in an instant.

Thinking of this, Shanye held his breath, looked down, and looked at the giant steel beast with sharp fangs lined up on the mountainside.

There is no doubt that the next will be a violent duel between the beast and the beast!

In the next instant, Shanye's temple violently jumped, because the roar of instructions sounded by his ear again:

"Weiyang Army, Thunderbolt, prepare!"

The roar fell, and under the gaze of the mountain and the wild gaze, on the obliquely erected ballista behind the ballista, countless runes lit up at the same time, and then the rune became more and more dazzling and outward. Extending rapidly, the whole barrel was completely covered in a blink of an eye.

Who will tear the sky and light lightning?

Who will tremble the sky and extinguish the world?

The answer is ready to come.

"Weiyang Army, the **** of nirvana, let go!"

After an instant, centered on the mountain where the people of the Pingshan County tribe were, the extremely dazzling thunder light lit up in an instant. The intensity of this light directly caused hundreds of thousands of tribe monks to close their eyes subconsciously at the same time, but still let the whole mind. , Are shrouded in a blazing white.

At the same time, within this piece of thunder light, a series of black and white thunders blasted from the thunder guns and crossed a dark track, facing the Linping City below, falling like a meteor.

"The sky is above, what is this, what is it?"

The thunder meteor rose into the sky, and the extremely overbearing majesty and brilliance soon enveloped the entire Linping City. After that, the monks in the city felt the coldness from death for the first time, and they began to hug their heads and roar one after another, roaring one after another. Sounded:

"Run, run away, you must find a place to hide!"

Before the words fell, the thunder meteors containing the infinite power of annihilation, like a teleport, directly blasted on the void of Linping City, above the enchantment full of scales.


After an instant, a bell sounded like a bell that was magnified countless times, resounding between heaven and earth without any fancy, and under this incomparable impact, the entire southern land of Sanhe County directly began to undulate like a river, crazily shock.

The land is still like this, not to mention that outside Linping City, the big river that was already tumbling violently, exploded outwards like boiling water.


At the same time, with a loud noise, the constantly oscillating earth outside Linping City could no longer be maintained, cracking outwards, and huge cracks appeared, spreading outward.

The earth cracked, the river poured in, and the city panicked.

Linping City, which was already swaying under the wind and rain, was overthrown and destroyed by the Weiyang army, and it only took one round of salvo!

But this is far from over. It's even just the beginning. The next breath, the thunder of nirvana, bombarded the scaled enchantment outside Linping City without fancy, and then the silence like a shooting star arrow. Extinguishing the artillery and crossbow, instantly blasted the enchantment below one big hole after another.

Afterwards, above the sky barrier, countless blazing white thunders that were visible to the naked eye gathered inward, directly forming a mighty sea of ​​thunder, which hung high above the heads of all the creatures in Linping City, like the punishment of the world, pouring endless murderous intent.

"Heaven's punishment, this must be a god's punishment, why should this day's punishment appear in our Linping City, does it mean to obliterate all of us?"

Lei Hai hung in the air, and the wailing of countless monks in the city brought an incomparable color of horror. Then Xu Qing, who was watching all this on the mountain peak south of Linping City, did not change her complexion, her red lips lightened, and she spit out lightly. In one word:

"Reverse Yin and Yang!"

As soon as this statement came out, the blazing white thunder sea floating above Linping City began to completely reverse in an instant, from white to black, from yang to yin, with unlimited power.

Between the reversal of yin and yang, there is destruction!

After a short breath, the enchantment above Linping City was completely shattered in an instant, and the huge city was beyond defense.

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