Under the power of the yin and yang reversal of the Weiyang Army Thunder Ballista, even the ancient enchantment will be shattered.

In an extremely short period of time, the city where countless creatures are located has become a huge and conspicuous target.

Linping City is the target, and the thunder meteors of the Weiyang Army are arrows, but at this time the scalp in the city is numb. What the terrified monk does not know is that the bullseye that these arrows fall from the sky are aimed at, is a building in the city called Shuiyun Pavilion. .

In the Shuiyun Pavilion, there are close to twenty ancient immortals of the longevity line, which is also the primary goal of Daxia's action!

There is no doubt that the young Daxia Lord who has been touched by Ni Lin has issued the most severe decree to the ancient immortals of the longevity family.

At the same time, when the infinite violent murderous intent fell down like a bell, and after the entire Shuiyun Pavilion was buckled, even the dull ancient immortals began to understand the crisis of the situation, so their expressions changed wildly. Quickly mobilize the fairy power in the body.

The next breath, in the Shuiyun Pavilion, the ancient immortal sitting in the center of the pavilion suddenly raised his head, his gaze seemed to pass directly through the roof above his head, and he directly saw the sky with countless dark thunder waves.

In the eyes of this ancient immortal, the power of icy blue frost burst out, but behind the immortal power of frost, there was an extremely solemn color. Immediately after the moment of judgment, he opened his mouth and made a fairy sound:

"This pavilion has been locked. Everyone of the immortal family should avoid dispersing, please avoid dispersing first!"

As soon as the word avoiding and dispersing, the five figures sitting in the center of the attic directly turned into streamers and rose into the sky, instantly smashing the top of the attic above and spreading out in all directions.

At the same time, at the moment when the attic of Shuiyun Pavilion was blasted open from the inside, on the mountainside outside Linping City, the gleaming Weiyang Army position, another harsh thunder roar, suddenly exploded.

However, faster and more violent than this roar, it was the thunder ballistas that once again tore through the void and turned into destructive meteors, blasting towards Linping City below.

This is the second round of Weiyang's salvo.

This is also the death sickle cut out by the Chaos Death Mother waving to the front!

After a short blink of an eye, the second round of volley of Thunder Ballistas shuttled most of the space distance, and then turned into a precise arc, blasting into Linping City like a teleport.

"Heaven's punishment, another round of thunderous punishment, this is the day to destroy my Linping City!"

Accompanied by a series of more fearful and uneasy exclamations, the dazzling thunder that appeared above Linping City, straight down, appeared very accurately directly above the Shuiyun Pavilion.

At the next breath, a series of ruinous meteors dragging a long ruining tail flame completely enveloped and blocked all the void around the Shuiyun Pavilion, and then countless thunders began to interweave each other, forming a large net, covering the huge attic. Inside.


Moments later, the thunder burst, and the entire Linping City trembled extremely violently again, and countless buildings in the city crackled and fell, and there were shouts of fear and screaming everywhere.

At the same time, where the Shuiyun Pavilion was located, a vast thunder light turned into a tornado storm and rose into the sky. From a distance, the light and shadow were brilliant and shocking.

There is no doubt that this thunder tornado that runs through the entire world is a purgatory of destruction where immortals are difficult to survive, and in this purgatory, there are just a dozen ancient resurrected immortals who are too late to escape, struggling.

"Caught twelve, and ran out five."

At the next breath, the steady voice from the windrunner Xu Qing on the top of the mountain directly caused the entire body of the mountain to begin to tremble uncontrollably. This was the common tremor of the soul and the flesh.

Shanye then gritted his teeth desperately to prevent his teeth from chucking because of trembling, and then the question from Xu Qing in his ears sounded again:

"Patriarch Shanye, there are five ancient immortals who ran out of the attic in advance, so we still need to continue to arrest. Maybe the means are a bit fierce and will destroy some buildings in Linping City. Isn't it in the way?"

As soon as this question came out, the mountain and the wild, who came back to his senses, waved his hand and responded:

"It's not a hindrance, of course it's not a hindrance, my lord, in addition to fighting bravely, everyone in my clan has the strength to quickly repair the collapsed building in this city."

Shan Ye's words had just fallen, and his temples jumped again and again, because the thunder ballista in Weiyang's army roared and roared again on the mountainside below.

And this time, Wei Yang's army did not fire like before, but fired with precision.

"Target number one, the chieftain Liu Geng Si in Linping City, flew 30 meters above the ground in the volley, locks the breath, boom!"

Inside a Weiyang Army Ballista, the young sergeant responsible for locking the target is opening the map with several red dots in his hand, opening his mouth, and reporting the target position extremely clearly.

At the same time, beside the former, the warrior Weiyang who was in control of the entire car, did not hesitate to directly follow the position reported by his companion and blast the shot that had reached the peak with all his strength.


The Thunder Dragon came out of the abyss, hissing and roaring, and then Sergeant Wei Yang, who had done all this, opened his eyes closed, raised his hand aside, picked up a kettle filled with purified water, and slammed his head up to fill it. A bite.

A mouthful of the purifying underwater belly full of the power of heaven and earth, the young voice of inquiry sounded from the inside of the gun:

"How about this shot, have you hit it?"

The voice of the questioning sounded, and the young sergeant holding the map next to him, his eyes fixed on the flashing light and shadow on the front map, a smile appeared directly at the corner of his mouth, and he responded:

"Unbiased, just right!"

This good word just fell, and at the same time, in a corner of Linping City in the distance, there was a vague figure flying across the sky over the collapsed buildings.

At the foot of this figure is a crowd who flees in a panic, screaming constantly, but the former's indifferent eyes did not fluctuate, but they flew towards the outside of the city with all their strength.

The ancient immortal's sense of danger is far beyond ordinary people. He has already felt an extremely strong crisis, but in the next moment, the complexion of the figure has changed unprecedentedly, because the dangerous spiritual sense in the sea of ​​consciousness exploded in an instant, it seemed to be countless. The sharp sword pierced into that incomparable sting at the same time.

Under this circumstance, the ancient immortal stopped his crazy forward body in an instant, and just wanted to change the direction, but it was too late, because a thunder ballista that tore through the void had already appeared right in front of him.

"Damn it!"

In the moment, the ancient immortal only had time to raise his arms to protect his face, and he was completely swallowed by the mighty and powerful thunder.


After an instant, this thunderous streamer carried the ancient immortals inside it and slammed into the ground of Linping City from top to bottom, and went all the way forward, tearing up all the buildings and creatures along the road, almost like a knife, cutting the entire city A huge hole was cut open.

After a few breaths, the Destroying Thunder dissipated, leaving the ground full of devastation, and among the ruins, lying motionless on his back, the ancient immortal with extremely weak aura.

"Thirteenth, there are four more!"

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