The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2168: Devastating blow

"The tremor is 30 and 43 meters above the ground. The target is flying eastward, and the speed is very fast."

Weiyang's army formation, inside the huge steel behemoth artillery cart, a clear and stable voice sounded directly, and this guidance sound just fell, and the Weiyang army ballista, which was completely enveloped by the thunder's light rune, once again fiercely Zhen, at the same time a blazing white streamer, tearing the front, rushed towards Linping City.

Weiyang Army's thunder streamer resembled a gun, an arrow, and a storm tornado penetrating down, instantly appearing in the previously set position.

But what is breathtaking is that this void in Linping City was still empty for the first second, but the next breath, before the thunderbolt, there was a figure flying by. .

All this seemed so logical, it was as if the ancient immortal who was fleeing outwards, slammed into the destruction of the thunder, to accept the baptism of death.

After an instant, the Weiyang Army Thunder Ballista, which fired accurately, was like a roaring Thunder Dragon, swallowing the frantic face of the ancient celestial being, and at the same time blasted into the ground below.

There was another extremely violent earthquake tremor. The ground of Linping City, which was already fragmented everywhere, instantly turned into dust under the raging thunder power, leaving only a huge black hole.

Inside the entrance of the cave, there was another ancient immortal with a scorched body, unable to lie in the thunder tide, motionless, his breath quickly dissipating.


At the same time, at the top of the mountains outside Linping city, after a faint voice came from Xu Qing's mouth, he was already shocked to the numbness of the head of the Pingshan tribe, Shanye, his body did not tremble again, but took a deep breath, with In a high voice, he said:

"This ancient fairy, there is still the last one left!"

Before he knew it, this Pingshan tribe patriarch Shanye, who stood in the best position and watched the entire siege battle, has completely replaced himself in the perspective of the people of Daxia, and then his heart is surging, and he can’t be alone. .

It is true that looking at those ancient immortals who were originally aloof and invincible, they flee madly under their eyelids at this time, and were blasted down one by one. This shocking feeling, despite the fact that Shanye’s mind is already extremely firm, he still rises. From a deep trance.

After trance, it is envy!

He envied the strength of the Daxia soldiers below, and also envied the incredible kingdom behind those Daxia soldiers below.

"In the chaotic world, life is like a must, if there is such a powerful country to support, how can you run around and fight to the death?"

At the next breath, the muttering sound came from Shanye's mouth, and then he kept his eyes open, allowing the thunder ballistas of the Weiyang army below to shine again in the world, even if the strong light pierced his eyes. Will close his eyes.

Because Yamano understands that perhaps after today, he will never have the chance to experience the destruction of the army like a punishing world and mine, so he hopes to deeply penetrate the scene before him into the depths of his soul, and he will never forget it in his life.


The ear-piercing roar of the thunder tearing the air continued to roar the world, and the last ancient immortal, the Weiyang army, attached great importance to it, so almost all the thunder guns and crossbows began to turn their directions and participate in hunting.

At the same time, the roaring thunder streamer, centered on the mountainside where Shanye and others are located, spanned the entire void from three directions, appeared in the sky above Linping City, and moved the position of the last ancient immortal. Completely sealed.

After an instant, the three streamer thunders instantly blasted in one place above the void.


A huge roar resounded through the world, and then the sea of ​​thunder raged out, roaring frantically, and the void was completely locked.

Under this sea of ​​thunder that destroys the world, even if the last ancient immortal can survive by chance, there are not many choices left to the former. For him, if he wants to escape from the sky, he has only one direction to go. , That is to go to the sky above.

In the next breath, countless ice crystals condensed from the thunder sea that covered the entire void, and completely exploded like a flying snow, turning into a spinning tornado of frost, rolling up.

Although it was extremely difficult, this wave of frost broke through the shackles of the sea of ​​thunder and jumped into the sky above the moment before it was completely destroyed.

Then ice crystals exploded outwards, revealing a fuzzy figure wearing a large black robe. It was the last and strongest ancient immortal.

However, the state of the ancient immortal at this time is extremely weak, and the immortal power that has been accumulated on his body is almost completely dissipated. If you look closely, you will find that the body is even shimmering. Thunder.

"What the **** is this?"

In fact, until this time, the ancient immortal was still confused about this devastating blow, which made him even more frightened, and he even had no time to release his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings, and suddenly opened his mouth to suck, and the Qixian falling around Zhiyu sucked into his abdomen.


Along with the inhalation of the rain of enlightenment, a low roar sounded in the body of the ancient immortal, and then a little celestial power was restored in the body, which calmed the former for a while, and then the immortal raised his hands and began to quickly seal the seal. , Attempt to use Escape Magic.

But after an instant, the three other lightning streams that followed at the end of the void completely shattered the last glimmer of hope in this ancient immortal's heart.

"Damn, damn!"

At the same time with a roar, the ancient immortal had only time to exhaust the last trace of celestial power, put a piece of celestial power on his body, and was hit by the roaring thunder again without any fancy.

As we all know, thunder can guide water and ice. Therefore, based on the original attributes, the ancient immortals of the longevity family are naturally conquered by thunder. What's more, every roaring Weiyang cannon is the pinnacle of Da Xia Master. The masterpiece, which even joined the energy aggregation array in the core of the Yinshan Great Venerable's body.

Therefore, the void of Linping City, the vast and endless sea of ​​thunder, spread out again, and then in the sea of ​​thunder, the body of the last ancient immortal, like a bird with its wings broken, fell powerlessly.

The southernmost heaven and earth of Sanhe County seemed to be completely forbidden at this moment. It was not until an energetic roar rolled out that the mountains and plains standing in the rain shivered subconsciously.

"Weiyang Army, the target has been completely eliminated, retreat!"

Under the roar, the mountain under the heavy rain slowly exhaled the suffocating breath that had been held in his chest. Then he looked at the city of Linping that he had dreamed of under the raging thunder. Have thoughts:

"If it is possible, I really want to follow the nine-day phoenix to see what the ultimate state of the world is like?"

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