
On a certain street in Tangdu, dragons and wolves roared, the void oscillated, and the opposing momentum almost shattered the solid ground of Tangdu.

At the same time, even the heavy rain above the sky was hit by the second prince Yin Wu's violent punch.

After the deafening roar came out, all the residents of Tangdu who heard the loud noise in the whole street changed their expressions wildly, found a slightly firm cover around them, and hid them in it.

The previous **** battle in the soup capital for several years has completely turned these people into scared birds. Therefore, in an instant, except for the simple tea shed at the entrance of the street, the whole number of streets around, directly changed. It was extremely silent and empty.

On the street, Zhenjun Kuimu, who was smashed back with a fist, was extremely beautiful and white, and extremely ugly. His brows were furrowed, and he looked at Yin Wu's vigorous agitation and the golden dragon's entangling Yin Wu, and the stars in his eyes fluctuated .

At this time, Zhenjun Kuimu, in the previous brief confrontation, has opened the Star Immortal Realm, which belongs to one of his twenty-eight astrology immortals, and saw little starlight circling around his slender figure. Within the starlight, there is a crystal. The clear-cut Kui Mu Star Wolf was roaring at the front.

"Second Your Highness, you and I belong to the same family now, so if you deal with each other like this, I am afraid that something is wrong?"

At the next breath, the words of King Kuimu Zhensheng resounded among the stars, but the aura rolled and the evil spirit on his face did not decrease in any way. Pieces of golden dragon scales continued to spread on his skin, responding. Outgoing:

"This prince doesn't think you, the so-called Xiaoxianting, is a family. The Central Kingdom is not in the turn of the so-called Profound Girl and the ancient immortals to dominate, and this prince is very upset and extremely upset."

Speaking of this, Yin Wu opened his hands, the burly golden wandering dragon raised his head toward the front, and opened his mouth again with a deafening roar:

"Since you are unhappy, then drag your so-called ancient immortals down into the sky and trample them severely. Not only you, but the prince will go to the palace and chop off the head of the mysterious woman who confuses the crowd!"

Before the words fell, Yin Wu, who was shining with golden light, once again slammed his foot on the ground, and his whole body soared into the sky, turning into a cannonball and leaping forward.

"Second Your Highness, what you did has really surprised the true prince. We have spared no effort in order to strangle the remnants of the Holy Court, and the actions of the Second Highness and others at this time are undoubtedly sheltering.

"As for the honorable status of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, why are you insulting?"

In the voice of King Kui Mu Xing, he gradually brought on the icy cold again, and then raised his right hand, facing a little bit ahead, another Kui Mu star wolf jumped out among the stars, and roared up to the sky.

After that, the two Kui Muxing wolves opened their mouths at the same time, facing the direction where the second prince leaped violently from above, they spit out two mighty breaths of stars.

These two wolf howling breaths, like two extremely bright spears, instantly approached the second prince Yin Wu, and then violently pierced the latter's chest.

The second prince Yin Wu deserves to be a complete lunatic. Under such circumstances, he did not evade, letting the two spears of wolf howling stars hit his chest, and attempted to use his powerful physique and the power of the golden dragon. , Rigidly connect this type of fairy technique.


After an instant, a particularly piercing sound of gold and iron suddenly tore out of the void. Yin Wu bowed his head and looked down at the star spear that had torn apart the dragon scales on his body and pierced into his body. A thick spear appeared in his eyes. The unexpected color.

"Ancient fairy art, really extraordinary."

After a sound of praise without any pain, the bright spear plunged again, but Yin Wu's forward action did not stop at the slightest, and he appeared in front of Jinjun Kuimu in a flash, raising his hand as a whip. Furiously thrown out.


The whip fist thrown by Yin Wu undoubtedly contained unimaginable power, and then blasted on Jinjun Kuimu's body, swept the latter with the starlight in the sky, and hit it fiercely. A shocking roar erupted from the surrounding buildings.

"Boom boom boom!"

Under the shattering loud noises, all the monks around who were watching all of this took a breath. It was really the second prince's fighting method. It was too frenzied, and it was a deadly style of play.

"His Royal Highness deserves to be a lunatic martial artist. This kind of tactics of hurting the enemy one thousand and self-defeating one thousand two can only be performed by His Royal Highness."

With a sound of astonishment, after being heard from the mouths of the surrounding Longting monks, everyone looked at the eyes in front of them, the color of horror was thicker, and then Yin Wu, under the gaze, raised the big hand like a fan, Grabbing the bright spear stuck in his chest, pull it out.

After the puff, the blood surged, but in Yin Wu’s golden eyes, there was not much pain. It was like a beast that had completely lost its pain. The enemy took a bite.

The next breath, an extremely violent aura, poured out from above Yin Wu's body, then he turned his head slightly and looked at the collapsed building beside him. At the same time, the more vast and dense light of the stars, Yu Broken The cracked ruins exploded.

Then, among the debris in the sky, the figure of True Monarch Kuimu slowly floated into the void, and at this time, there was anger, obvious anger on the face of this true monarch.

"The second prince of Central Shangguo, you think the true king is so polite to you because of your identity? It's ridiculous. The prince of a mere mortal country is no different from an ant in the eyes of our immortals."

After the incomparably indifferent voice came from Kui Muzhenjun's mouth, his floating figure became higher and higher, and immediately after the substantive power of the stars, he guarded the left and right sides, and his momentum instantly overwhelmed the world.

At the next breath, Zhenjun Kuimu looked down and looked down extremely cold, and his words of indifferent voices suddenly passed on again:

"The true monarch gives you a bit of thin face, because you have a trace of the blood of the immortal emperor in the sky, even if it is extremely thin, it is noble enough, but."

The word "but" came out from the mouth of Mr. Kui Muzhen. It was deafening, and then a colder voice came out all over the world:

"But the awe of the blood of the Emperor Tongtian doesn't mean that you can abuse our immortals wantonly, you have to pay the price."

As the voice fell, True Monarch Kuimu stretched his hand forward, and a vast starry sky appeared directly in the void behind him. Within the starry sky, a star shaped like a Sirius was burning with unprecedented light.

In an instant, ninety-nine star spears condensed from the side of King Kuimu Zhenjun, and at the same time, the former's right hand was covered downward, and the cold words resounded through the world again:

"You waited to catch the female sword repairer. As for the second prince, hand it over to the true monarch. It's time for these mortals to see what the real difference between immortals and mortals is!"

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