
The emptiness in the corner of Tangdu, the rumble of the air that was extremely harsh, resounded one after another.

And this neighing sound at this time did not come from the heavy fist thrown by the second prince of Central Shangguo, but from the starlight gun that Kwai Mu Xingjun waved.

The present King Kui Mu was completely ignited with anger, and Lin Kong was suspended under the starlight, and every time he raised his right hand, every time he pointed it downward, there was a streamer around him, which slammed down.

Each of these stars and streamers has an extraordinary sharp edge, and contains extraordinary power of stars and immortals, just as this King Kuimu said before, they represent the heaven between the immortals and the common world.

Therefore, even if Yin Wu’s fighting stance is fierce, he will not let these light spears go through his body. Then Yin Wu, under the starlight, turned into a violent roaming dragon, and began to dodge. Zhenjun Kuimu was suppressed on the ground.

At the same time, the several ancient immortals who came with Kui Mu were not idle either, and while their bodies flickered, they walked directly across the entire long street and appeared outside the tea shed.


The impulsive momentum of several immortals at the same time rushed into this tea shed like a mighty torrent, making this extremely simple shed like a broken ship trembling in a storm, perhaps underneath In an instant, it was completely decomposed.

"Master Li, what shall we say?"

Facing the three menacing ancient immortals, inside the tea shed, a monk in Longting who had quarreled with these little immortals, his breath was shocking, and he asked directly.

It is quite coincidental that the number of Dragon Court monks in the shed today is exactly the same as the number of ancient immortals who rushed on the Long Street. They were all three.

Perhaps it was God's special arrangement that made the number of people on both sides happen to be the same. Therefore, the choice of this surnamed Li to be the head of the Dragon Court monk is quite intriguing.

However, there is not much time left to choose the former. In just a short breath, the monk surnamed Li Longting, who clenched his fists and opened them, continued to expand and shrink, and finally sat back at the tea table and spoke. road:

"The Second Highness can act wantonly, you and I can't, without the order of the court lord, we can't act without authorization, we all sit down."

The word "sitting down" came out, and the words were full of loneliness. Immediately after the other corner of the tea shed, the female sword Xiu Fanxing after raising her hand to drink the last sip of sweet tea in the bowl, left a fairy coin on the table, and A steady voice, directly sounded:

"It's really good tea, hot enough, and a sweet aftertaste. The store has the ability."

Before this sound of admiration fell, the figure of stars sitting in the tea shed disappeared completely. When it reappeared, it had appeared in the street outside the shed, standing upright, raising his right hand, and tightly holding the hilt behind the sword.

For Fan Xing, who had been completely driven to a dead end at this time, the sudden action of the second prince Wufu was already a surprise, and she, who was kind by nature, would naturally not pull the crumbling tea shed behind her and be destroyed.

Therefore, Fanxing used his sword step and moved his body, and then appeared on the long street covered by heavy rain. But the former's figure moved, the three ancient immortals who rushed in violently, at the same time, turned around and swept the billows. The torrent of immortal power that came out moved away from the tea shed.

At the next breath, the frantically trembling shed suddenly stabilized, which made the anxious tea stand shopkeeper, his face showed ecstasy, and his mouth kept chanting:

"Blessed by the heavens, blessed by the heavens, the tea shed hasn't fallen down, it's still alive, it's still alive."

And what the middle-aged shopkeeper, who had experienced ups and downs, was already trembling at this time, did not notice that beside him, his equally worried son was turning his head and staring firmly at the long street. Holding the sword, the shadow is gaining momentum.

I have to say that Fan Xing's sassy look was deeply engraved in this young man's mind.

On the long street, facing the attack of the three immortals, the female sword repairing the stars, who had been heavily surrounded, had no fear on her face.

She is the entire Baolian swordsmanship, an extremely rare sculptural sword repair, as long as she holds the sword in her hand, she will put her life and death out of her mind.

After an instant, Fan Xing's right hand suddenly used force, and he pulled out the broad sword from his back, and then slashed out in front of him.

"Supernatural power. Thunder and Fire Shuanglian!"

With one sword cut out, the red and purple intersecting sword qi roared like a tiger, and all the rain on the entire long street evaporated in an instant.

There is no doubt about the talent of female sword repairing Fanxing. It originally belonged to the lotus platform sword sect, which used the defense as the main sword. However, after the major sword sects of the Baolian Swords The other three types of swordsmanship, thunder, fire, and ice, have been practiced to the point of proficiency.

At this time, the thunder and fire intertwined sword aura that it cut out also brought attribute bonuses, with the extremely overbearing thunder and fire origin, filled with the extremely fierce killing power of the sword aura.

The superposition of the three extreme attributes, the power formed, even these ancient immortals who rushed forward, must be looked at.

"It is extremely rare to be able to achieve this level of magical powers displayed by mere mortals."

After an instant, a misty speech came from one of the immortal populations, and then the three figures spread out at the same time, forming a triangular formation, continuing to move forward.

In the next breath, wisps of starlight began to emerge from the hands of the three of them, and then the starlights were connected to each other to form a star barrier that looked like a pyramid, and at the same time, the voice from high above suddenly came out:

"Supernatural powers are only supernatural powers, in front of our Xianjia Xianshu, it is not worth mentioning, Xianshu, the three star realms!"

Before the words fell, the void in front of the three immortals, the thunder and fire sword energy cut by the stars, directly merged inward into a two-color fire lotus. This fire lotus, half purple and half fire, seemed to contain a volcano inside. So mad.

Then the lotus of thunder and fire began to spin and exploded directly!


In an instant, the endless thunder and fire light swept outwards, forming substantial lava and flow, which filled the entire street.

This is the strongest and the last sword of Fanxing.

After cutting out this sword, the broad sword in Fanxing's hand also began to shatter. At the same time, blood was gushing out of its seven orifices, and the whole soul was in a trance, almost falling backwards.

At this moment of dying, a thought suddenly appeared in Fan Xing's mind, and then murmured with a regretful voice:

"It's a pity, I didn't go to the legendary Daxia to take a look."

After this thought appeared, Fan Xing had a swaying body, and then as if thinking of something, he exhausted the last bit of strength, took out something from his arms, and looked down.

It was a scroll the size of a palm.

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