Declaring war and doing business are completely different concepts.

No matter who is in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, he knows the difference between these two phrases, and also knows what it means behind it.

In fact, for the female Jian Xiu Fanxing at this time, the pressure on her body is not negligible. First of all, she was chased and killed by ancient immortals in Tangdu before she fell into a coma. Now she followed the Crescent Chamber of Commerce to go to Tangdu again, which is undoubtedly The sheep enters the tiger's mouth.

However, he did not hesitate to hesitate, and now he heard the news of the declaration of war from the mouth of Jin Ingot. For some reason, he breathed a long sigh of horror.

Jian Xiu has the intuition of Jian Xiu, and in her intuition, all the fierce beasts of the sword repair sect in Baolian Sword Land were the Xiaoxianting who had been hunted down before.

At the next breath, Fan Xing's eyes crawled with bloodshot eyes, and then he raised his hands and pressed the fence in front of him. Words of words came out:

"The destruction of the Baolian sword is fate. If you weren't so greedy at the beginning, maybe everything would be different. I think I almost had a substantial conflict with Daxia, and even used the Baolian Excalibur."

As soon as the words Baolian Divine Sword came out, Fanxing's words came to an abrupt end, and then the female sword repairer's complexion changed wildly, and she uttered an exclamation:

"I know, I know, it turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this!"

Female Jian Xiu Fanxing suddenly exclaimed, causing Jin Yuanbao to look sideways, opening her mouth and saying:

"Girl Fanxing, what are you?"

"Young Master Jin, I know why the ancient immortals in Tangdu have directly destroyed my Baolian swordland. I have important discoveries. Take me to the people of Daxia."

As soon as these words came out, Jin Yuanbao's complexion suddenly became extremely solemn, and he didn't talk nonsense. He turned around, walked, and said at the same time:

"Girl Fanxing, please come with me."

Half a quarter of an hour later, a flying messenger waving its wings directly tore open the surrounding void and disappeared from the back of the big camel beast. After a few hundred breaths, a teleporter was on the platform of the White Emperor Palace in the capital city. The secretary stretched out his hand from the teleportation messenger hovering in front of him, and took out the secret fold.

After an instant, when this person saw the scarlet color on the fold, his complexion changed drastically, and he opened his mouth and let out a loud shout:

"The first-level expedited fold, you need to go directly to your majesty, come, and **** our lieutenant to the imperial garden!"


All the shouts fell, and the imperial city guards waiting on the side directly turned into two pitch-black arrows, which rushed forward, at an extremely fast speed, and went straight to the imperial garden in the hinterland of the imperial palace.

In a short while, under the majestic imperial garden Xuantianmu, Liang Po, a burly figure in a hurry, walked in from the outside, and then stepped into the lawn under the Xuantianmu, watching the young emperor closing his eyes behind the desk in front of him. , Put light footsteps, continue to move forward.

After a breath, Liang Po came to the desk in the Royal Garden and spoke softly:

"Your Majesty, Marshal Wang Jing sent an urgent secret letter over there. Would you like to take a look?"

Liang Po's question came down, Zhao Yu, with his right hand propped on his forehead, opened his eyes, looking forward with black eyes like ebony, and then the still steady voice of the emperor came out:

"Zhezi from the front line of Tangdu? Bring it to me to take a look."

After the emperor's voice, Liang Po put the zhezi on the table in front of Zhao Yu and opened it outwards. There were not many words in the zhezi, only a simple line of words:

"The ancient fairy court destroys the Baolian sword ground, it is the Baolian divine sword."

"The Baolian Excalibur?"

After a suspicious voice came out of Zhao Yu's mouth, the young emperor put down the fold in his hand, and the color of thinking appeared in his eyes, and then continued to speak:

"It seems that these ancient immortals also want to cut off something, which also means that the military aircraft department's big deduction seems to be inseparable."

After speaking, Zhao Yu gently put away the zhezi in front of him, pushed forward, and continued to speak:

"Send this folder to Sima Annan, Military Aircraft Department."


Liang Po nodded, reached out to take the Zhezi pushed by Zhao Yu in front of him, and then paused, because the voice of the young emperor who continued to speak in his ears directly lingered:

"Liang Po, let the Department of Internal Affairs, bring my armor, I want to put on the armor!"

This emperor sounded, even if it was Liang Po, who was like an ancient giant beast, his body shuddered subconsciously, but he quickly returned to normal, and he said solemnly:

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Throughout Daxia, few people remember when the last time Zhao Yu fought in armor, because whether it was the Battle of the North Sea that laid the foundation after the vast land of Shenzhou landed in the northern realm of Taixuan, or the young emperor later sealed the way of heaven in the sky. Zhao Yu was dressed in a solemn and solemn black gold imperial robe.

But at this time, he let Liang Po put on his armor, which is self-evident.

This means that at this time, Zhao Yu was not only the emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, but also a **** believed by all his people, but also a young warrior holding a sharp blade and rushing to the front.

A warrior has the consciousness of a warrior, and for Daxia, once the emperor is armored, it represents this battle that is about to break out, a national battle for this young country!

At the same time, if the line of sight is centered on the imperial garden in the Baidi Palace, pulled upwards and placed in the entire Shenjing City, you can see the high-level academic palaces in the Shenjing City that are like dense clusters of stars. The gentleman walked in a hurry, walking directly to the university hall where almost all the students gathered.

These gentlemen walked fast, and at the same time, in their eyes, the two emotions of anxiety and excitement were intertwined with each other, and as these two emotions became more and more intense, they walked faster and faster, and finally even ignored their own image. Started to fly on the road of the Academy.

This extremely strange scene caused some monks along the road who were rushing to the university hall to suddenly change their expressions. After looking at each other, without saying anything, they opened their legs and started to attack with all their strength.

In this way, a very incredible picture appeared in the academic palaces, with students running wildly in front, and the old gentleman with all white hair and beard running in the back.

Then the university hall was getting closer and closer, and several students ran harder, rushing into the university hall with two swishes, and then it was the turn of the old gentleman in the back.

However, the old man appeared to be much more calm. After arranging his robes solemnly at the entrance of the school, he took a deep breath and calmed his mind, and then stretched out his hand to push open the entrance of the university palace.

In the next instant, with the opening of the door, the eyes of a group of students in the university hall swept across. This scene is like countless searchlights directly condensed on the body.

Then the old man walked up to the podium step by step, looked around the circle below, and the full of breath came out directly, resounding through the school:

"Everyone, there is an extremely important thing to tell you. Earlier, my Daxia court issued a first-level combat order with the letter A, which means that the entire Daxia territory will enter a state of foreign warfare."

After he finished speaking, the old gentleman raised his hands and pressed downwards, and an even older and thicker voice came out again:

"According to the Great Xia Law, all the students from the higher academic palaces, that is, you, will be directly transferred to the military headquarters and become combat reserves!"

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