The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2184: Poke a hole in the sky

"One journey, one journey of rain, what is the mystery of this rain of enlightenment, so that those ancient immortals who have almost lost their souls can crawl out of the graves of the times. This point can be said to exceed our right The fundamental knowledge of this world."

In the middle of the morning, the sky was finally completely bright, and then the light of the big sun pierced through the thick clouds gathered by the rain of Qixian, giving light to all things.

Although the light is still there, all the creatures on this continent that are enveloped by the rain of enlightenment have already begun to realize that the surrounding temperature is declining day by day.

Undoubtedly, the heat on the entire continent comes from the big sun above the sky. At this time, after the big sun has been obscured for several years, the Taixuan Land has a tendency to evolve into the Ice Age.

Although the Central Plains core, where the Central Kingdom is located, is the most outstanding and energetic region in the mainland, this change is not particularly obvious, but in the more fringe of the Taixuan Land, the entire land has begun to be completely frozen, and countless creatures. Forced to leave their homes, and even died in the extreme cold.

In other words, this is the second devastating blow that Taixuan creatures have encountered after the monstrous flood, and it is foreseeable that once the rain of enlightenment continues to fall, then this kind of ruining Natural disasters will continue to come one after another.

The temperature was cold, and there was a cloud of cold mist floating near the big camel beast, and then Jiang Yue, standing upright and proud, stretched out his hand to catch the raindrops from the sky, feeling the cold breath contained in the rain, and continued to speak:

"As the saying goes, the Hundred-legged Worm is dead but not stiff. This ancient fairy garden is really powerful. Even if it has been destroyed for so long, it still has set off a huge wave in this great profound land for countless years. The creatures play with applause."

After Jiang Yue's sighing voice fell, Wang Jing, who was standing next to him, also stretched out his hand to catch the rainwater in front of him, and responded:

"Before the retreat of the Military Aircraft Department, your majesty gave the general the holy will to cut off this rain of enlightenment, which made me extremely sad.

"Therefore, with the goal of knowing ourselves and the enemy so as to be able to survive a hundred battles, the general ran to the military plane and asked Lord Sima Sima."

Speaking of this, Wang Jing retracted his extended right hand, and with a young and sharp gaze, fixedly watching the raindrops gathered in the palm of his hand in front of him, then opened his mouth and said:

"At that time, Lord Sima and the Military Aircraft Department did not have enough research on Qixianyu, so they couldn't give the general the most definite answer, but it did say a possibility.

"According to Lord Sima, life and death are the ultimate principles and the most fundamental rules of heaven and earth. Therefore, once a person's soul is scattered, he can no longer die. This is undoubtedly the only exception that can be counted as the sleepless person in the chaotic sea. .

"However, the prerequisite for becoming sleepless people is that their souls will not disperse, and under some unknown power, their souls will enter the Chaos Sea, so in the strict sense, they are just sleepless, not resurrected."

When Wang Jing said this, he made a decisive decision, and then Jiang Yue, who stood beside him, raised his brows. After a moment of thought, he opened his mouth and responded:

"I have heard people say that the function of the rain of enlightenment is to awaken the souls of the ancient immortals in the deepest bloodline of these Taixuan creatures, so that after resuscitation, they occupy the original body and complete the seizure."

"Little prince, your understanding itself is okay, but have you ever thought about a question, is it really so easy to complete using the soul to win the house?"

As soon as this reaction came out, Jiang Yue's eyes narrowed, and he listened to Wang Jing next to him and continued to speak:

"Sleepless people are said to be immortal, but they also have extremely harsh limitations. Even the birth of every sleepless person takes countless years. Therefore, does the little prince feel that this rain of enlightenment, It’s too easy to revive these ancient immortals."

After finishing the sentence, Wang Jing put away his right hand, and tightly squeezed the rain of Qixian in his hand, and the words came out again:

"Even sleepless people have to suffer infinite torment in the Chaos Sea. These so-called ancient immortals who have been dead for tens of thousands of years can wake up together in a grand manner. From a common sense, this matter is full of infinite weirdness."

Wang Jing's words fell with a cold voice. On Jiang Yue's young face, deep thought once again appeared, and then he raised his head, staring at the violently rolling dark cloud above his head, and responded:

"After listening to the commander's words, I realized that this time is unusual. If there is such an easy method, doesn't it mean that all major repairs can be used in this way to carry out the reincarnation of life?"

"So, in essence, this matter is challenging the most core law of life and death in the world, and there must be something else hidden."

After Wang Jing finished speaking, he let go of his right hand. At this time, the rain of Qixian in his hand has been completely evaporated, and then he listened to the murmur of Jiang Yue beside him, and continued to sound:

"How secret is this that will make these ancient immortals spring up one after another like bamboo shoots after a rain?"

When Jiang Yue's question fell, Wang Jing was serious and opened his mouth and said:

"Although the secret behind this has not been completely solved, Lord Sima has given an understanding of the speculation of the military plane.

"That is fundamentally, perhaps these ancient immortals weren't dead at all, they just used some means to get their bodies out of the realm of the profound mystery, so that the creatures within us thought they were already gone."

As soon as Wang Jing's words were not light or heavy, Jiang Yue who was beside him was undoubtedly shocked. Within his black eyes, more and more turbulent thoughts began to surge, and then the thick iron-blooded fighting spirit rose and became more and more intense. The icy voice came out word by word:

"If these ancient immortals really use fake death to deceive the world, then the enemies we face in this battle in Tangdu are really incredible."

Along with Jiang Yue's words, a surging breath that can be seen by the naked eye suddenly rose.

The next breath, whether it was Jiang Yue and Wang Jing, who were violently aura at this time, or the other taboos on the back of this big camel beast, at the same time, suddenly raised their heads and looked straight ahead.

Then before the big camel beast, under the black cloud, a huge black shadow began to appear, just like a creeping ancient fierce beast, standing proudly in the world.

Central Shangguo imperial city, Tangdu.

"Peng Mu, in armor!"

After an instant, a young voice from Wang Jing came out, and then Wang Jing, who was next to him at a gentle grade and commanded the three armies, took a deep breath and raised his right hand. A passionate voice rang out:

"This time, let me wait for Zhuxian to destroy God, and vowed to poke a hole in this day!"

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