"Boom boom boom."

About a hundred miles outside Tangdu city, the big camel beast's vigorous stepping sound resounded loudly in the rain of Qixian, but at this time, outside Tangdu city, it was not empty and desolate, but hordes began to appear. Team, the people of Shangguo walking towards Tangdu.

These people of Shangguo are drenched in the dust, and have a strong look of tiredness, and there are men, women and children of all ages, which can be said to be a drag on the family.

The cold rain slapped on the bodies of these people, and then a woman walking forward step by step, holding the child in her arms tightly, turning her head to look at the same tired man next to her, and said weakly. :

"Master, how long will we have to get to Tangdu? If we go on like this, our body will really be overwhelmed."

After speaking, the woman lowered her head extremely worried, glanced at the bright red child in her arms, and continued to speak:

"I can still persist, but our child really can't hold it anymore. Look at his red face and hot body, I'm afraid he will pass out directly."

In the words of the woman, there was almost a cry, and then the man beside her stopped, stretched out his hand to hug the child in his arms, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Hold on a little longer, you see that this soup is right in front of you. Although Wangshan is a dead horse, we have been walking for so long, and the distance is really not far away."

After he finished speaking, the man raised his head and looked at Tangdu Dacheng, which stood like an ancient behemoth in front of him. With a wing in his eyes, he continued to mutter:

"It's all right when you arrive at the soup. There is a big warm and stable house, and a monk with excellent medical skills. Our child's condition will definitely be healed.

"The court of Shangguo has issued a decree. Once the people return to Tangdu, they will be able to get what they want, and even allow our children to worship under the gates of ancient immortals."

As soon as the words of the ancient immortal came out, the man's eyes were directly bright, and there was an obvious fanatical color, which also represented the state of mind of a part of the creatures in the land of Tai Xuan.

That is the almost fanatical worship of ancient immortals!

At the same time, there are not many people on the continent of Taixuan Land with such a meaning of worship, and it can be seen from the huge crowd gathered from all directions outside of Tangdu.

"Madam, the ancient immortal, that is the ancient immortal. It is said that after becoming immortal, you can forget all your worries and sorrows, and at the same time live with the world and watch the changes."

After this steady stream of words came out of the man's mouth, the sadness in the eyes of the woman next to him became thicker. After a while, the woman lowered her head and meditated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but opened her mouth and said:

"Master, will you have some problems with this news? So far, no matter if it's on the road or in the news, as long as you enter Tangdu, no one will be able to come out.

"On the other hand, if there are so-called immortals, then the imperial court is still those immortals. So many people should not be allowed to die on the road. On this road, how many people stopped breathing forever, and how many people were eaten by beasts. , There is no bones left, and even us, if we are not lucky, we can't be here at all."

The accusation of the middle-aged woman had just fallen, and the man beside her suddenly turned extremely hideous. He suddenly turned his head, the scarlet light in his eyes lit up, and he let out a roar:

"Shut up, you are blaspheming the fairy, don't hurry up and shut up!"

After speaking, the fierce light in the man's eyes was unprecedented, and the sound of gritted teeth rolled out again:

"If you want to get the protection of an immortal, how can it be so simple? If you don't experience nine deaths, how can you really come to the front of the ancient immortals? The soup in front of us has already become a new world of immortals. Think about it, once you enter the world of immortals , How can you return to this perilous, torrential rain everywhere?"

This middle-aged man’s remarks were justified and well-founded, but it made the woman next to him speechless for a while, and then he could only lower her head in silence, hold back the tears that were surging, and took heavy steps, continuing to forward.

It is said that the husband sings and the wife sui, in today's situation, even if her heart is hesitant and fearful, she can't look back.

However, at the next breath, a very dense riot sounded in the ears of the family who was walking forward, and then the shouting riot became clearer and clearer:

"Xianren, look, it's the fairy who is here!"

After the high voice came out, the otherwise lifeless crowd outside Tangdu suddenly became restless, and then everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the sound, the frenzy on their faces became even more intense.

In the distance, under the dim sky, a streamer shining with brilliant camouflage directly cuts through the void and arrives quickly. If you look carefully, you can see that within this streamer is a hand standing with a hand in hand. Fluttering silhouettes.

This person's face was vague, but the immortal spirit above his body was extremely rich, flying towards the soup like clouds and mist, and there was even a sound of immortal sounds along the way, which seemed extremely high.

"Knock to the immortal, the immortal Wanan!"

After Xianzong appeared in the void of Tangdu, a Tangdu citizen on the ground shouted loudly while kneeling down. The whole person crawled on the ground and shouted loudly.

At the same time, more and more central Shangguo creatures discovered the celestial shadows on the sky, and directly dispelled the little doubts in their minds, and knelt down a large area in a very pious manner, even more violently. The cry, another burst into the sky.

"The fairy Wanan, the fairy Wanan!"

Under the tsunami-like shouts of this mountain, the high immortal above the sky did not respond. He stepped on the stars and streamers and walked towards the city of Tangdu in front of him.

How indifferent his expression is, so indifferent as if the people below who worship and shout do not exist, but to him, these mortals below are no different from the insignificant ants.

"Noisy ants."

The next breath, a faint voice came from the ancient immortal's mouth, and then he looked down slightly, the disgust in his eyes became thicker and stronger, and finally he was able to resist his attempt to slap the lower part. The impulse that a person directly erases, the streamer of stars under him moves forward even faster.

But after an instant, his eyes condensed, because in his line of sight, there was an extraordinarily huge camel beast.

"Such a huge camel beast is really interesting."

After the interesting voice fell, the immortal hesitated, and finally turned his figure directly, and after a round, he headed towards the direction of the big camel beast.

At the next breath, the long star tail flame dragged behind him, looking from a distance, like a dazzling meteor falling down!

What this fairy didn't know was that because of this move, he would personally open this gorgeous curtain of unprecedented drastic change.

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