"The world's worship of ancient immortals is really deep-rooted."

Outside the city of Tangdu, with the appearance of ancient immortals, countless people of Shangguo knelt down and bowed their heads, shouting piously, and all of them were humble.

"After all, ancient immortals occupies most of the space in folk myths. All creatures admire the strong, and once they encounter irresistible natural disasters, this admiration will be infinitely magnified.

"Because they are desperate, they will pin their hopes on these illusory legends."

On the back of the big camel beast, the voice from the gold ingot rang, and then the female sword beside him repaired the stars, her eyes scanned the lower circle, looking at the ancient people in the center who were kneeling in the dark, suddenly fell into the language. I don't know what to say.

It is true that Fanxing cannot judge the actions of these people below like the omniscient and omnipotent god. It is a total error and a useless struggle. In other words, if the status of each other is exchanged, she may also kneel down below. A part of people.

"This world is so complicated. It's not as simple as black and white. When the road ahead is dim and death comes at any time, only the illusory sustenance of the ancient immortals can give them some comfort and continue. The courage to live."

Jin Ingot’s words that spoke again were also somewhat complicated. At this time, he felt very similar to the feelings of Young Girl Fanxing. The two of them were actually members of all living beings, but now they have two kinds of completeness with the people below. Different circumstances.

"The key reason why you and I can speak here is that we are standing on the shoulders of giants!"

With Jin Yuanbao's heartfelt sigh, Fanxing just wanted to nod, but suddenly raised his brows, turned his head, looked at the dim sky not far away, and subconsciously let out a very solemn exclamation:

"That ancient immortal, here comes!"

Before the words fell, I saw a colorful streamer above the void, dragging an extremely dazzling colored tail flame, across the void, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared directly above the big camel beast.

The next breath, the shadow of the immortal within the fascinating light slightly lowered his head, and his high-up gaze swept the bottom, and it was this one that was extremely powerful, making it easy to crash from the top of the dome, as if to be the big camel beast below. , Directly crushed into pieces.

"Mortals, when they see this immortal, why don't they kneel?"

After an instant, a cold and majestic sound of immortality hovered directly above the void, and then a more powerful and mighty majesty, which turned into a sword and pierced it directly.

But what is strange is that, in the face of the immortal pressure of the trembling void, this ordinary big camel beast continued to move forward as if it had not been affected in any way. This situation directly caused the ancient immortal to send out A whisper:

"Sneaky, I don't know what's wrong?"

When this word fell, the arrogant and void immortal directly raised his right hand, squeezed inward, and directly squeezed out a colorful rainbow spear. At the same time, the entire void began to tremble slightly because of the appearance of this spear.

Such turbulent immortal power indicates that after a period of precipitation, the strength of these ancient immortals who have not been culled by Da Xia has recovered to an extremely terrifying level.

Afterwards, the ancient people on the ground bowed their heads and bowed to worship, and when they saw the scene of the immortal shaking the Qi machine, they were shocked and kowtowed while continuing to shout:

"Daxian forgives sins, Daxian forgives sins!"

The coercion caused by this ancient immortal cannot be said to be insignificant, so that a creature on the ground only felt that it would be directly pressed into the ground by a big mountain.

But even in such a scene of ruining the world, it still didn't panic the horned camel beast that was not firm by nature, and it still walked towards Tangdu step by step as if there were no obstacles.

This made the face of the ancient immortal become extremely cold and stern, and under the fascinating light, he let out a sharp shout:

"Dare to blaspheme the fairy and die!"

However, the immortal's voice had not yet fallen, and above the big camel beast below, a voice with jealousy and disdain, directly sounded:

"Profanity, blasphemy, every day you open your mouth and shut your mouth, you will say a blasphemy, I can hear calluses in my ears, you ancient immortals, in addition to saying these, what else do you say?"

After speaking, on the back of the big camel beast, this more awkward and icy voice, together with the billowing scarlet wolf smoke, rose into the sky again:

"In this year, Lao Tzu could not kill twenty so-called ancient immortals. Every ancient immortal would say this to Lao Tzu. It is really nothing new. Lao Tzu doesn't understand. Where does your confidence come from? Here?"

The icy sound fell, and the ancient immortal who had been squeezed directly by a yell, came back to his senses after a moment, and the angry flame in his eyes burned like a substance.

Then his right hand holding the gun moved backwards, his whole body spread out like a big bow, and the misty fairy power surging above the long gun in his hand turned into flames.

This shot, the ancient immortal can be said to be angry, and with the combat power of these ancient immortals, if this shot is unobstructed, then in the ancient immortal's vision, whether it is the big one below The camel beasts, or the creeping and trembling people of the Central Shangguo around them, will directly evaporate into blood mist.

"In the ancient times, Xian Ting had set a rule not to allow all Xian officials to go down without permission. The Xian once didn't understand this, but now he has discovered the deep meaning.

"That's just looking at you waiting for these soft, weak, but inferior mortals. Few gods can hold back from frustrating you.

"On the other hand, this feeling of squeezing a group of ants to death with a wave of hands is really fascinating. In the fairy palace, when the order is strict, when you see a high-level fairy, you have to nod and bow. How can this be? What kind of wanton killing you won?"

As soon as this maddening rhetorical sound came out, the ancient immortal began to mobilize the strength of his body without hesitation, and then the fairy flames lingering above the spear in his hand even worse, facing the big camel beast below, suddenly Throw it out from time to time.


As soon as the hand of the ancient immortal moved, the air under the gun was completely torn apart without fancy, but the former's movements were only limited to this.

Because after an instant, the ancient immortal suddenly opened his mouth without warning, his eyes protruded, and his whole body arched backward, like a prawn.

At the same time, a heavy punch that ripped through the void directly hit the ancient immortal's chest.

Punch out, immortal!

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