The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2187: Two corpses on the wall

For the heaven and earth creatures, an extremely terrifying thing is that they cannot clearly recognize where they are now.

Under the torrent of time that is rolling forward, those madmen and those who are high above are also destined to be obliterated by the times. Sometimes they are exposed to a sharp sword, and sometimes they are incomparably violent. The punch.

Above the big camel beast, the heavy fist burning with the scarlet war spirit, ripped the void in front of it like a piece of white paper to the sides, and then this small fist was not fancy. Smashed on the chest of the ancient immortal.


After an instant, the celestial power machine lingering in the ancient immortal's body was directly smashed by a punch. This fragmentation was like a flame that was originally burning and was directly extinguished by a basin of cold water from head to tail.


A sound of infinite pain came from the mouth of the ancient immortal. At the same time, a huge pain suddenly appeared in the open eyes of the former, and in addition to this look, Still with an incredible horror.

"Who are you?"

After an unbelievable voice came out of the ancient immortal's mouth, his arched figure began to tremble, and a large number of immortal origins, like a balloon blasted by a punch, fled wildly.

When these words fell, the master who slammed into the ancient immortal's chest with a heavy punch, slowly rose above the void, it was a young figure wearing a celestial army robe.

Commander of the Radiant Legion, Jiang Yue!

Within Jiang Yue’s black eyes, the endless murderous intent was like an extending river of blood, surging down, almost completely submerging the ancient immortal in front of him. At the same time, there were bursts of deafening iron-blood roars. The river of billowing blood blasted outwards, resounding through the world.

At the next breath, Jiang Yue narrowed his eyes, clenched his fists, leaned in again, punched again, and suddenly there was another ear-splitting roar between the world and the earth.


After an instant, under the horrified gaze of countless people, centered on the place of the ancient immortal, a scarlet war energy visible to the naked eye, the barrier of the immortal on the surface of the ancient immortal was once again unfancy torn into Fragments, and penetrate through the body, and completely blasted the flesh and blood of the mortal in the former body into powder.

Afterwards, above the void, the mighty iron-blood ripples oscillated and spread outward, sweeping the entire outside of Tangdu, and with this iron-blood ripples across the border, whether it was the rain of enlightenment that fell from the sky around, or the dazzling colors that originally encircled the sky. Xianli disappeared completely in an instant.

Then a more terrifying scene began to reveal the world.

Subsequently, the iron-blood ripples spread more and more, and even formed a crimson storm billowing into the sky, and the dark clouds condensing on the top of Tangdu were all evacuated outwards, so that the world was suddenly bright. few.

"Ben, the immortal, was actually beaten through?"

This murmur with horror continued to be heard from the ancient immortal's mouth, and then he lowered his head and looked down at his chest completely pierced. The fascinating light of the immortal above his face began to ebb. Generally dissipated.

"This is impossible. How could this immortal die here before entering Tangdu?"

"There are too many ancient immortals who died outside, but you are not worse than you."

After Jiang Yue's still cold voice fell, he stretched out his left hand, squeezed the neck of the ancient immortal in front of him, and then pulled out the right hand that pierced the chest in front of him a little bit.

Jiang Yue didn't pull his right fist outwards fast, but it was completely conceivable that this picture that appeared above the big camel beast at this time gave the surrounding creatures of the Central Shangguo who were crawling on the ground, how frightened they felt.

When the faith and sustenance in the heart were crushed and shattered without resistance in front of oneself, it undoubtedly made these people who went to the country in the center outside Tangdu City's eyes black and almost fainted.

Then Jiang Yue, who was holding the dying body of the ancient immortal, continued to extend his right hand out a little bit, opening his mouth and screaming:


After the shout fell, a long spear flew out above the big camel beast below, and appeared directly in the hands of Jiang Yue. At the same time, the commander of the Radiant Legion waved his left hand, turning the ancient immortal in his hand like a cannonball, directly He smashed the huge and heavy door in front of Tangdu.

"The immortal was killed, the ancient immortal was killed!"

As the ancient immortal was thrown out by Jiang Yue, countless creatures in the central Shangguo outside the city uttered a terrified roar. Then these people collapsed to the ground, watching the ancient immortal, cutting through. Void was severely smashed on the huge two characters above the gate of Tangdu.


A loud noise followed, and the people around who heard the words trembled, and then another stream of light that was invisible to the naked eye, tearing apart the void like a teleport, appeared right in front of the ancient immortal.

After an instant, the gun hit the center of his eyebrows and directly nailed the ancient immortal to the city wall behind him.

Then the dazzling blood flowed down from the eyebrows and chest of the ancient immortal, strand after strand, making all those who watched all this feel infinite chill in their hearts.

What is even more ironic is that above the city gate not far from the crucified immortal, there is a burly figure hanging high. The figure has lost all aura, and the dead cannot die again, but above the body The ferocious aura lingering still spread outward.

It is Yin Wu, the second prince of Wu Fu in the Central Antiquity.

Although Yin Wu had been hanged under the city for a full eight months, his body had not yet rotted, his head drooped slightly, and he stared at the huge gate of Tangdu below with a godless gaze.

Yin Wu’s death was extremely tragic. There was no good place on his body, and it was even more tragic after wind and rain. But for some reason, when this ancient immortal was nailed directly by Jiang Yue a short distance away. Behind the city wall, on Yin Wu's extremely pale face, there seemed to be a smile.

In this smile, there is ridicule, unwillingness, and hatred!

The next breath, under the gaze of Yin Wu's godless eyes, Tangdu's originally opened door began to close suddenly, which caused the creatures outside the door who had not yet entered the city to panic suddenly and desperately inward. Chong, the scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.

"The door is about to close, everyone, rush in, rush in!"

Accompanied by a roar, the huge gates of Tangdu directly became synonymous with chaos. What's more, they were stepped directly under their feet, and were swallowed little by little while struggling.

However, in the next instant, a more violent whistling sound suddenly blasted out, and within the city gate that was gradually closed, a mighty star light rushed out directly like a tide.

As the tide crossed the border, all the citizens of the Central Government were swept away directly, and all were blasted out of the city, leaving no one behind!

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