The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2199: Smelt Blood Sacrifice

Inside the universe of stars, at the center of Tangdu, the towering tower of Tongtian Pavilion seems to be straight into the sky.

Inside the Tongtian Pavilion, the immortals gather, and the immortals are in a commotion!

Then a cold and high voice lingered back and forth in Tsutenkaku:

"Everyone, when we were in the ancient fairy court, we were directly under the line of the universe and stars of the Emperor Tongtian, and when I wait for the recovery at this time, naturally, the task of the Emperor Tongtian should be the top priority."

As soon as these words came out, an ancient immortal sitting on the upper level of the Tongtian Pavilion opened his eyes, the light of stars appeared in the former, and then opened his mouth and said:

"Xianjun Tianshu is not wrong in this statement, but this immortal believes that the Central Shangguo is a kingdom built by the blood of His Majesty the Emperor, and there is still some causal origins. The sacrifice of a soup is really cruel. The countless other creatures are smelted again, this killing is too heavy."

After the voice of this fairy fell, the originally noisy Tongtian Pavilion suddenly became quiet for a moment, but soon, this short silence was broken by the words of Tianshu Xianjun who continued to speak:

"Tianxuan, you are still such a benevolent woman. Between the world and the earth, mortals live like ants. It can be said that they will live and die. No matter how many deaths, they can't kill you. What are you afraid of?"

After speaking, the whole body was shrouded in the fascinating light of stars, Tianshu Xianjun, turned his head, turned his eyes to the front of Tianxuan Xianjun, and the cold voice suddenly came out again:

"Take a step back, under the circumstances where Jade Seal is hard to find now, what good way do you, the Heavenly Jade Immortal Sovereign, be able to split the outer barrier of the day and lead the return of the Little Immortal Realm created by His Majesty Tongtian?"

As soon as this statement was made, the atmosphere in the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion suddenly stagnated again, and then the thoughts of the ancient immortals began to fluctuate, and between the trembling void, there was a burst of loud noises like the roar of the tide, and at the same time, he turned his eyes directly. Where is the fairy monarch Tianxuan.

Xianjun Tianxuan sitting on the top of the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion, the figure shrouded in the light of the stars is extremely slender. It is obviously a female fairy. At the same time, the latter's brows are tightly furrowed, his red lips lightly opened, and he speaks. :

"Give this fairy a little more time, I can remove the hidden chaotic secrets and calculate the whereabouts of that jade seal."

As soon as the voice of Tianxuan Xianjun fell, not far away, Tianshu Xianjun's voice, which had been raised several times, sounded directly:

"Tianxuan, it's too late, how much time do you think we have?"

After this rhetorical question fell, Tianshu Xianjun stood up, stretched his hands out, and continued to roll out in a high and indifferent voice:

"If today's changes have already reached the most drastic time, the real era of killing and robbery is also about to come, no one can give you the so-called estimated time.

"Furthermore, in this jade seal, there is the aura of the immortal Emperor Tongtian enveloped. It is not easy to recalculate its whereabouts after so many years. Every moment we wait for you, we will be in danger. This truth, Tianxuan You shouldn't understand."

Tianshu Xianjun's utterly convincing words caused one celestial person in the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion to nod frequently, and then the former waved his hand, and his voice continued to be heard:

"So we can't wait for even a moment. We must open the door of the immortal realm as soon as possible, and lead the immortal realm to come. What is the life of the mortal on this earth, in the face of the survival of the world?

"Since Her Royal Highness the Nine Heavens Profound Girl says that Yuxi is not the only key to unlocking the realm of immortals, what are we waiting for?"

These two successive inquiries represented the extremely firm will and eagerness of the Tianshu Immortal Monarch, and then his vast gaze directly looked forward, and the high voice once again lingered in the huge Tongtian Immortal Pavilion:

"I am an immortal who controls the destiny of the entire world, and what our immortal family is doing at this time is not for the preservation of our own lives, but for the entire world.

"From the perspective of heaven and earth, how fragile these mortals are, and they will die soon. Since the ending is already doomed, at this time, in order to save the whole world and sacrifice their lives, why not one? An increase in fate?

"So this immortal does not agree with the killing that Fairy Tianxuan said. This is clearly a gift, a liberation, and a rare opportunity to be branded in the history of the world!"

"Tianshu, you!"

As soon as the words of True Monarch Tianshu fell, the stern shout from Fairy Tianxuan sounded directly, and then the latter just wanted to rebut, at the top of the entire Tongtian Fairy Pavilion, there was a very majestic female voice directly:

"My immortals, be quiet!"

As soon as this word came out, all the immortals in the fairy pavilion were full of stern expressions, raised their hands to salute the top, and said together:

"Welcome to Her Royal Highness Jiu Tian Xuan Nu!"

When this greet sound was lingering outward, a slender and perfect figure suddenly appeared above the hollow void of the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion.

Then this noble figure raised his hands and gently pressed downwards, all the voices in the entire Tongtian Immortal Pavilion disappeared, leaving only a deep silence.

At the next breath, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl's red lips lightly opened, with a noble and sweet voice, directly resounding:

"The current situation is changing and unpredictable, and we don't have much time left. Under the era of renewing the entire world, this Highness, like all the immortals, does not have any qualifications to slack off.

"So based on this, my Highness agrees with Tianshu Immortal Monarch's point of view. Who else opposes this?"

As soon as the Nine Heavens Profound Girl responded with no muddle, the complexion of a large number of ancient immortals in the entire fairy pavilion changed even more, but except for the fairy celestial jade, whose mouth was open and closed, he looked like he wanted to talk but stopped. In addition, no one spoke up against it.

And it is worth mentioning that when the Nine Heavens Profound Girl said this, she did not glance at the immortals in front of her, nor did she look at the Fairy Tianxuan who had raised different opinions before.

The gaze of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl always lingered in one direction, and that was the corner of the bottom of this Tongtian Immortal Pavilion.

In that corner, there were a few ancient celestial beings who didn't noticeable aura. Although the auras of these figures were vague, there was no slightest contempt in the eyes of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. Instead, they attached great importance to the reaction of these figures.

After a few breaths, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl had no objection to seeing the figure, her face lightened a lot after being lost in the light, and then the lost light on her body suddenly shot outwards, and a loud voice came out again:

"Since the immortals no longer have any opinions, then immediately, arrange for the smelting of the blood sacrifice, together with the Baolian divine sword, to blast open the gate of the immortal world and attract the immortals to return!"

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