The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2200: Tianshu Xianjun

Blood sacrifice, smelting, these understatement of words spoken by the ancient immortal population in the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion, behind each of them, are filled with countless blood and life, but in this fairy pavilion, there are very few people who really care about it.

Obviously, for these aloof ancient immortals, they believed that their level of life was already vastly different from ordinary mortals, and this concept was deeply ingrained.

Under this concept, the ancient immortals regarded the creatures in the land of the profound mystery as ants, and did not care about these fleeting lives, just as if people could trample the ants on their feet at will without any sense of guilt. .

Therefore, the decision made by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl did not receive too much resistance. Then, the ancient immortals in the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion stood up together and performed a very mysterious immortal ceremony with both hands, neatly and uniformly. The opening echoed:

"As stated by Her Royal Highness Nine Heavens Profound Girl, our immortals have no objection."

"In that case, that's it."

Speaking of this, the Nine Heavens Profound Girl suspended in the void of the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion, paused for a moment, raised her right hand, and just about to give an order, looked at the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion, a light and shadow rushed in from the outside, even if it was entering the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion. Inside the pavilion, he didn't slow down at all, and he slammed into the pavilion, looking extremely embarrassed.

At the next breath, a voice with dissatisfaction sounded loudly in the attic:

"Who is so irritable and hurts our immortal demeanor?"

The scream fell, and the incoming person rushed into the attic, only to see an ancient immortal with a violent aura. He hadn't fully stood still, so he hurriedly spoke:

"You immortals, powerful enemies are coming, appearing outside Tangdu City, attacking the universe of stars, and waiting for the immortals to make a decision?"

As soon as these words came out, with a boom, the entire Tongtian Immortal Pavilion suddenly became extremely noisy, and then the immortal Lord Tianshu with cold eyes raised his hand and pressed it down, and the majestic and domineering voice directly sounded:

"Where did the enemy attack come from?"

"Huitianshu Shangxian, this, this enemy comes from Daxia!"

As soon as the word Daxia came out, the immortals in the entire Tongtian Immortal Pavilion discussed again, and then Tianshu Immortal Monarch waved his hand, and then screamed loudly:

"You immortals, stay calm, wait until this immortal asks you about the situation."

After he finished speaking, Tianshu Xianjun raised his foot and took a step forward, directly turning into a starlight streamer straight down, and instantly appeared in front of the ancient immortals who came to report, and the voice of inquiry once again sounded through the entire Tongtian Pavilion:

"How many people are here in this big summer?"

"Hui Shangxian, the exact number of people is unknown, but there is only one rather huge puppet, which can transform into a beast and a big tree in the sky, extremely mysterious!"

After this voice came out, the expressions of all the immortals who heard it were a little better. After all, the name of the person and the shadow of the tree. In the past year, Da Xia culled a large number of ancient immortals, making every ancient immortal fight There was still some jealousy in my heart.

Then the icy meaning in Tianshu's eyes became more and more intense, and he directly interrupted the words of the fairy in front of him who would continue to speak, and his voice came out every word:

"This Daxia really treats us immortals as soft persimmons that can be squeezed at will. This time, to lead the return of the immortal world, the first thing is to lead the heavenly soldiers and generals to punish all these northern madmen!"

After he finished speaking, Tianshu Xianjun continued to look at the ancient immortal with a disturbed aura in front of him, a trace of contempt flashed in the depths of his eyes, and the voice of inquiry came out again:

"Since only one puppet is coming, where is the 28-star immortal guarding the walls of Tangdu?"

"Daxian, this, the Azure Dragon Seven Sword Immortals who first took action, have all died!"


The words of this ancient immortal completely detonated the entire Tongtian Immortal Pavilion, and even caused many immortals to open their mouths and let out a low cry:

"This is impossible!"

Being able to be entrusted with the responsibility of guarding the city of Tang, then the strength of the twenty-eight stars immortal is naturally not low, and even among the many immortal houses, it is also at the forefront. After that, the ancient immortal with a trembling aura has thick eyes. The color of horror, murmured:

"One sword, the Daxia cultivator who made the shot, with only one sword, directly erased the Azure Dragon and Seven Sword Immortals. It's too strong, really too strong!"

"A mere mortal, it is impossible to have such a strong strength, this immortal has doubts about it."

The voice of Tianshu Immortal Lord's response was undoubtedly certain, and then he grabbed the ancient immortal in front of him, and the light of stars continued to shoot out from the body of the former, and the loud roar rolled out:

"His Royal Highness, Ben Xian took the initiative to ask Ying to go and kill the enemy, and you will continue to carry out the plan, Ben Xia is going to see if this Daxia mortal is really as powerful as the rumors."

After finishing the sentence, Tianshu Immortal Monarch raised his head and looked directly at the figures sitting above the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion, and the voice continued to linger in the Immortal Pavilion:

"Everyone of the Seven Sovereigns of the Big Dipper, who is willing to take the subordinate immortals and follow the immortal to destroy this so-called Daxia enemy?"

Before the words fell, four of the figures sitting on the top of the fairy pavilion instantly disappeared. At the same time, the Tianshu fairy monarch on the ground of the fairy pavilion also disappeared.

"Tianshu, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Shaoguang, and the Seven Immortals of the Big Dipper all come out of five. Such a lineup, even in the heyday of the fairy palace, is completely generous."

After the figure of the fairy monarch and other immortals disappeared, the exclamation sounded from the ancient immortal population in the Weixian Pavilion. At the same time, accompanied by five streams of light flying out of the Tongtian Immortal Pavilion, a building around the center of Tangdu At the top of the towering building, a group of celestial shadows sitting cross-legged under the rain of Qixian, opened their eyes at the same time.

These all belonged to the subordinate immortals of the Big Dipper and Seven Stars, and immediately these figures turned into streamers without saying a word, and rose into the sky, following the five immortal monarchs in front, and flew out of Tangdu.

This time, almost all the members of the Big Dipper line were dispatched, and there were a large number of them. After cutting through the void and moving forward, it even formed a large dense meteor shower that rushed forward. It was mighty and magnificent.

At the same time, at the forefront of this large meteor shower, Tianshu Xianjun took the lead. Within his body, a burst of star flames was burning. The heavy and profound pressure covered the sky and the sun. It was extremely violent and looked like the same from a distance. A sharp arrow.

After just a few dozen breaths, the Celestial Lord, who turned into a star arrow, appeared directly outside the universe of stars outside Tangdu, and continued to fly out, as if passing through the entire starry night sky. , Really appeared on the wall of Tangdu.

After an instant, Immortal King Tianshu, who stepped on the ground of the city wall, suddenly enlarged his pupils, and his extremely cold voice came out loudly:

"This immortal king wants to send the ancient immortal who lied to the military situation to Zhanxiantai, and the spirit and soul will be destroyed a hundred times!"

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