The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2208: Female sergeant

Outside of Tangdu, the iron-blooded killing intent was full, and the endless **** smoke, as the front line forwards continued to advance, became more and more dense, billowing and covering the sky.

Although Daxia's air-forbidden force, Tianshu Xingjun and other ancient immortals, fought extremely tragically over the struggle for air supremacy, but this did not mean that the rest of Daxia's troops were completely stagnated.

Under the orderly sound of instructions, in addition to the forward army continuing to advance, the large-scale battlefield outside the city based on the sacred tree of war on the ground was also transmitted continuously.

Every minute and every second, there are countless teleporting beams rising into the sky around the **** of war, and then endless blue and white flowers bloom out, sending the heavily armed Daxia sergeants one after another. front.

The efficiency of Daxia Battlefield transmission is completely beyond everyone's imagination, so even if it is not a long time since the start of this battle, an extremely magnificent and complex prototype of a fortress has already risen from the ground.

This war fortress is the embodiment of the national power peak of the entire Daxia. From the craftsmen of the craftsmanship, to the logistics of the household department, to the transfer of other departments, etc., it is like countless precision gears in the same chain. A war weapon that astounds the world.

No matter from which aspect, in a very short period of time, it is undoubtedly an unprecedented large-scale project to forcibly put a complete war hero city outside Tangdu, which is countless miles away from the northern border!

"Weiyang Army Ballista, let go!"

After an instant, with the loud roar of the forbidden air generals in front of the formation, the fifth round of the thunderbolt of the thunder ballista rushed into the sky once again, and this round of thunder roar easily broke the stars above the void. The balance of death light and dying thunder.

At the next breath, the monstrous thunder light continued to sweep towards Tang Du without any fancy, and at the same time turned into a billowing giant wave, facing the void where Tianshu Immortal Monarch was, and snapped his head.


With a roar, Tianshu Xianjun clenched the spear in his hand, mobilized all the celestial power on his body, and provoked it with a single shot, and the whole person directly faced the covering thunder wave, not retreating but advancing, appearing extremely violent.

After an instant, within the extremely violent thunder sea, a figure flying in a large robe directly tore through the void and stepped forward. As soon as it appeared, it was like a teleport, and it came in front of the Tianshu Immortal Lord, holding the sword before swinging. , A sword whistling sounded between heaven and earth.

It is worth mentioning that the sword student at this time is no longer holding the previous big summer double swords, but a scarlet, like a long sword composed of blood crystals.

The blood crystal sword drew an extremely dazzling scarlet light above the void, and at the same time a scarlet light burned like a torch, like a sword spirit dancing on the sword, making the infinite sharp edge reach its peak in an instant.

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Sword Dance!"

Accompanied by Jiansheng's low drink, the former stretched his entire body, using an infinite mysterious trajectory, the blood crystal sword in the sword hand was slashed on the star spear of the Tianshu Immortal Monarch.


After an instant, an extremely sharp roar spread outwards, and then the thunderstorm behind raged down, and once again blasted on the body of Tianshu Immortal Monarch, there was another deafening loud noise:


A loud noise came out loudly, and then the figure of Tianshu Xianjun surrounded by the fascinating light of stars began to sink like a mountain of heaven and earth, and he couldn't help but roar again.

At the same time, on the teleporting square behind the **** of war, a teleporting beam soared into the sky, and then a teleporting flower was in full bloom.

After a few breaths of the teleported flower, a figure easily appeared within the beam of light, and what made the receiving sergeant on the square frowned. At this time, the person who was teleported, even if wearing a standard armor, appeared to be The figure is extremely petite.

"It turned out to be a female sergeant?"

A slightly unexpected voice came from the receiving sergeant, and then the former strode forward to the petite figure that was teleported to, raised his hand and quickly made a military salute, and said loudly:

"The frontline battlefield of Tangdu, the 39th battlefield teleportation point, received the school lieutenant Wang Yang, and met this colleague. This teleportation site is a single point teleportation, so please hand out the military disc, which will be brought by the school lieutenant. You go to the corresponding area to perform the task."

The middle-aged captain said neither humble nor overbearing, but perhaps standing in front of him was a female sergeant with a slightly immature face. In the voice of the captain's words, he put away the iron and blood, and brought a little gentleness. .

The next breath, after a short transmission, the female sergeant who recovered from feeling unwell, also raised her hand in a military salute, and responded:

"I have seen Lieutenant Wang. My name is Zhijuan. This is my military disc."

Since she was on the battlefield for the first time, the female sergeant's voice was still a little nervous, but she quickly handed over her military disc, and the whole movement appeared extremely fast and not muddy.

Obviously, the visitor knew exactly what this cruel and **** battlefield meant. After that, Zhijuan's right hand holding the army plate trembled slightly, because above the sky in the distance, the sword gave birth to the sword that opened up the sky and the earth. Slashed again under the spear of stars raised by Tianshu Xianjun.

At the same time, the extremely loud noise, together with the unwilling roar of Xianjun, swept outwards, and even the ground under everyone's feet shook fiercely.

"Don't worry, the entire battlefield is still under our control. Just now when you didn't come, there were already many ancient immortals who were bombarded by our thunder crossbows into the sky. Those who die can't die anymore."

Seeing the restraint of the immature female sergeant in front of him, the middle-aged lieutenant continued to speak with a confident voice. After he finished speaking, she reached out and held the military disc in front of him, and at the same time opened a picture scroll in his hand, which would represent the front. The disc of the person's identity is carefully placed on the scroll.

Then the runes on the scroll suddenly lit up and began to slowly converge into a line of small characters. At the same time, the voice from the middle-aged captain continued to preach:

"Girl, let's be honest, you are the first female sergeant I received at this teleportation point today. You are not very old in this school. You should be at the age of school in the academy.

"Now that she rushes to the front line, she is really a woman."

It is true that looking at Zhijuan in front of him, this enlisted captain is extremely puzzled. Although Daxia is now famous among the younger generation, there are many female monks, but this is after all a battlefield of blood and fire, and It was just at the beginning stage. Among the main combat troops, in addition to the outstanding ones in the academy, it was still dominated by the middle-aged elders.

"Swords on the battlefield have no eyes. Please be sure to protect yourself."

After the caring voice fell, the middle-aged school lieutenant lowered his head and looked at the scroll that had completely revealed the small print in his hand. Then his eyes suddenly opened, and a sentence was written impressively on the scroll below:

"Shenjing Baidi Xuegong, Zhijuan, is now conscripted on the frontline battlefield in Tangdu to break the battlefield!"

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