"Bai, Baidi Xuegong?"

Somewhere on the transmission platform of the God of War, when Wang Yang, who was the reception officer of the Ministry of War, saw the line of words that appeared on the scroll in his hand, the whole person was shocked.

It is true that since Zhao Yu founded the extremely mysterious Baidi Academy by the Baidi Palace, this academy has been shrouded in an incomparably mysterious color in the eyes of all the people of Daxia.

Almost no one knows who is practicing in this academy, but this does not prevent all the younger generation from pursuing the Baidi Academy.

There is no doubt that this is the veritable first university in China and Daxia!

As soon as he entered the Baidi, he stepped into the taboo realm with half his foot. This is not just a word. Even the middle-aged captain at this time dreamed that he was thirty young Years old, and then had the honor to enter the Baidi Academy.

"It turned out to be the gentleman of the Baidi Xuegong. I am fortunate enough to meet the little gentleman."

After a few brief moments of horror, the middle-aged captain returned to normal. Then he thought about it in a blink of an eye, and said in a hurry:

"Department of Breaking Formation, Mr. Xiao is recruiting Division of Breaking Formation, please come with me, according to the scheduled time, once you fully control the air supremacy, the Division of Breaking Formation will be dispatched to carry out the task, so Mr. may have to hurry up."

After the solemn voice fell, the middle-aged captain did not hesitate anymore. After returning the military disc in his hand to Zhi Juan in front of him, he put away the scroll in his hand and raised his hand to the side with a greeting. Another platform, a big step forward.

In the next breath, the middle-aged captain had just taken a step, and Tangdu Sky of Heaven in the distance, with extremely violent sword qi fluctuations, once again split the entire Sky of Heaven into two parts without any fancy.

At the same time, the extremely sharp sword whistling sound shook the entire void, engulfing the ultimate kendo law, and cut it down with a single sword.

Below this opening sword, Tianshu Xianjun is still struggling to maintain his own glory belonging to the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Every time the gun and the sword are confronted, there will be a aftermath of destruction that leaks out, and then these fluctuations spread in all directions, crashing into the ten barriers of the forward forces of Daxia, and the power disappears.

The wave of destruction collided with the barrier, and the void oscillated, and then a strong wind was generated, which continued to go backwards, scouring above the towering sacred tree of war.

The strong wind blows, but standing proudly on the war platform, the sergeants who are waiting for follow-up instructions still look cold and determined. Then a young man with an upright and well-proportioned body is holding a piece of fine cloth on a platform gathering place. Gently wiped the spear in his hand.

The young man wiped it very carefully and carefully, from the tip of the gun to the end of the gun, gently and meticulously, just like the long gun in his hand, like the girl who is the most gentle guest in the world, and then an equally young voice sounded:

"Good gun, brother!"

The voice fell, and Ao Bai, who was also wearing battle armor, stepped forward from the rear, and the voice of inquiry came out again:

"The gun in Brother Guan's hand should have been obtained from the ancient mystery opened by your majesty. It is very sharp and sharp."

After Ao Bai's voice rang in his ears, Guan Shanbei, who happened to wipe the gun, raised his head and responded:

"The last time I participated in the Secret Realm, it was not only me, but also the brothers and sisters of the Ao family on the shore of the North Sea. They also took a lot of good things. Why did they envy me?"

"It's all rumors, so I took two swords. Junior sister and I are one with one sword. Nowhere else is there such an exaggeration."

After speaking, Ao Bai showed a slight smile on his face. Then he looked around and took a slow breath, because there were so many people around the huge platform that he was wearing battle armor like his face. The very young generation.

Most of these younger generations are the best in the entire Daxia Academy, and most of them are no strangers to Ao Bai. Whether it is the exchanges between the academies or the struggle for the secret realm, All have quite a touch.

Ao Bai understands them. As a new generation of Daxia rising like a big day, every young man's cultivation is extremely good, and even the middle-aged generation is greatly left behind.

In a sense, in today's Daxia practice world, due to the transition of the entire civilization, there is even an extremely common phenomenon, that is, regardless of age, regardless of age, men and women, all start from the same starting line.

"What a vibrant country!"

Unknowingly, Ao Bai and the human race on the shore of the North Sea had already attributed themselves to a member of Daxia, and because of the past sufferings, this belonging had become more indestructible.

Thinking of this, the perseverance in Ao Bai's eyes became stronger, and then he focused his gaze on a huge banner erected not far away, and slightly condensed, because three large characters were written impressively on this huge banner.

Break the battle!

The banner not far away shows that these young people who have been recruited now belong to the Division of Breaking the Formation. The big array destroyed is obvious.

The universe of stars shrouded in Tangdu!

"This big formation is not easy to break."

Perhaps it was because he felt the solemn color in Ao Bai's eyes, the voice from Guan Shanbei on his side sounded, and then the latter clenched the spear, and turned his eyes forward, where the sudden change of Tangdu was.

Even following the sight of Guan Shanbei, you can see the ancient celestial people standing densely on the city wall within the universe of stars.

Then the endless fighting spirit burned up in Guan Shanbei’s eyes. At the same time, outside the platform where the entire Destroyer Division was located, a whole army of soldiers wearing Detroit Division’s armor appeared silently. Then the leading general raised his hand and waved lightly, opening his mouth and let out a loud shout:

"Everyone, silence!"

With a shout, the Daxia younger generation on the entire platform stopped communicating with each other, and then suddenly discovered that a large number of teams appeared like a ghost and turned around not far away. , There was a little horror in his eyes.

The next breath, under the gaze of the younger generation, the chief generals, cold eyes looked around for a week, and the iron-blooded sound of each word rolled out:

"Everyone, I know that before this, you and others were the best in their respective academic palaces, but now, you have been called up to the battle division, and that is the soldier of this general.

"As a soldier of the general, we must be ready to die!"

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