The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2220: Instant kill


The blazing sun fell into the air and crashed down, and then the big sun broke out directly above the entire star array, and the power of destruction was released to the outside.

In an instant, the endless flames of the sun, wrapped in the extremely high temperature, poured outward, covering the entire universe of stars, looking from a distance, like a steamed bun being cooked.

At the same time, within the universe of stars, several stars shining with the will of the ancient immortals suddenly burst out with unprecedented light.

Then within this light, a figure of ancient immortals appeared, and as soon as these immortals appeared, their bodies shook suddenly, and they directly opened their mouths and spit out a mouthful of blood:


After falling with a painful voice, these ancient immortals suddenly raised their heads, opened their mouths and let out a low growl:

"Damn it."

After speaking, a wave of divine consciousness swept outwards, sweeping the surrounding large void, trying to find the enemies who invaded this world star array, but soon, the thick color of doubt facilitates these ancient immortals. Appeared in's eyes, and then a voice rang out:

"Xianjun Yaoguang said that this Great Xia person invaded the formation, why can't I find anything wrong?"

The question fell, and another ancient immortal not far away spoke:

"This universe is so huge. There are only a few people in total. If you can find it, it will be weird. According to this immortal, since these great summer people have rushed into this big formation recklessly, then Just let them destroy themselves, and why should we send us here?"

As soon as this remark came out, the ancient fairy who opened his mouth was intertwined with dissatisfaction and fear, and the voice continued to spread:

"These Daxia people are so terrifying. If the army is overwhelmed, our number is not enough for people to stuff their teeth. Most of the immortals on the wall have suffered a lot of injuries, including you and me!"

As soon as the words of this ancient immortal fell, a cold and stern voice sounded directly:

"I see you, this fairy family. I'm afraid you are scared. You still don't know the situation. First of all, you must know that this place is the world star formation. It is the home court of my waiting. Here, we can get a steady stream of With the supplement of Xingchen Xianli, you can use Xianshu without any scruples.

"And this second point, these Daxia mortals, they just don’t know what means they can use to combine their strengths together, exploding with extraordinary strength, but within this large array of stars, great How many people will Xia Neng come to?"

In this rhetorical question, the ancient immortal's arrogance radiated from his heart, and then his big hand waved, controlling the starlight under his feet, and heading away, leaving only a voice, Yu Wandering in place:

"Don't blame the immortal for not reminding you. In the eyes of the immortal world that is about to return, it is so rare to want to make contributions. If we want to rise above our current rank, this is the best opportunity.

"If we wait for another quarter of an hour and wait for the rest of the immortals in the soup to arrive, we may not even be able to drink the soup, so my old immortal Leimu will go ahead!"

When the words fell, the figure of the immortal who called himself Thunder Eye turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Then, in this piece of star palace, the expressions of the ancient immortals changed, and they quickly made their own. choose.

Where there are creatures, there is rank. This is part of the rules of heaven and earth. Even the ancient fairy court is no exception, but it is more stringent. In many cases, for immortals, rank is not only determined by strength. .

"A mere mortal, this immortal doesn't believe that all of them are so powerful, if it is so, then I will wait for the fairy garden, it will be a joke!"

Above a certain piece of starry sky inside the universe of stars, the unruly voice of Lei Mu Lao Xian came out, and then this ancient immortal, who was flying and waving his hands out, appeared directly on his forehead. A blazing blue thunder eye.

At the next breath, in this thunderous eye on the forehead of the old Leimu, a thunder light blasted forward, sweeping the vast void in front of him, and under the sweep of this thunder-eye, the star void in front of the former seemed to have been lost. Pulling away the layers, immediately revealed the appearance of the inside.

But what made the Leimu old immortal even more dissatisfied was that even though he was frantically scanning the void ahead on his way, he still got nothing, and then a cold voice came from the former:

"Where are these mortal mice hiding, but this is also good, it shows that their numbers are scarce, and it is also an opportunity for this immortal."

As the words fell, this very old ancient fairy stopped the figure that turned into a fluttering light, turned his side, and looked at a star that was not far away.

After that, the Thunder Eye Immortal's gaze condensed, because he discovered that there was a little weirdness around the star, as if there were several gazes, scanning it.

After an instant, the thunder eye above the forehead of the old Lei Mu began to flash rapidly, and he was about to blast out the thunder light again, but before it blasted out, he suddenly raised his head again, and opened his mouth again with a strange cry:

"Mortal dare you?"

Before the strange cry fell, a hundred meters away from the Thunder Eye Immortal, two young figures holding swords appeared directly. At the same time, they rolled with extreme killing intent and slammed the Thunder Eye Immortal's location.

The thunder-eyed immortal, who was full of killing intent and exploded with celestial power, raised his hand to cover the entire body with a layer of celestial power barrier, directly in the thunder eye between the eyebrows, and blasted forward two unprecedented violent sky thunders. Light.

In the next instant, the light of the sky thunder was like a sharp pair of scissors, completely cutting the entire void in front of him, but under the sky thunder's scissors, the two figures that appeared before, had long since disappeared.

Then there was a very faint sound of space breaking in the entire star void:


Under this soft sound, under the incredibly unbelievable gaze of Immortal Thunder Eye, the void beside him, two blue lights lit up at the same time, and then the figures of Ao Bai and Yao Fu appeared together.

At the same time, there were two sharp swords with burning edges.


The two swords easily smashed the celestial barrier surrounding the Thunder Eye Immortal at the same time, and at the same time pierced the former's chest, overlapping and out, and locked the old immortal firmly in place.


At the next breath, the Thunder Eye Immortal had only time to raise the sky and let out a roar. The two clearly visible Molong shadows made it easy to rush out of the sharp sword stabbed by the brothers and sisters of the Ao family, and directly grabbed the head of the Thunder Eye Immortal. Let the roar stop abruptly.


At the same time, above the void, the dense fog that obscured perception dissipated, and Guan Shanbei, who was in one body and spear, fell from the sky and stabbed the blood spear in his hand into the head of Immortal Thunder Eye.

Accompanied by a head that exploded like a watermelon, this elite squad that went deep into the star array completed an instant kill on the first ancient immortal it encountered!

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