
With a soft sound, Leimu Daxian's head exploded completely, and the dazzling blood, together with unwilling will and splashing power, scattered in all directions.

Until he fell into the eternal darkness, this shouyuan was approaching, trying to go one step further above the immortal family. The ambitious thunder-eye immortal, it is really hard to dream that he is actually in the home of the universe of stars. The so-called mortal, complete instant killing.

The meaning of the word Instant Kill is much more than that. This from the other hand proves a fact that makes all ancient immortals creepy.

Daxia's monks, even the younger generation, have the ability to directly break through the entire body of the ancient immortals, and they are proud of the immortal power barrier!

"The adults at the Military Aircraft Department are really right. The most difficult thing for these ancient immortals is the immortal power barriers around them. If it weren't for the forbidden power of the weapons, it would be extremely necessary to smash these barriers. A long time."

After the head of Leimu Daxian exploded, Guan Shanbei's body full of fighting spirit fell from above, and then a young voice came out, and then in front of him, Ao Bai, who withdrew the sharp sword from within Leimu Daxian's body, stepped outside. Step out, get out of your body, and at the same time speak in response:

"This ancient immortal without a barrier of immortal power is like a tiger without minions. The weak body of these immortals after resuscitation is one of the biggest weaknesses."

After speaking, in the shadows behind the few people, the figure of the young school lieutenant Xiaoqi rushed out, and then he took out a pocket, trapped all the corpses of Leimu Daxian who had fallen down in front of him, and slammed the bag tightly. All the leaked breath of the latter is isolated.

The next breath came from the voice of Zhijuan from behind, and then sounded:

"It seems that these ancient immortals have already reacted to our invasion. The fog of trickery cannot completely isolate the perception of this global formation, but there is good news. It is coming at this time, or on the city wall. Those ancient immortals."

After Zhi Juan finished speaking, he looked around for a week, staring at the stars twinkling in all directions, his red lips lightly opened, and he continued to speak:

"The number of twinkling will stars in this universe of stars has not increased significantly, so we still have some time, but this time is not much, so we must speed up our action."

As the voice fell, Zhijuan, frowning slightly, took out a scroll and opened it with her hands. While pulling it apart, she continued to speak:

"So far, all the teams performing tasks in our Breaking Formation Division have entered the second tier of this star formation and have begun to position the formation of this formation."

As the voice fell, Zhi Juan raised his hand and gently swiped towards the map that was gradually lit in front of him, and the soft voice came out again:

"This time, the Division of Breaking the Formation adopted the most unpretentious way of breaking the formation, that is, using countless investigators and outpost guards to spread out in the entire void."

As soon as he said this, Aofu, who showed great interest in the way of breaking the formation, raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Girl Zhijuan, although she is not proficient in breaking formations, she also knows that the space at the core of these world-wide star formations is folded back and forth and is infinitely long. Therefore, spreading outwards like this is a water-milling effort and should be costly. Countless hours?"

This question fell, and Zhi Juan, who was looking at the scroll, shook her head and responded:

"Although the Battered Division is looking for a needle in a haystack, it will not be this way. In other words, we use investigative and sentry guards to spread out instead of trying to directly find the position of the enemy, because this is completely based on It's luck, what I'm waiting for is the context!"

As soon as the word "Mailuo" came out, everyone around who heard it suddenly raised their heads, and then they listened to their ears, and the voice from Zhijuan continued to sound:

"Heaven and earth must have a core if they want to operate. This formation is no exception. The formation's eyes are like the hearts of our creatures. We need to transfer energy through a special context to the whole direction. Block big array.

"This is the context!"

When the words fell, Zhi Juan stretched out her fingers and continued to move along the scroll map. She raised her hand to a point below, and said again:

"So this time, the most important task of each team in the division is to determine the flow of these veins and mark them on the map, thereby eliminating one area after another.

"And now, most of the areas have been excluded, and there are not many remaining areas, and we are in one of them, and I have a hunch that the eyes of this universe of stars may be there. We are nearby."

After speaking, Zhi Juan retracted the scroll with dense and complex lines in her hand, waved forward and threw out a large number of space paper birds. Then these paper birds continued to flap their wings and spread out directly, forming a double formation. Only one hovered in this very strange starry sky.

After an instant, each paper bird was placed forward at the same time as the detective and sentry guards. The surrounding area of ​​Zhi Juan and others suddenly brightened, and at the same time, the entire space began to be like a river, and began to fluctuate.

At the next breath, the eyes of Ao Bai and the others lit up, and they all spoke together:

"This is the context?"

When the voice fell, I saw that in the field of vision of the guards that lined out, there suddenly appeared wisps of extremely dim starlight, like tiny golden snakes hidden in the deepest part of the void, winding forward, swallowing the stars. .

"Yes, this is the vein of the star array, and the veins are in the same direction and there is no intertwining, which means one thing."

After speaking, Zhijuan showed a smile on her face, raised a lot of loud voice, and said directly:

"This means that my feeling is right. The eyes of this universe of stars are not far away from us!"

When the voice came out, Zhi Juan began to control the space around her body and began to flow, teleporting her figure directly to a certain thread that was flowing, stretched out her hand forward, and started to touch the faint flowing in front of me. Light and shadow.

After a breath, Zhijuan's white fingers lightly touched this vein of stars.

What's strange is that the moment when he touched this ray of starburst, Zhi Juan's fingers suddenly became extremely transparent.

At the same time, an extremely small paper fish rushed into a ray of starlight with a thunderous momentum, and swam its tail, upstream.

After an instant, the eyes of Zhuo Bai and others began to follow the paper fish, extending forward, and at this moment, the direction of the paper fish was the depths of this starry sky.

At the same time, at the end of the eyes of Ao Bai and others, an object slowly appeared.

That is a rather dim, and extremely inconspicuous star!

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