The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2222: Shocking change

"Everything has an origin. What we are doing now is to trace the origin of this large formation and have roughly locked its position."

Above the void inside the universe of stars, a voice from Zhijuan sounded.

At this time, the young girl's tone was full of confidence. At the same time, a few people around, looking along the outstretched fingers of the former, could see the dim star, and they opened their mouths one after another:

"Is that the star?"

"pretty close."

After Zhi Juan's still confident voice came out, she continued to wave his hand forward, throwing out a paper bird, and directly following the paper fish that was upstream in the veins of the stars, and flew towards the direction of the stars.

"Since I have locked the position of this array of eyes, it is not too late for me to wait for this final break of the array."

Accompanied by the guard's light lingering in the paper bird's mouth, more and more clear veins appeared in front of everyone's eyes. After the voice fell, Qi Bin raised his right hand and opened his mouth again and issued a command:

"Everyone, break the formation!"

The command came down, and Guan Shanbei, who was already a forward, took the gun and walked directly towards the dim star in front of him. Then a few people from behind followed, guarding the inner Zhijuan in the same guard formation. Complete the final destruction.

A group of people are moving forward extremely fast, and efficiency is king on this battlefield that is racing against time. Therefore, under the situation that Zhijuan is constantly shifting the space, it only takes less than a hundred breaths, and a few people really appear here. Stars before.

Compared with the other extremely huge stars in this big formation, this dim star is really too inconspicuous, even if it walks in front of you, it is only the size of a room, and at the same time, the surface of this star is pitted, except for some Except for the complicated and difficult ancient characters, there is nothing special, not even the slightest light.

"If it hadn't been for this big formation to lead here, I'm afraid it would be hard to think that the formation of this ancient universe of stars turned out to be such an ordinary little star."

At the next breath, Qi Bin, who was standing in front of the dim stars, opened his mouth and opened his mouth. Then he lifted up and pointed at Zhijuan beside him, and then said:

"Zhijuan secretary, let's get started, my Daxia lined up outside Tangdu, and millions of soldiers are waiting for the moment to break the formation!"

Qi Bin's words just fell, and Zhi Juan, who was about to nod his head, suddenly changed her complexion. Not only him, but several younger generations including Ao Bai around him, suddenly raised their heads and blurted out:

"These ancient immortals in Tangdu finally reacted!"

Along with the sound of this extremely solemn speech, within the entire universe of stars, Daliang's originally extremely dim stars, at this moment, are all lit up, and then these bright stars shoot out dazzling brilliance directly. The light soared into the sky, and within this glorious light, the shadow of the fairy appeared.

At the same time, another scene in which Zhijuan's complexion changed more drastically appeared directly, because the dim star in front of the crowd made a light click without warning.

This soft sound was undoubtedly like a bolt from a blue sky, and it blasted into Zhi Juan's heart, causing the latter to open his mouth and let out an exclamation:

"No, there is existence that is controlling this moment of eyes to stay away, hurry, stop it, hurry!"

Before the words fell, Guan Shanbei, the first to react, had already turned into a black shadow. After a few jumps, he appeared directly on the side of the star, holding a gun in his right hand, and blasted a shot on the side of the star that began to oscillate rapidly.


In an instant, every inch of the void in the entire universe of stars that was still silent suddenly rang out like a big bell being hit.

And as soon as this voice came out, whether it was the secretary of Daxia who was in charge of breaking the formation, or the ancient immortals, Qi Qi's heart shook violently.

Because this sounded the drum of the final break-through stage!

"No, these Great Xia people are bombarding the eyes of this formation?"

Loud noises lingered in my ears, and some ancient immortals who knew about this universe of stars became extremely cold, and then the void around these people suddenly oscillated and fluctuated extremely violently.

This is one of the self-protection methods of this cosmopolitan star formation. It needs to use the means of space movement to move all the creatures in the formation to its eyes, thereby protecting its core lifeline.

But in the next moment, before this spatial ripple was fully effective, Zhi Juan, who was located outside the eyes of the great array, quickly formed seals with her hands, and let out a soft drink in her mouth:

"The spirit of space, set!"

After an instant, the paper birds arranged by Zhijuan in all directions exploded outward at the same time, and at the same time, the paper fish that followed the veins and swam towards the position of the eye also exploded without fancy.

What's strange is that these exploded paper birds and paper fish did not cause any violent explosions. On the contrary, they spread out like a hand in the void, appearing because of the self-protection shock of the great formation. The space folds of the folds are smoothed directly.

In the next moment, the spatial suction generated by the large array ceased instantly, but Ao Bai and others were too happy to be happy, but also rushed forward without hesitation, and at the same time let out a shout:

"Brother Guan!"

I saw Guan Shanbei, who was blasted with the gun before. At this time, the entire tall and straight body was stunned backwards. At the same time, the spear in his hand was shaking at an unprecedented degree, and even the right hand holding the gun was blurred by the shock.

So it can be seen how violent the outward impact of this Array Eye Star is just now!

After that, the star that had been stopped by Guan Shanbei for a breath continued to tremble rapidly and began to flee outward. Just after moving his figure, there were two more figures, appearing before the star without any hesitation.

At the same time, the body under the battle armor of the brothers and sisters of Ao's brothers and sisters, the dragon scales appeared outward, and on the heads of the two people, two black dragon horns extended out, and even inside the body, two dragons were heard. Roar.

The power of Ssangyong!

After an instant, the two dragons at their peak power were bombarded by the twin swords on this faint star that flashed suddenly, and within the entire universe, there was another roar that kept lingering.

However, the Ao brothers and sisters tried their best to bombard, but they could only stop this star for an extremely short moment. Then the two of them were also bombarded backwards, their breath violently oscillated, and even the surrounding space was shrinking extremely violently. Collapse, as if sinking into a quagmire, it is difficult to break free for a while.

In the next instant, this bleak star at the core of the formation vibrated more violently, and at the same time, inside the pitted surface, flares began to flash out, about to tear apart the surrounding space set by Zhi Juan.

"not good!"

A loud shout came from Ao Bai and the others at the same time, and just in the midst of this moment, a huge figure suddenly threw out from the rear. The huge claws hugged the trembling stars in front of them, unexpectedly hard. Lively use their own power to confine this star in place.

Angry Beast Army, Qi Bin!

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