The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2223: Hand of the Stars

With the murderous intent of the undercurrent in the core place of the cosmopolitan star formation, the mission of Breaking the Formation Division officially entered the final juncture.

Da Xia’s request for the entire time limit for breaking the formation was extremely short, only a short quarter of an hour. Therefore, this time the action was indeed extremely fast. So quickly that these ancient immortals had not fully reacted, the eyes of this great formation were already being locked.

And the only thing that worries the officers and officials of the formation is that the number of people used to destroy the formation eyes is really too small, and there is only one team.

"Everyone, my compatriots are already breaking the formation. I will stop these ancient immortals and prepare to fight!"

The same words came out from the commanders of every team that broke the formation everywhere in the universe of stars.

Then the younger generation of Da Xia who had penetrated into the enemy's formation, unsheathed with fearless sharp blades, concealed by the mist of tricks, and the power of ghosts and charms that jumped into space with flashing daggers, instantly appeared beside an ancient immortal.

After an instant, a sharp blade with infinite forbidden power, amidst the unbelievable roar of these ancient immortals, shattered the immortal power barrier around them, and drove straight into them, and then pierced into the bodies of these ancient immortals. Complete instant kill.

I have to say that the ancient celestial beings who are on top of each other on weekdays are completely unprepared for Daxia's current thunder-like methods. Therefore, even in the global star formation that can be called home, they are still in the middle of a face. , It fell down a large piece.

"Damn, defense, defense, these Daxia people are like ghosts and can directly smash the immortal power barriers around us, you immortals, you must pay attention!"

Faced with the sharp blade of the secretary of Daxia breaking the formation, for a time, the entire universe of the stars inside the large array was instantly chaotic, and at the same time, in the place where the stars of the core formation were, the entire void was in incomparably weird ups and downs. Shock.

This kind of weirdness, to be more accurate, is the game between Zhijuan and the core star today over the power of space!

Zhijuan is worthy of being the highest school in Daxia, the proud son of the Baidi Academy. Using the space paper bird laid before, she forcibly blocked the small area where the core array was located.

On the other hand, the large array of stars, who have already sensed the crisis, are trying every possible means to tear up this space blockade and move them away. At the same time, behind this spatial confrontation, this array of eyes is also not waiting to die. Instead, they use the power of violent shocks to flee outward.

So Guan Shanbei took the lead to stop, followed by Ao Bai and Ao Fu's defensive hedge, and when the two were bombarded, Qi Bin, who was in the state of angry beasts, was released between the two. Shengsheng stopped in front of this star to flee.

"Boom boom boom!"

The extremely violent impact force shattered the armor of the angry beast army outside Qi Bin's body. Not only the armor, but even the solid surface under the armor, there were countless dense cracks, and then dazzling. Qi Bin's blood surged outwards, looking from a distance, under the extremely sharp spatial blade, Qi Bin seemed to be stunned, extremely stern.

But even so, as one of the elite soldiers who have been galloping on the battlefield since the Era of the Endless Mountain Jade Dragon Pass, the partial general of the angry beast army, without any wailing, but madly burning his own vitality, opened his mouth and roared:

"Zhijuan, I couldn't hold on for too long, I will break the line soon!"

This roar did not fall, and not far away, all the origin was consumed, and Zhijuan, who held the entire void around her body, already drank several bottles of purified water one after another.

Then the girl's pretty face showed a strong color of firmness, her lips were tight, and she raised her hand to take a big bow from her back.

After an instant, while Zhijuan raised his big bow, the former cautiously stretched out his hand to hold an arrow out of his quiver, and drew it out.

At this moment, extremely bright light gushes out from the arrows, and this light is also dazzling stars, which is different from the previous Xu Sheng and others who shattered the universe. The bursting arrow on the surface, which was pinched by Zhijuan in her hand at this time, was a star arrow made entirely of star sand!

I still remember Wang Jing, as the commander of the frontline soldiers and horses of this battle, said when he communicated with the Tianhui Army and Sisi Cheng Li Yi that there was no formation that Daxia could not break in the whole world, and Wang Jing dared to say this. The sturdy arrow is the bright arrow in Zhi Juan's hand.

Star sand can break the formation of the world!


After a harsh sound, Zhi Juan buckled the star arrow in her hand on the bowstring of the long bow and pulled it back.

Zhijuan's thin body contained extremely exaggerated huge power, so the big bow in her hand was instantly drawn to an extremely exaggerated circle.

Afterwards, Zhi Juan, who held his breath, pointed the arrow tip of the star arrow at the star that was trembling crazily at the core of the eye, and without any hesitation, directly let go of the bowstring.


An incomparably piercing scream suddenly resounded through the entire void, and then the entire void of the entire universe of stars showed a bright light of stars that was almost incapable of being caught by the naked eye.

On the other level of divine consciousness, the time and space where the entire void is located seems to have been slowed down and elongated countless times. At the same time, under the shroud of everyone’s divine consciousness, this star arrow is moving a little bit. Approaching the eyes of this world star array.

For a tens of thousands of years, looking at the stars and sand arrows that approached the eyes a little bit, Ao Bai and others' faces showed a deep joy, and they opened their mouths and let out a loud roar:

"It's done, it's done!"

Before the roar fell, the Star Arrow completely appeared outside the star, and unimpededly shredded the undulating spatial ripples in front of him, and stuck in the pits, but there were many strange characters on the surface.


The star arrow smashed the surface of the core of the formation, and at the same time, the extremely strong power of the star sand began to pour in. Perhaps in the next instant, it could completely penetrate and shred the entire formation eye, bringing this world star The big formation was completely broken.

Once the formation is open, the countless soldiers and horses of Daxia Chen's army will drive straight in and flatten the capital!

But in such a situation, Zhi Juan's face with a slight smile turned into a serious face in an instant. Without any hesitation, she rushed forward.

At the same time, within the cracks opened by the stars, countless stars like volcanic eruptions appeared frantically outwards without warning, and then within the stars, there appeared a hand, an infinitely perfect splendor. hand.

Then this hand was flexed, the thumb clasped the middle finger, and flicked forward, hitting the stars and arrows.


After a soft sound, the Star Arrow was completely knocked open from it, broken into two pieces, and flew out backwards.

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