The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2224: Second arrow

The star popped out with one finger, and the star arrow broke in two immediately.

The sudden scene that happened before him completely exceeded the expectations of everyone in the breaking team.

Then everyone's thoughts almost stagnated at this moment, staring at the perfect hand that stretched out from nowhere in front of them, and completely broke into two arrows.

Under this flash, the turbulent space and time once again became more violent, and then Guan Shanbei, who was the first to react, turned his battered body around abruptly, and then held the gun back, like The big bow blasted the spear forward, and at the same time let out a roar:

"Damn it!"

Before the roar fell, the blood gun slammed forward and rushed directly to the star with a hand outstretched, but without exception, this shot returned without success.

Not only that, when the blood spear dragged a long, destroying blood flame, appeared outside the star, the hand of the star stretched out within the star just turned slightly, and it turned off like a **** who controls everything. Shanbei took a hard shot and held it directly in his hand.

Then the hand of the star turned his wrist, pulled the spear, and instantly moved the front of the gun forward, blasting a stream of stars, and completely pierced the left shoulder of the rushing Guanshanbei, the whole person fell down, and opened his mouth with a dull sound. Humph.

Undoubtedly, this grasp and flick showed that the master of the hand of the stars had an incomparable and terrifying cultivation base.

In the next instant, the hand holding the gun gently applied force and directly crushed the extremely sturdy spear in his hand, turning it into fragments in the sky, followed by a cold celestial sound that came out from the star in the eyes:

"It's so weird, it can dissolve the power of immortality, so it's no wonder that you can easily pierce into the enchantment of ancient immortals."

This voice came out, this outstretched hand held a broken piece of Guan Shanbei's spear, and just wanted to investigate it again, but not far away, two stegosaurus had been intertwined and blasted towards each other.

At the same time, Ao Bai and Ao Fu, who slashed both swords forward at the same time, deceived their body, and the long sword in their hands traced out the path of Taoism, leaning forward and bursting sword energy.

This sword-qi supernatural power still carried an extremely concealed forbidden aura, which caused the master of the hand of the star to make another whisper:

"Even the slashed sword aura carries this weird aura, which is really difficult and mysterious."

Having said that, the hand of the star, the next action was merciless, and with a flick outward, it instantly cut the Molong sword energy that swept through into countless fragments, and then this hand popped out again with a finger. , Two stars and streamers blasted out again.

What a desperate streamer this is, just like avoiding the inevitable punishment of heaven, so that Ao and Bai had no time to react, they were pierced directly through their bodies, and for a while, the entire void of the entire formation was deep. , Are completely controlled by an incomparably ancient will.

Between this lightning and stone fire, neither side had much words, Zhi Juan and others did not ask who the owner of the hand of the stars was, and the latter did not intend to keep the hand, and the murderous intent was revived.

After an instant, the hand of the star turned its pointer and pointed it directly at the eyebrows of Ao Bai and Ao Fu not far away. If this finger pops out, the heads of the two who are falling will undoubtedly be directly. blow out.

Before a while, the fingers of the star hand that were about to pop out gave a slight pause. Because it turned into an angry beast form, the two claws stubbornly resisted the angry beast army general Qi Bin of the star, and suddenly shook. A star disturbed the movement of this star's hand for a moment.

At the same time, her face was a little pale, and a voice from an unknown source suddenly rang out beside Zhi Juan's ears, who rushed forward:

"Girl, take out the big bow and shoot another arrow!"

As soon as he said this, Zhi Juan, who was extremely anxious and worried, suddenly became particularly calm. Although he did not know where the sound came from, she still did not hesitate and waved again and took out the big bow as soon as possible. At the speed of, he directly drew another arrow of cinnabar sand.

Cinnabar is one of the rarest things in the world, and it is even more difficult to smelt each other and make arrows. Therefore, even if it is to perform such an important task of breaking the formation this time, every one breaks it. There are only two officials in the division.

In other words, this is the last star arrow on Zhijuan's body, which also means that this arrow is the last chance when the first arrow is bounced off!

In the next moment, bend the bow, shoot the arrow, pull the string, and do it in one go, and then the second star arrow is shining brightly.

At the same time, the angry beast army general Qi Bin who saw Zhijuan pull the second bow, burned his original essence without reservation, and then ignored the blood that began to gush out all over his body, opening his mouth. Let out a deafening roar:

"To this general, broken array!"

After the roar fell, Qi Bin, who turned into a beast of rage, opened his huge mouth with fangs, and bit the star in front of him with one bite.

This mouthful of blood, in the eyes of the others around him, was undoubtedly the moth fighting the fire, but Qi Bin did not hesitate, trying to use his flesh and blood to draw arrows for the bow, and the light of star sand envelops Zhijuan. Fight for a moment of opportunity.


The sharp mouth bit on the stars, making a crisp sound, and then Qi Bin's beast mouth was completely torn apart by the violent trembling void and sharp light.

In such a tragic situation, it seemed that there was an extremely violent bomb that exploded directly from the inside of the former's mouth. In an instant, Lieutenant Qi, who was Qi Bin's son, immediately made his teeth crack and his eyes were red.

However, the young captain still bit his teeth and continued to walk around. The eyes that looked forward were already carrying scarlet bloodshot eyes and extremely violent killing intent.

He was very clear about the situation he was in. Under the incomparable strength of this hand of stars, if he suddenly stepped forward, it would have no effect other than sending death.

So he is waiting, waiting for an opportunity!


After an instant, the sound of the bowstring shaking the void suddenly came out, and then the last star arrow in the hands of Zhijuan turned into a flash of light, tearing open the void in front of him, and in an instant, the universe was huge. Array of eyes.

At the same time, Qi Bin, who completely put his life and death out of the picture, sent a fierce madness to suppress the dim stars that vibrated infinitely under his claws. At this moment, the time and space flowing in the depths of the entire void were once again because of the stars. The arrow blasted out, and it fell into a slow stagnation.

Everything is like a circle, returning to the origin again, but it seems that it has not changed, but the change is always there.

The next breath, Qi Bin wanted to burn the essence, suppressed the hand of the stars for a moment, reacted again, and pointed again, and at the same time an indifferent voice came out:

"Stubbornly stubborn."

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