The night assassin wandering in the deepest part of the space is always silent.

No matter if it was an action, a hunt, or a counterattack, there was no sound or fluctuation. At the same time, as the most extreme assassin, his every strike was the deadliest.

This battle is the first battle of the newly promoted Nightmare Division Taboo in front of him, revealing his fangs in front of others!

And these fangs were not animal fangs, but worm-blade fangs with infinite cold light.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the deadliest insect in the entire Supreme Profound Land, so deadly that even the Daluo Immortal who was once high above and overlooking the sentient beings was chopped off three fingers by one blow, shuddering all over, and roared frantically.

But a few moments later, this feeling of trembling completely burst into the heart of this Da Luo immortal again, but under the circumstances that he blasted out the fist of disaster with all his strength, this was incredible.

"What kind of weird rule is this?"

After an instant, a roar with horror rolled out in the eyes of the stars again.

Immortal Daluo's realm is so high that he has almost stood at the top of this world. Therefore, even if he has not yet smashed the fist of the disaster in his hand, he has already felt the sudden change of the qi in front of him.

That is a sign that the rules are beginning to move!

At the same time, the countless thorns in front of him, rooted in the depths of the void, blasted silently, giving this Immortal Daluo an unparalleled oppression.

The former has never seen such a weird rule but it is now the situation, but now for this big Luo, the arrow is already on the line and he has to send it.

Undoubtedly, at this moment, this immortal Da Luo is so suffocated in his heart. It is entirely a kind of suffocation that has a self-cultivation base and realm, but cannot be displayed. Obviously, this immortal’s suffocation, It's far from over.

A moment later, Immortal Daluo’s catastrophic punch directly hit the spiked shell of Si Ye Assassin, and under the gaze of the surrounding eyes, the shadow of the stars and stars under the heavy fist, for a moment Condensed to the extreme, even inside the star of this year-old star, countless strange beasts that foretell the disaster of heaven and earth, roaring up to the sky.

If each of these strange beasts were placed on the ground of the Supreme Profound Land, there would be a **** storm, but what made people feel extremely shocked is that after this catastrophe was blown out, there was no explosion, no destruction, or even any earth-shattering. The ear-splitting roar.

Some are just silent prohibitions and stagnations!

Everything in the entire world, including time and space, power, fluctuations, and everything, just as if the pause button was pressed and stopped in place.

Although this kind of stoppage was extremely short, the rules behind it were extremely high, and even completely crushed the rules of disaster under the heavy fist of the old star.

As we all know, in the current cultivation system of the Great Profound Land, only the origin can contend with the origin, and once it reaches the level of the rules, the key to the strength of the two is the level of the rules.

The rules with higher levels can completely cut off the rules with lower levels, and at the moment when the punches intersect, the rules of the new taboo of the young Great Summer Nightmare occupy the dominant position.

As a result, time and space stagnated, and countless void spikes turned into channels, completely absorbing the power of the catastrophe that burst into a punch instantly, and directly guided it into the deepest part of the endless void.

At the same time, a shocking and dizzying force spread outwards, directly following the rules of the shock, completely stunning the Da Luo fairy who guarded the world's stars.

What a shocking scene, because even for a moment, an ancient Daluo immortal was truly shaken into a state of dizziness.

It also meant that the Immortal Daluo at this moment could not mobilize any immortal power within the immortal body, could not move even a finger, and even the thought of infinite surging and beating would completely stop.

At the same time, outside the eyes of this world-wide array of earth and stars, a group clenched its teeth, with scarlet and blood-colored figures in its eyes, like an iron-blooded avenger, directly rushing towards the dense rune, pits and pits in front of the stars. .

This figure is not burly, but it is extremely firm, and holding something tightly in his hand, it is a star-sand arrow that was snapped off by Daluo's finger and flew out!

He is Captain Xiao Qi, a hunter who wanders on the edge of the battlefield, waiting for an opportunity, and an Avenger at the same time!

The closer to this star, the supreme majesty of Immortal Daluo in front of him will be pressed down like a mountain. Even if Immortal Daluo is completely stunned at this time, the pressure is still at the level of heaven and earth.

But the figure leaping high, leaping towards the stars, did not hesitate at all. At the same time, it was holding the hand of Xingchen Broken Arrow, without the slightest tremor, and it was still extremely stable.

"Crack, click."

The armor outside of Captain Xiao Qi's body began to dissolve because of the disaster power of the Immortal Da Luo, and the pain was so severe that Ye could only make the young captain of Da Xia frowned slightly.

Then, in the short span of a shot, the young captain rushed over the star's eyes, lifted the broken arrow of the star he was holding firmly, and slammed it down fiercely.


After a crisp sound, half of the broken arrow of the stars plunged directly into the eye of this large array of the universe, and then the entire large array that enveloped Tangdu suddenly shook fiercely, as if inside the array There was an extremely stern roar.

But this is not enough. Although the arrow of celestial sand has the power to break the formation, it still needs to penetrate the core completely.

At the same time, under the taboo rules of dizziness with supernatural powers, Sui Xing Daluo, who began to recover, opened his mouth and let out an extremely angry roar:

"Damn, damn, get out!"

Before the roar, the young lieutenant who pierced the half of the star arrow into the stars, completely ignored the incomparable violent behind him, set off a huge wave of Sui Xing Da Luo, clenched his right fist, bit his lip, and faced him. The half of the star in front of him broke the arrow, exhausted his vitality, and smashed it with a fierce punch.

With this punch, the young lieutenant had already put his life and death out of control. This was an extremely firm punch, and even in the center of the large array where the aura was violently trembling, there was a howling sound after blasting the void.


After an instant, the young lieutenant's right fist slammed on the broken arrow of the stars, and the whole broken arrow was completely smashed into the eye of the array.

Then the endless rays of celestial sand burst out from within the arrow, filling every inch of the entire array of stars.


After another breath of time, Immortal Daluo opened his mouth and let out a sharp roar.

At the same time, the first crack appeared on this star's eye with a click.

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