The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 2228: Do what you say

Outside the city of Tangdu, artillery fire continued to the sky, accompanied by the full and loud roar of the Daxia Weiyang army, rounds of thunder ballistas rose from the earth into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, like the end of the day.

"Thunder Ballista, get up!"

After another wild roar came out, the universe of stars outside Tangdu was once again completely swallowed by the sky of destruction thunder, and because the entire void was shaken over and over again under the power of thunder, making the entire air Among them, there is a thick thunder power.

At this time, it was nearly a quarter of an hour before Daxia broke the formation and the secretary, rushed into the universe to break the formation, and within this quarter of an hour, Daxia thoroughly showed the world what fire suppression is. .

The monk who was fortunate enough to see this battle scene also saw such a terrifying combat method for the first time in his life.

There is no need to kill the soldiers with their lives, but to control the truth within the range of the Weiyang Army!

"This is a totally unimaginable way of fighting. It's beyond common sense. I don't know if it's a newcomer, but it must be unprecedented in the realm of the Profound Profound Realm."

On a certain platform of the God of War, holding his breath, watching the long-range troops of Daxia, he kept leaning forward for a full quarter of a second with the golden ingot of terrifying power, opened his mouth and let out a sigh of relief, and continued to speak. :

"Girl Fanxing, to be honest, looking at the destruction of the world and the earth, I don't know why, I am a little numb, and I have a very strange feeling, just like."

At the next breath, when the gold ingot's voice hadn't completely fallen, the stars, who were staring at the same breath, kept their eyes on the front, and said directly:

"It's just like this scene. For Daxia, how easy it is. Even this extremely powerful country may have even more devastating means."

The words fell, although Jin Yuanbao did not continue to respond, but he already acquiesced to the female sword repairing Fanxing's voice, and then the former raised his head and stared above the void, then he was screaming in the most violent posture. The figure, the color of awe in the eyes is stronger.

Because outside this great formation, those Daxia Taboos wearing big robes are pressing against the so-called high-ranking immortals among the ancient immortals, and they are engaged in a fierce confrontation.

The dome of destruction formed by the waves of blood, storms, and the sea of ​​iron-blooded battle spirits kept pressing down, trying to cover the Beidou fairy princes below with dust, and completely fall to the mortal dust.

Daxia Taboos, with the strength that can be described as against the sky, tell these high ancient immortals who is the real ruler of the sky and the sky.

With the next breath, looking at the scene where the gods and demons were banging against each other, the gold ingot with his lips pressed tightly, his fists clenched, and then he opened his mouth and let out a low growl:

"Facts have proved how correct this choice was made, my father, I made the most correct choice!"

These two corrects indicate how surging Jin Ingot's heart is at this time. It has always been carrying huge responsibility and pressure on its shoulders, and because of his choice to join Daxia, he did not hesitate to let the entire Jin Zong Falling apart.

But now, the scenes before him let him know how correct his choice is.


At the next breath, the excited gold ingot, after exhaling a breath, began to calm his mind. For some reason, he suddenly remembered the old people who had appeared on the platform before.

Then I looked at the gold ingots looking far away, lowered my sight, and started searching for the traces of these old people below. It stands to reason that, on the magnificent battlefield spread out by the Wuyangyang array, how many figures were found. Difficulties.

But the fact is not the case, because the gold ingot only took a very short time to find the traces of several old people.

At the forefront of Daxia's entire battlefield formation, several old people headed by Xu Sheng, dressed in battle armor, body like loose, like a nail, firmly nailed to the ground.

Behind the two princes of Da Xia, there is a vast and mighty army that is endless and fighting to the sky, and these old people at this time, just as they said before, are no longer the so-called princes of the country, and He is an ordinary soldier in the camp.

Falling into the camp is the forward camp that Daxia charged and trapped in the forefront. In other words, once the universe of stars in front of him is broken, then the first one to rush to Tangdu to kill the enemy is to fall into the camp.

At the forefront of the battlefield where killing intent was rolling, Xu Sheng, who stood firmly on the ground, stared at the large array that was shaking violently every second, and a deep voice came out.

"It's almost a quarter of an hour."

After the voice fell, behind Xu Sheng, Li Chunfeng, with white beard flying, thought for a moment, and responded:

"Yes, it's about a quarter of an hour before the battle to break the formation. I just don't know how the mission is completed, the little guys from the battle formation division?"

When this question fell, Li Chunfeng's black eyes turned, as if thinking of something, the old voice continued:

"There are many changes in this universe of stars, and the ancient immortals are not soft persimmons. The great array in front of this has not seen any movement. Isn't it an accident?"

There was a little worry in Li Chunfeng's voice, and then the Western Barbarian King Zhong Liye, who was not tall but surging beside him, opened his slightly closed eyes and responded:

"Why, old man Li, if I remember correctly, you have an apprentice who not only entered the Baidi Academy in Daxia, but also joined this time as the most talented official in the battle formation division. In."

After speaking, the king of Ximan Zhong Liye raised his brows, and the voice of inquiry continued:

"What? Are you old man worried about his apprentice?"

"Worry must be worried. It is the first time that Zhijuan's child has encountered such a big scene. On such a magnificent battlefield, even if the old man goes deep into this big battlefield, he will be embarrassed. Besides, it's a little girl."

After speaking, a smile appeared on Li Chunfeng's face. As the conversation changed, the old voice continued:

"But the old man still has confidence in his little disciple, and confidence in Daxia's younger generation."

Li Chunfeng's words made the faces of several elderly people standing proudly at the forefront of the battlefield smile.

Then Wei Guogong Xu Sheng opened his mouth, and took a breath full of iron and warfare. Then he stretched out his hand to hold the big bow behind him, and continued to roll out every word:

"Of course you can trust the entire battlefield military headquarters, the military aircraft department, and under the iron-blood order, it is said that within a quarter of an hour, this big formation will definitely not exist for another breath."

Xu Sheng's remarks were decisive, with infinite dominance and self-confidence. Then Xu Sheng raised his head and stared at the shining star array in front of him. He stretched out his five fingers and counted with breath after breath.

After a few breaths, when Xu Sheng counted the last finger, his determined voice came out again:

"A quarter of an hour has come, it's broken!"

Before this statement was made, the universe of stars outside Tangdu suddenly burst out with an extremely violent roar, just like the entire array, almost exploding from the inside.

At the same time, a huge crack appeared in the formation, and the roar continued!

Daxia, the word must be done.

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