The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 825: Clouds of War


read2();   Liuli City in the northern snowfield, the clouds from the civil war began to gradually affect countless snowmen living in the city.

Although Liuli City is the jewel of miracles on the snowfield, it is an indisputable fact that the extreme shortage of materials is also an indisputable fact. The extremely northern snowfield, the most lonely and most dangerous place in China, cannot grow any food at all, so the snowmen’s food The source, only Xue Beast.

   But after worshiping the female saint today, those snowmen living in the city were horrified to find that the snow beast meat sold by the blizzard tribe at the market was abruptly reduced by half.

   The food is reduced by half, which means that half of the people in Liuli City will be hungry. At the same time, there will be more hungry people in the underground dark city that lives on the residue of surface food.

   "Because of the war with the rebels, the food stored by the tribes in the city and the captive snow beasts will be given priority to the front line, and if they cannot go hunting, the food of the snowmen in the city will be halved from today."

   In the first carriage of the Southern Chamber of Commerce, Xueyan looked at the old King Bei’an in front of him, then stood up and bowed, and continued to speak:

"Liuli City and Xuemin can no longer bear the pain of this rebellion, and now that the master is unable to retreat, what I must do as a saint, so I hope you can see me, your majesty, and Master Liang For some friendship reasons, the little princess was left in the chamber of commerce. In this way, there is no worries about the future."

   "You should know that the current Liuli City is in danger under internal and external troubles. Without the infinite power of the saint, Guangguang is alone with you and weak."

  The old King Bei'an gently stroked the white beard on his chest, staring at the white and beautiful face of Xueyan in front of him, and then continued to speak:

   "I can show you a way and give you a bargaining chip to impress me and your Majesty. In this way, Daxia's supreme soldiers will directly come to Liuli City and relieve your snowmen.

   "However, whether you have a bargaining chip or not, this little princess can stay in the Southern Chamber of Commerce, but in return, my human race's movement in Liuli City will not be subject to any restrictions."

   After the old prince Jiang Yu's voice fell, Xue Yan did not think for too long, so he nodded and said:

"Liuli City and Xuemin are the poor people who were abandoned by Heaven in the cold and darkness. We can't give the bargaining chip to make the Lord of Great Xia move, so let this life and death be in our own hands. Go inside."

After   , Xueyan once again bowed to the old prince, and then took a deep look at Han Wenyue, who was holding her lips tightly while not speaking, reaching out and patted the latter on the shoulder, and her voice continued:

   "Thank you for taking care of my little princess in Liuli City. I am grateful for nothing in return. If Liuli City is not destroyed, there will be an afterthought."

   Xueyan's voice fell, and he directly pulled Xuebancheng, who was about to speak, to stop speaking. He stepped out of the carriage, making the latter's words abruptly stuck in his throat.

Then, under the brilliance of the colorful colored glaze, the team of the Southern Chamber of Commerce, led by a blizzard warrior, slowly marched towards the post in the middle of the city under the extremely complicated gaze of the snowmen on both sides. The post was originally ordered by the Icefield Lady and was built exclusively for the Terran Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, every chamber of commerce that came from Tianmenguan to trade would live here.

   "Master Saint, you promised me, and now the little princess has been rescued, then according to your and my agreement, you must set me free."

On the streets of Liuli City, Xue Bancheng turned his head and stared under Xueyan's hood, with a piece of smooth chin exposed, eyes full of seriousness, and then Xueyan turned directly and stepped towards the center of Liuli City. Going away, leaving only a faint voice around Xuebancheng's ears:

"Under the cover of the nest, there are no eggs. If you want to be free, you have to keep your life. The Human Chamber of Commerce can take in the little princess because the female saint was injured in the capital city, and there is a cause and effect in it. What do you have in Snow City?

   "Instead of being turned away, it's better to make some noise, let them notice you, and show your own worth. This will be the hour of prayer. I must go back to the Mansion of the Grim Bear and think about it yourself."

  The words fell, Xuebancheng stood there for a long time, looking at the Southern Merchants Association that was gradually disappearing in the distance, and finally spit on the ground severely, and murmured:

   "Fuck it!"

   Then Xue Bancheng opened his legs and ran towards the Blizzard Mansion quickly, catching up with Xue Yan's back.

At the same time, deep under Liuli City, in the dark road outside the Nine Dragons Lock Sky Formation, Guan Zhengqing's figure slowly stepped out of the gilt light, but before entering the Jinluan Hall, he saw Lao Xuan The rickety body was already standing outside waiting, and the latter's face was extremely gloomy.

   "What's the matter?"

After    Guan Zhengqing's calm and indifferent voice came out, the gaze in the eyes of the old Xuan flickered, and then he bent down slightly and spoke gently:

   "The big country teacher, Anzi went to catch the ice and snow female saint sister, there was a mistake. There was a major practitioner in the Southern Chamber of Commerce, who rescued several people, and Anzi has also been exposed."

   "Since the beginning, this seat has said, let you go and see for yourself, but you still did not listen to me."

Guan Zhengqing walked slowly to the front of the old Xuan, and the plain eyes contained extremely heavy energy, which made the latter's waist bend lower, but the next moment, the eyes of the old Xuan opened wide because Guan Zhengqing stretched out without warning. He took out his right hand and grabbed the latter's neck.

As the grand master of the birth and death realm of the palm edge, the reaction was not unpleasant. He first withdrew a step backwards, and then a silver-white realm exuding the ultimate ice breath instantly appeared on the surface of his body, and it quickly expanded outward. Attempt to push Guan Zhengqing outward.

But in the next breath, a sharp sound of ice cracking resounded through the entire Golden Luang Temple. Guan Zhengqing’s ordinary right hand without any vision was like an indestructible blade, smashing the entire ice without hindrance. Field, and drive straight into.

   Immediately in the horrified eyes of Old Xuan, a mysterious force completely confined the latter's body, and Guan Zhengqing grabbed the latter's neck and lifted it directly.

   "Woo, woo!"

   Guan Zhengqing's right hand stretched out, and the slender fingers contained unimaginable force, making it more and more difficult for Xuan Lao to breathe. The latter raised his hand, grabbed his neck, and made a very painful sob.

   Guan Zhengqing's power was beyond everyone's imagination. Zhang hand easily crushed the realm of the Grand Master of the Birth and Death Realm in the palm of his hand, and at the same time, old Xuan's eyes had already brought pleading.

   Then Guan Zhengqing slowly moved forward with Elder Xuan in this way, and walked up to the ninety-nine-level Golden Luang Hall high platform, looking around the former criminals whose eyes were becoming more respectful below, the faint voice hit everyone's hearts like a hammer:

   "I don't want anyone to listen to what I say in the future, so prepare for the whole army to attack Liuli City!"

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