
read2();   Liulicheng Central Station, not only has a large area, but also has a strong Central Plains shop style under the management and repairs of the merchants’ chamber of commerce. In other words, it is the storefronts and street shops that are extremely common in various cities in Daxia.

Although the station is simple, it is unique in Liuli City. In the past, the snowmen in the entire Liuli City would rush here early after the Daxia Chamber of Commerce arrived at the station, waiting to select special products from the Central Plains. , But at this time, under the cloud of war, the overwhelming snowmen in the city still wait and see more.

In the station, the shopkeeper Fang and the girl Pearl together instructed the men of the Chamber of Commerce to unload the goods stored in the compartments. Their expressions were solemn, and they experienced all the things that happened along the way. At this time, the owners of the Southern Chamber of Commerce His mind is no longer above pure business trade.

   In other words, the members of the Southern Merchants Association who were recruited into the Northern Army by the King of Bei’an are now the soldiers of the Great Xia Army.

At this moment, the glazed glass city exuding colorful dreamy light, including the northern snowfield shrouded in cold and darkness, is a chaotic and rotating vortex, and everyone in it is within the vortex, trying Struggling out.

   "Ding Ding Ding!"

The ding-dong sound that represents time resounded throughout the city again, and this series of sounds was particularly long this time, indicating that it was time to worship the female saint again. The streets and alleys of the entire Liuli City were gushing out in a very short time. The snowmen filled up, and at the same time, the staff of the Southern Merchants Chamber of Commerce who were unloading stopped their movements and looked at the snowmen outside the post station who prayed and prayed to the center of the city with a curious look.

The post is not far from the central female saint statue, so everyone can look up and see the saint statue that leads directly to the sky, but these Chamber of Commerce citizens from Daxia have admiration and respect in their eyes, but not much awe. .

  Because under the Feng Ao Nine Heavens Banner, the people of Daxia are fearless. This is the power of a dynasty and the supreme self-confidence of a nation.

   When Xueyan hurried back to the Blizzard Mansion, and then hurriedly led the snowmen to make a pilgrimage on the Women’s Saint Square in Liuli City, a young inquiring voice sounded from the very depths of Liuli City and the Human Race Chamber of Commerce Station:

   "What will you do next?"

   These two inquiries sounded almost simultaneously. One came from Li Dingshan, who was standing next to the old King Bei’an, and the other came from Yunyu Tuoba, and in front of the latter was Guan Zhengqing, who was silently thinking.

   On the vast land of Shenzhou, a word has been circulating since ancient times.

  The strongest player is the chess player, followed by the chessman, and the weakest player is the chessboard.

  What is a chessboard?

   Allowing the chess pieces to play back and forth on their own land, turning over the river without the power to change, is for the chessboard.

   Dragons and tigers fight, the most casualties are the chessboard, and now, after losing the strongest combat power of the Ice and Snow Maiden, Liuli City has undoubtedly become a powerless chessboard.

   The old King Bei'an didn’t reply after hearing Li Dingshan’s question. Instead, he turned his head and glanced at the latter's slightly immature but weather-beaten face, and asked:

   "You came here to apprentice, but now the female saint is nowhere to be found, so this trip, you can almost say that you came in vain, so if you come to this Liuli City, what else do you need to do?"

  As soon as the old King Bei'an said this, Li Dingshan's expression remained unchanged, and he responded:

   "When I come to apprentice, naturally I will not give up so easily. I will walk in Liuli City. If the Ice and Snow Maiden is in this city, I will hear him out."

   "Not so easy."

  Old Bei'an Wang lightly waved his sleeves and put his hands behind his back, and then a faint voice continued:

  "In the entire Liuli City, there are countless people looking for where the Ice and Snow Maiden is, but this king doesn't care. The purpose of this king is very simple. It is to end the sins committed before.

   "The old age is over. In this new age that is rolling forward, the sins that were once started from this king, then the king ends!"

   The old prince finished speaking, Li Dingshan raised his head and looked at the face of the old Bei'an that seemed to have become old in an instant, and said directly:

   "The prince is going directly to the depths of this Liuli City?"

"My Jiang family has always been fast-moving like a thunder. Since you heard the existence of the underground Golden Luang Temple from the traitor who was captured alive, then the person this king needs to find is right below, and already knows the goal. No need to procrastinate."

   There is boundless domineering in the voice of the old prince. Just as he said, the Jiang family, one of the fourteen names, is violent and violent. It is their style of behavior with the Northern Army that bursts like a thunder.

   The energetic voice of King Bei'an fell, and Li Dingshan fell into a little silence. Then his eyes without any pupils suddenly flashed a fleeting golden light, and the voice came out again:

   "In order to repay the prince's life-saving grace, I can recommend someone to the prince to help you go straight to the ground faster."

"Appreciate further details?"

  Beijing Wang's face then showed a little interest, and then Li Dingshan's young voice sounded in his ear again:

"The young snowman who was only rescued by the prince at the gate of the city, I can clearly hear almost all the roads of the entire underground dark city in his heart. In other words, there is no one in the entire Liuli City that is below him. more familiar."

   "It is so good, this king will look for him later."

At the same time, in the deepest part of Liuli City, on the steps of the high platform of the Jinluan Temple, Guan Zhengqing and Yun Yu Tuoba were also talking about the same topic. Guan Zhengqing didn’t speak much at all. Therefore, when facing Yun Yu Tuoba’s inquiry, they were only gentle. Speak, spit out:

   "Go up to Liuli City and find someone."

   "The Saintess of Icefield?"

   "The power of a saint is extraordinary. If it is to be hidden, it is extremely difficult to find."

   After Guan Zhengqing finished speaking, he shook his head and continued to speak:

   "I'm looking for a person named Xuebancheng. This person knows all the dark areas of the entire Liuli City, and knows some things that other people don't know, which is extremely useful to me."

After    finished speaking, Guan Zhengqing looked at Tuoba, who was dressed in white and lacked an arm, continued to speak:

   "Since you and I have reached a consensus, then this underground golden temple will ask you to take care of one or two."

Yun Xuan Tuoba nodded slightly and stopped speaking, then stretched out his hand, gently took a lifelike snow statue from his shoulder, threw it to Guan Zhengqing, and then the latter took the snow statue and put it on his shoulder and got up. Walk slowly down the steps.


   In the center of Liuli City, the bells symbolizing the end of the pilgrimage ringed all over the place, and then all the snowmen stood up again. At the same time, the Human Chamber of Commerce post and the lowermost Jinluan Hall of Liuli City, old and young, walked out.

   One person is going down, the other up!

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