The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 829: Ying Long Xiaotian


read2();   Hongmeng and Guangtu, the land of the great mystery.

This is simple, the eight words spoken by Guan Zhengqing seem to carry a weight that the entire world can't bear, making the infinite darkness above the entire Liuli City begin to boil violently because of these words, and then a vast expanse , The supreme will gradually converged.

   But this is the hinterland of the extreme north snowfield, a land of extreme coldness. Therefore, this heavenly will cannot condense for a long time, and then gradually dissipated under the hazy aurora and the whistling wind.

   After the will of the Heavenly Dao dissipated, Guan Zhengqing retracted his gaze from the sky and continued to speak softly:

   "The words I just said are not tolerated by the vast land and heaven of China, and you must be able to feel the eye of the Tao that day. Because of this, it proves that this matter is true."

"I believe what you are saying."

   stopped Li Dingshan, who happened to be standing on the edge of the Women’s Saint’s Square at this time, and then he restored his dark and godless pupils, looked ahead, and continued to speak:

   "I know better than anyone, the world is huge, so no matter what happens, I can understand and accept it."

When he said this, countless memories flashed in Li Dingshan's mind. The huge tea garden, which was so mysterious and watered by the beautiful fairy every day, was a **** female warrior with broken armor, wearing a dark golden imperial robe. , A mighty emperor, and a bohemian middle-aged Taoist priest.

   At the end, all the pictures are fixed on the ordinary bitter tea tree with red flowers in full bloom.

  In that mysterious tea garden, Li Dingshan has existed for eight thousand years.

   Guan Zhengqing didn’t know the true identity of Li Dingshan, but he could know the extraordinaryness of the latter, so the calm voice continued from his mouth:

"In ancient times, the land area was infinite, so there was a place outside the sky that you and I did not know. I have only a few words about its records. But in this very northern land, some people know, in other words, some From there."

   Guan Zhengqing finished speaking, raised his hand, and gently pointed at the statue of the Ice and Snow Maiden not far in front of him. The scorching voice rang directly in Li Dingshan's mind:

"During the Dingding era, Great Xia Taizu plundered all the luck, the sun and the moon were in the same sky, that is, sitting on the world, and invincible in the world, so under one person, no one can reach the last holy throne, and the ice field female saint acts as The only exception is that it is a person from outside the sky.

   "If you find her, you can find the key to a place outside that day. If you can talk, you can talk, if you can't talk, then kill!"

   Guan Zhengqing’s voice fell, and the entire surrounding world fell into a moment of silence because of the shock. After dozens of breaths, Li Dingshan’s response sounded again:

   "It's not easy to talk or kill. With the body of a mortal, how can one try to figure out the heart of a saint."

   Li Dingshan’s voice was steady and waveless, but the meaning behind him had shown that he believed what Guan Zhengqing had said, and that he had his own plans.

   Obviously, the heaven above the vast land of China deliberately block all information about the existence of the heaven outside the land, so in fact they are all going against the sky.

   Against the sky, against the sky, easy said than done!

   "Since you have taken this step, you can't look back."

   Guan Zhengqing, who has always been very quiet, said a lot in front of Li Dingshan, and after a few breaths, his voice sounded again:

   "I believe that every traveler who wanders away wants to go home, so as long as we can meet the requirements of the female saint, there is a great chance that we can talk."

   "But you don't have much time!"

   After Li Dingshan's voice fell, Guan Zhengqing turned around and stared at the very young boy aside, and said with great solemnity:

   "It's not just me, but us."

As soon as this statement was made, the atmosphere between the two suddenly changed, and the killing aura broke out in an instant, especially within the spiritual consciousness of the two. A crackling roar.

   Then the golden tea tree in Li Dingshan's dark eyes reappeared, and it rotated back and forth. After a while, all the vision disappeared instantly, and his faint voice continued:

   "I can find the female saint of the Icefield, but I have a request. I need a place to go to a place outside the sky."

   "This matter is very good!"

   Guan Zhengqing looked up to the sky and laughed, and then his young and steady voice continued to ring in Li Dingshan’s ears:

   "What should I do?"

   Li Dingshan heard the words, raised his hand, and also pointed to the heavenly female saint statue not far away, slowly speaking:

   "In my eyes, this statue of the female saint is a huge heart, absorbing the energy of the entire city as blood and oxygen, and there is no doubt that the owner of this heart is the ice saint.

   "No matter who it is, if the heart is attacked by someone, it will definitely not feel good. No matter how deep she hides or the injury is serious, I can catch her existence through this clue!"

   "Attacking the faith image of a saint, I found that you are also an extremely crazy person."

   Guan Zhengqing’s eyes were getting brighter and brighter. After the faint voice fell, the scarlet light in his eyes quickly condensed inward, and instantly turned into two scarlet vertical pupils, and the voice rolled out:

   "Everything is suffering, only self-deal, but if it is not crazy, how to self-destruct!"

After speaking, Guan Zhengqing stepped forward, holding his right hand vacantly, the Weeping Blood Dragon Spear appeared, countless blood bursts outwards, and in the colorful clouds and mist of Liuli City, rolling blood, accompanied by the vast and boundless momentum of taboos, swept wildly in all directions. .

In the center of Liuli City, there was a piercing dragon roar that shattered the sky, like a shocking hammer, violently smashed down without fancy, making the already tense Liuli City instantly ruthless. Trembling fiercely.

   No one, including the former criminals of the Ying clan hiding in the deepest part of the earth, could not foresee that under such a sudden situation, Guan Zhengqing would suddenly issue such a full blow that even changed the color of the world.

   Under the scarlet blood that billowed into the sky, Guan Zhengqing's body with infinite strength, stepping, bullying, exerting strength, throwing out, all in one go.

The whistling sound of the Weeping Blood Yinglong reached its peak in an instant, and then the dragon spear turned into a red light that shattered the void, and rose up against the storm, completely turned into a scarlet Yinglong that can be seen in the flesh, directly towards the female saint statue The extremely fuzzy face slammed away.

When Guan Zhengqing did not conceal his own taboo aura, the violent bear tribe warriors patrolling nearby had already reacted, roaring towards the place, but at the next breath, these warriors stopped and opened their eyes. Great and terrified.

   At this moment, the entire Liuli City was caught in unprecedented noise and panic. The countless snowmen who rushed out stared at the sky that resounded with piercing whistling noises, including the snow smoke in the Blizzard Mansion, with the same face changing wildly.

   "Master Saint, blood dragon, dragon rushed towards the statue of saint!"

   The screams of Shi Xueying from the side sounded in her ears, and then Xue Yan, who looked up at the sky, bit her lip, but then she retracted her gaze and ran directly towards the city station, while an eager voice came out:

   "Assemble all the remaining elite fighters in the Grim Bear Mansion to the Human Race Chamber of Commerce, hurry!"

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