The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 830: That touch of disillusionment


read2();  Everything is suffering, so I can only go through it by myself. If not crazy, how can I go through it?

   Since ancient times, every child of Tianjiao who has astounded an era is a crazy person in the eyes of others, doing things that ordinary people dare not do, and achieving achievements that ordinary people dare not think.

   If you don’t even have an idea, how can you get the chestnut out of the fire?

   Guan Zhengqing and Li Dingshan, two young people who had hardly any intersection before, showed an extremely skilful understanding under the statue of the female saint in the Liuli City.

The Weeping Blood Dragon Spear was violently thrown out by Guan Zhengqing with the force of the sky-shattering sky. In the next moment, the huge Weeping Blood Yinglong appeared directly in front of the face of the female saint statue. At the same time, in Li Dingshan's eyes, two golden camellia flowers were directly sprinkled Pieces of golden light came out, like sunlight, sweeping forward.

The Weeping Blood Yinglong carries a strong and extreme law of killing. The piercing dragon's roar is louder than one sound, and one sound is more palpitating, but this glazed city is the country of the ice sage, and the saint is supremely majestic. Under the circumstances, mortals are not allowed to be presumptuous, so this big city made a counterattack in an instant.

In Liuli City, the colorful clouds and mists floating like grains of sand violently condense upward, and then a colorful light circulates, and the majestic and infinite fingers converge in front of the statue of the ice-field female sage, directly responding Long Yi pointed.

   Sage finger!

   The sage, who was circling the brilliance of the colored glaze, covered the sky with one finger, and broke away from the shackles of space and time. With an unavoidable posture, he pointed directly on the head of the Weeping Blood Yinglong.

In the next instant, over the entire Liuli City, there was a tearing sound like a piece of cloth being violently torn apart. The whole city was clearly audible, and at the same time the violent energy passed from above, and the houses around the square were like fallen wheat. Falling down, and the snowmen soldiers who rushed were also lifted back all over, lying on the ground all the way.

   Liuli Saint’s finger and Weeping Blood Yinglong stalemate in the sky above the sky, and then the colorful mist in the Liuli City boiled violently again, as if there was an extremely cold humming sound after the layers of space.

   Numerous snowmen in Liuli City heard this voice from the ice holy female saint, and they walked into the streets and alleys, and then threw themselves to the ground, worshipping and praying to the female saint with incomparable piety.

   As the colorful clouds boiled, the Weeping Blood Yinglong under Liuli's fingers showed dense dark cracks all over his body, and then, starting from his head, he broke into pieces.

   Seeing this, countless snowmen who were worshipping, raised their hands to the sky, shouting like a mountain and a tsunami:

   "The saint is invincible, the saint is invincible!"

   Under the deafening cries, the saint smashed the dragon with one finger and a weeping dragon, and then continued to poke straight down at Guan Zhengqing and Li Dingshan standing on the street below.

   "Li Dingshan, how long do you need?"

   When Guan Zhengqing's faint voice rang in his ears, all of Li Dingshan's mind, accompanied by golden light, was listening to the entire Liuli City.

The appearance of the world in the boy's sea of ​​knowledge has changed drastically. The black and white lines and spots of light on the body represent the snowmen. The colorful saints above the sky are pointed, and the roots in the city are injected into the statue of the female saint like blood vessels. The channels of faith and so on are clearly visible.

   But Li Dingshan still didn't see the color he was searching for, so he clenched his fists and kept his eyes open, letting the scarlet and gold blood flow down, and then responded:

   "Not enough, I need a fiercer and stronger confrontation!"

"it is good!"

   Before the words fell, Guan Zhengqing's figure disappeared directly into the place. After an instant, a thin and tall figure with a black robe flying in the sky stood under the finger of the huge, pouring saint.

Guan Zhengqing's outstretched left and right hands, patches of blood-colored dragon scales emerged instantly, and in the blink of an eye, his two arms swelled several times and punched directly at the sky. After one punch, another punch, within one breath, Guan Zhengqing was full. There were hundreds of punches.

   "Boom boom boom!"

The intensive roar of thunder, overwhelming the exclamation of those snowmen who looked up at the sky in Liuli City, and even directly shook these snowmen into a state of temporary deafness, and their ears were full of trembling buzzing. sound.

In the sky above Liuli City, under the sage’s finger, a wave of blood surpassed the sky, Yinglong rolled, and the void broke. However, the reason why the saint is a saint is because it is an infinite existence in a finite world. Therefore, despite this tumbling blood wave and Yinglong Temporarily resisted the finger of heaven and earth, and it continued to spread upward, but both Guan Zhengqing and Li Dingshan understood that this finger was difficult to resist without preparation.

Sure enough, in less than five breaths, the slowly descending saint's finger directly pierced into the sea of ​​blood, just like a Kunlun Mountain-like sky-high peak, plunged into a lake, and countless blood awns burst. , However, within the scattered blood light, there was a touch of insignificant blue, and then this blue turned into a gust of wind.

   There is a wind in the sky and the earth, some people go with the wind!

   This blast of wind from the air hit the saint's finger, and then a dragon spear pierced out of the void, followed by a steady and powerful right hand.

The sacred weapon weeping blood dragon spear directly pierced the saint’s fingertips, and after an extremely harsh squeak, the spear head was three inches inside, and Guan Zhengqing’s palm was directly **** due to the force of the shock, but the latter was unmoved. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the street below, standing still, Li Dingshan.

  At this moment, somewhere in the world Li Dingshan saw, a faint colorful light suddenly disappeared like the last moment before the candle went out.

   Li Dingshan suddenly raised his head and let out an angry roar:

   "Found it, let's go!"

   The strong wind in the center of Liuli City resumed, and at the same time a fist-sized, lifelike snow image was thrown out from the sky above Guan Zhengqing's image.

   This little snow statue slowly revolved into the mid-air, and burst directly under the shroud of the saint's finger. In the next instant, a cold ice nuclear bomb was dropped in the center of the entire Liuli City.

The temperature of the northern snowfield is already the most extreme cold above the vast land of China. However, the burst of this little statue of snow, and the law of origin of extreme ice in it, is colder and colder, and instantly the entire glass The central square of the city is completely frozen.

   The void, buildings, and snowmen were instantly frozen in place, motionless.

   Then the entire Liuli City was silent, and the snowmen who witnessed all this had a numb scalp and did not dare to make any more noises.

After    ten breaths, crackling ice cubes continued to sound from the center of the city, and then the colorful glazed saint poked a finger out of the void, directly piercing the entire ice-covered glazed city square.

   Countless ice cubes fell straight down like a pouring rain, but the central square, except for the statue of the female saint still standing in place, was dead silent and cold.

   Under the sage's finger, Guan Zhengqing and Li Dingshan also disappeared without a trace.

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