The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 845: Confrontation


read2();   Everything that happened at this time in the northern snowfield, whether it was the Jinluan Temple below the ground, or the Liuli City above the ground, had a devastating blow. Before the light of sanctification of the prince soared into the sky, on the Human Race Station Square in the center of Liuli City, there were also changes that could change the entire battle.

   It was a confrontation.

On one side are two extremely young young people, and on the other side are the people of the Southern Chamber of Commerce and the little princess Han Wenyue who is tightly guarded by the snow smoke. At the same time, in the entire station, on the large square A large number of snowmen’s elite soldiers’ bodies were lying all over the place, all of which were pricked out of a gun hole through the eyebrows, and the original hot body was already cold enough to die.

Fang's shopkeeper, with a rough face and holding a giant axe, stood in the forefront, staring solemnly at Guan Zhengqing who was not far in front of him. Her burly body was tight and ready to launch the most violent blow. In the eyes of the shopkeeper, the human youth with an overly young face didn't even leave the place, only a bluish-red wind blew across the entire post.

   Under this gust of wind, a large number of snowmen's elite soldiers who had already been beastly transformed and were waiting for it, all of their aura condensed to the top, fell silently.

   This extremely strange and terrifying scene made the treasurer Fang and all the people present understand that the strength of the two parties is not above the same level, and Guan Zhengqing wanted to kill them all in a flash.

But the shopkeeper Fang was not afraid, because he was Daxia standing behind him, and the terrifying human youth standing in front of him with a gun would naturally know how powerful Daxia is now. Then the middle-aged shopkeeper reached out and stood. The girl Pearl beside her dialed behind her, opened her mouth and said loudly:

   "This place is an inn set up by Liuli City exclusively for the Human Race Chamber of Commerce. You come here uninvited. What can I do?

   Fang's treasurer's voice was strong and confident, and then Guan Zhengqing, together with Li Dingshan behind him, stepped forward slowly, and at the same time a response sound came out:

   "The matter is urgent, so come here uninvited. I still look forward to the shopkeeper's atonement. But this time, I am waiting to find someone."

As soon as he said this, the treasurer Fang and the men of the Southern Merchants Chamber of Commerce both showed some doubts on their faces, but the snow smoke at the end of everyone's complexion instantly became extremely bad, and he turned the extremely silent Han Wenyue beside him. Pulling behind him, taking a step forward, slices of ice crystals began to emerge beside him, gradually forming the shape of a vague glass dragon.

Then an extremely ancient icy breath gradually rose up inside the station, causing the already extremely cold temperature around to drop again by a large amount, and then a large number of ice crystals appeared in the snowy blue eyes, looking ahead, one word In one sentence, he said:

   "In Liuli City, as long as my blizzard tribe is the last one left, you will not be allowed to use the little princess to threaten the Ice Maiden!"

Xueyan’s cold and firm words hovered over the station, and along with the fully formed ice dragon behind it, the biting aura directly occupied the entire half of the sky, but Guan Zhengqing, who was shrouded in countless icy air, shook gently. He shook his head and responded softly:

   "The trick of taking hostages to blackmail is never my way, so you can rest assured, and I wait for this time to come, not wanting to fight, but to talk."

   "Liuli City, You and these people, only you die and you live, there is no need to talk."

The tall, angry Xueyan, opened his mouth and let out a stern shout, then raised his right hand and pointed at Guan Zhengqing. Then on the ground of the Human Race Station, a thick layer of ice began to spread, and at the same time the end behind Xueyan The ice sheet glass dragon completely turned into substance, and exudes the crystal clear light of ice crystals.

The powerful aura radiated from Xueyan's body, and even formed a wave sweeping in all directions, blowing Guan Zhengqing's black robe backwards, and then the latter remained unmoved, squinting his eyes and opening his lips slightly. The faint voice continued:

   "Although you are talented and young, you have the strength of a Taoist master, but you cannot represent the entire Liuli City, nor can you give us what we want, so I am not looking for you."

   Guan Zhengqing's voice fell, and then he turned his gaze behind Xue Yan, and never spoke. The little princess Han Wenyue who seemed to be a different person, stretched out his left hand, pointed his slender fingers straight ahead, and the voice continued:

"I'm looking for her, or the people living in her body. Now the entire Liuli City is completely out of control, and you should do something, otherwise, when Daxia, the nine-day phoenix comes, the chance will be Very slim, am I right, Saintess?"

As soon as Guan Zhengqing’s voice without emotional fluctuations fell, the expressions of everyone in the Human Race Station were at first confused, and then suddenly changed, but before everyone could react, Guan Zhengqing, who was standing at the gate of the station, was already instantaneous. disappear.

   The violent wind swept through the station again, and amidst the noise, when Guan Zhengqing's flying young figure in black robes reappeared, she stood firmly behind Xueyan and in front of Han Wenyue.

At the next breath, the huge cold ice dragon behind Xue Yan let out a mournful cry, the neck of the huge body was completely pierced, struggling to fall down, and at the same time a muffled grunt came from the Xuemin girl's mouth, and the whole body was fierce. Shocked, wisps of red blood flowed directly from the nose and mouth.

   But Xue Yan still stood firm, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed Guan Zhengqing's straight and loose shoulders, while Li's shout continued:

   "There is no female saint here, stop talking nonsense, get out of me!"

Under the girl's stern shout, Guan Zhengqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of anger appeared in his eyes. He could feel the constant tremors coming from under the ground, and he could completely predict that Daxia's sharpest soldiers would be available soon. Coming to the entire Liuli City, Guan Zhengqing was racing against time at this time. To him, every minute and every second seemed so important and could not be wasted.

   As a result, facing the attack from Xue Yan's back, Guan Zhengqing stepped his left foot to the side, squeezing the Weeping Dragon Spear, and the whole body turned around with the left foot as the center.

For those who use the gun, the gun is an extension of a part of the body, and an inch long is an inch strong. Therefore, the Weeping Blood Dragon Gun plunged directly into Xueyan’s heart at a speed and angle that was difficult to respond and avoid, and passed straight through, huge. The power of's lifted the girl into flight, and at the same time, a blood glow whizzed out from the dragon spear, directly nailing the snow smoke to the ground, and the blood flowed down the scarlet blood glow without distinguishing each other.

   After that, Guan Zhengqing turned around again, staring at Han Wenyue just ahead, and continued to speak word by word:

   "Time is extremely tight, I said, listen, if you and I have the same goals, now will be the last chance!"

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