
read2();  The temperature of Liuli City in the northern snowfield is the lowest in the vast land of China, so anyone will feel the cold, but for the body of the Weeping Blood Dragon at this time, As far as the snow smoke on the ground is concerned, the cold felt on his body is different from the past, because it is the coldness of life being lost.

   Xueyan's vision gradually blurred, her eyelids were heavier than ever before, but she still kept her eyes open, staring at the back of Guan Zhengqing, standing in front of the little princess Han Wenyue.

   The girl Xueyan wanted to speak, but only blood was spit out with a mouth.

Guan Zhengqing, who mastered the power of controlling the wind and the origin of the wind, all attacks were silent and swift and abnormal. Therefore, when the shopkeeper Fang reacted, the entire post square was completely reddened with blood. Then the shopkeeper signaled the Southern Chamber of Commerce The men among them stepped back, and they walked forward slowly alone with a **** axe, and at the same time a deep voice came out:

   "In the Human Race Station, you can't use weapons, boy, you've done too much."

The young girl Pearl, who was protected by the people of the Southern Merchants Chamber of Commerce behind her, looked worriedly at Guan Zhengqing’s Fang shopkeeper step by step, while the young girl reached into her pocket with a small hand and held something tightly. It was not a teleportation scroll. It is a small, pale stone tower.

   The stone tower held tightly by the pearl is not cold, but has a warm jade-like feeling, and then the old Bei'an Wang’s old voice sounded in the girl’s mind:

   "Girl, take this, after the king goes underground, if there is a danger in the station, you can take out this small tower to keep the people of the Chamber of Commerce safe."

   Girl Pearl is not a hesitating generation, she also inherited the boldness of her parents, so after only a moment of thinking, Pearl is ready to directly take out the stone statue tower into the air.

But in the next moment, a strong shock came from the ground, and the entire Liuli City seemed to be smashed three times with a heavy hammer. The violent shaking made the unprepared Pearl unstable. After a stagger, he fell forward. .

At the same time, on the ground of the square of the Human Race Station, cracks appeared like scars, with teeth and claws cracking in all directions. In this case, the face of the shopkeeper Fang suddenly changed, and he stopped moving forward, but was directly shot by the dragon spear. The pierced snow smoke grabbed it and turned around. After a few ups and downs, he quickly moved away from the huge crack on the ground and came to Pearl's side.

   Then the shopkeeper Fang took all the people of the Chamber of Commerce back and forth, looking up at the two young figures in the center of the post, only to see a crack like a centipede, from the outside to the inside, quickly spreading towards the center.

In the next second, Guan Zhengqing in the center of the station raised his foot and stomped directly against the ground. As her right foot fell, a scarlet wave spread directly outwards, and the entire spreading crack was directly imprisoned. At the same place, Guan Zhengqing then stared at Han Wenyue’s pretty face as white as ice crystals, and a faint question came out again:

   "My saintess, have you ever wanted to return home?"

Since ancient times, the simple word "home" has carried too many connotations, and as Guan Zhengqing said, travelers wandering and wandering in the distance are eager to return to their hometown to see, so when Guan Zhengqing's voice fell, Han Wenyue, who hadn't reacted, raised her head directly. Although the girl still had no expression, her eyes with ice-blue pupils stared at Guan Zhengqing's face.

   The entire Liuli City was trembling and screaming crazily, two completely different eyes looked at one place, then Guan Zhengqing smiled slightly and spoke again:

"I think we are going to the same place, and I also know that you came from the far north of the northern snowfield, the end of the world. According to the ancient royal books, when the night is three years old, the northern snowfield, When the first ray of light appears, the entire world will turn upside down, and at that instant, the road to the land of the Supreme Profound Realm will appear."

   "This is actually a lie."

Han Wenyue, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened her mouth, but the voice from her mouth was not as crisp as a girl, but a beautiful, but majestic, heart-scorching female voice. This voice seemed to contain a vast and difficult voice. The overbearing rebuttal sounded in the ears of everyone in the station.

   Then, on the forehead of the girl Han Wenyue, an icy blue complex rune slowly appeared, and the voice continued to sound:

"Everyone says that the night in the northern snowy field takes three years, but in fact, this saint has stayed here for three hundred years, but he has never seen any sun and moon flow on the snowy field. The night on the snowy field is far more than that. In three years, maybe there will never be dawn."

"My saintess, at this time, you don't have to go around with me anymore, and this seat knows far more than you think. This is why I made these plans, because I am on this road, I saw hope."

   Guan Zhengqing's voice fell faintly, and then he grasped the Weeping Dragon Spear in his hand and continued to speak:

   "It's not that there is no dawn in the northern snowfields, but that the required conditions are not enough, and I can give the missing things, but I need four places."

   "It's too difficult. This saint has worked hard for hundreds of years. Even the attic on the phoenix stage of the White Emperor Palace in the Shenjing City has been searched, but it still has no results."

The voice from the girl’s mouth became louder and louder. In the entire Liuli City, countless colorful colored glaze mists emerged from the void. The originally shaky colored glaze city was suddenly injected with the power of the vast country. Don't tremble anymore.

   After that, Han Wenyue’s eyes flashed with an extremely indifferent and ruthless look, and Guan Zhengqing in front of him, under this gaze, after a muffled grunt, he withdrew a step back, and then responded:

"The power that can move the entire Shenzhou vast land can be accomplished not only by Dao Blood, but also with a pivot. Using this pivot, you can pry it up with minimal cost. As long as you lift a little bit, I can leave directly. The vast land of China."

   "It is extremely difficult to find such a fulcrum. There is almost nothing in the world that can bear such a heavy weight."

"not have!"

  The crazy color in Guan Zhengqing’s eyes grew thicker, and then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground below, and the roar that resounded through the sky rolled out:

   "The souls and blood of all the creatures in the entire Liuli City, plus the ten thousand year-end academies of my winning dynasty, recast the ancient capital Yin Ruins. I don't know if it is enough to act as a fulcrum for moving a corner of the world."

   Guan Zhengqing’s rolling voice was over, and under the entire Liuli City, a pillar of sanctification light that penetrates the earth and the sky appeared instantly and rose to the sky!

  Before the old king of Bei'an became a sage, Guan Zhengqing said that before he released his supernatural powers and fell into the sky, Guan Zhengqing told the ice-field female sage!

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