
read2();   When the overwhelming practitioner who has cultivated to the extreme of a mortal, stepping on the bridge of heaven and earth, there will be a beam of sanctified light that goes straight to the sky, and all things invade from the sky.

This is a kind of baptism, and it is also the final killing of the Moon Wheel on the ninth day. At this time, when this milky white beam of light reaches the sky, it is accompanied by the laws of Tao that continue to converge from the vast and central plains of China. When the underground rises straight into the sky, it is particularly conspicuous in the dark northern snowfields, and even the outer snow wolf tribes beyond the vast distance can clearly see the beam of light connecting the sky and the earth. .

The Northern Army, who was cleaning the snowmen's corpse in front of the Snow Wolf tribe, stopped their movements and looked at them with solemn expressions. Although these soldiers did not know what happened in the depths of the northern snowfield, they were so big. Heaven and earth vision, Liuli City must have had earth-shattering changes.

Above the night sky in the hinterland of the northern snowfields, the ancient black dragon rushed in between the aurora, and the taboos above the black dragon undoubtedly felt more clearly about the sanctification light beam rising with the infinite path, especially Jiang Yue, the fourth son of King Bei'an, who was covered by the robes of the Radiant Army, changed wildly, his eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes, then opened his mouth and hurriedly blurted out:

   "What the **** is that dead old man doing, attacking the Holy Throne, is he crazy? He thinks he hasn't died fast enough, he wants to die?"

   The roar fell, Jiang Yue took a few steps forward and went directly to the edge of the black dragon's back, continuing to roar:

   "Shunzi, please hurry up, hurry up!"

The holy beam of light above the snowy field that runs through the sky seems to rise directly in front of the eyes of many taboos, indicating that the Liuli City is already very close. Perhaps you can fly over the high mountains in front of the horizontal fence and you can see that snowy field. The city of miracles above, but the heart of the taboo above the ancient black dragon has begun to sink.

Sanctification is difficult, and it’s hard to go to the blue sky. Moreover, if this sanctification is unsuccessful, life and death will disappear. Immortal gods are hard to save, because not everyone in this world can hold the unparalleled holy sword like Zhao Yu. The ability to cut off the entire ninth round of the moon and the law of time.

  The old king of Bei'an is strong, but the chance of impacting the holy throne is still ten dead without life, so all taboos understand that the old king is looking for death!

The speed of the ancient black dragon's violent flapping of its wings is unparalleled in the world, so after a few breaths, it flew directly over the high mountains in front of them, and everyone's sights suddenly widened. Inside the city, the vast beam of light rising from the ground.

   But this dazzling beam of light to the sky suddenly began to slowly weaken and shrink. At the same time, in the night sky of the entire northern snowfield, there are endless blood clouds gathering, and the screams suddenly rang through the ears.

   This is the prelude to the crying and weeping of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

   As soon as a continuous blood cloud appeared all over his body, Jiang Yue could no longer restrain himself, his whole body was trembling constantly, and he kept murmured and repeated a sentence:

   "Your Majesty said that you have a stone statue tower in your hand, why not, why not?"

The old King Bei’an’s trip to the snowfield was clear. He had never thought of going back alive, so he gave this stone statue tower to Maiden Pearl to protect the safety of everyone in the Southern Chamber of Commerce. .

   Therefore, the stone statue tower that kept repeating in the mouth of Egoe is now in the girl's pearl pocket.

  Because the ground of the entire Liuli City was trembling violently, Pearl had rolled on the ground for a few times before being pulled up and stabilizing her figure with difficulty.

   The girl's ears were filled with a lot of extremely harsh sounds, the ground cracking, screams, and violent whistling noises. These kinds of sounds were smashed by the top, making Pearl's head a little trance.

Then she hurriedly reached into her pocket and held the small stone statue tower, her expression was relieved, and then the little girl hurriedly took out the stone statue tower and lifted it up, with a pious expression and a clear voice directly in the chaos. Sounded:

   "Daxia Glory!"

   At the same moment, all the light beams of the holy world dissipated, and under the ground of Liuli City, before the death of King Bei'an, the holy world blood sun burst completely.

   A violent energy that cannot be described in words descends directly on the snowy field from bottom to top.

Red evil, blood thunder, scorching heat, all the tyrannical laws related to blood red were directly manifested in the most extreme way in the northernmost part of this vast land of China, and then all these kinds of things were transformed into two words .


Under the ultimate law of destruction, centered on the blood sun burst of the entire underground hall, wherever the blood sun red glow spread in all directions, everything is empty, including space, all disappeared, and everything around seemed to be back here. When Fang Tiandi was just formed, only chaos remained.

The blood sun red light held up by the old King Bei’an, at a faster and faster speed, rushed straight to the Liuli City directly above. At the same time, the Liuli City, which was originally stabilized by the Ice Plains Sanctuary, suddenly began to Unprecedented frequency trembling, and the extremely destructive aura below, clearly appeared in the induction of the ice sage and Guan Zhengqing.

   This is the supreme supernatural power that even the ice-field female saint capital is frightened and frightened, but Guan Zhengqing in front of her still looks the same, her thin lips are pressed tightly, staring at the fair-skinned girl in front, and she speaks:

"My saintess, under such a powerful holy realm, even if you are not injured, this glazed city kingdom will be shattered, and once the law of destruction is pushed horizontally, the snowmen in and around the city will be counted. All died within ten breaths.

   "So you have no choice but to follow my ideas, so that you can have a ray of life, so now, stop that tower from landing, and then lift the entire Liuli City into the air, the higher the better!"

After    Guan Zhengqing finished speaking, he turned around and threw the Weeping Dragon Spear in his hand with all his energy, and threw it toward the vast stone statue tower that was lifted by the pearl and gradually expanded outward.

  The harsh dragon roar resounded across the sky, and Guan Zhengqing, who was dancing in black robe, threw a dragon!

The Weeping Blood Yinglong roared, and within Yinglong, a big gun pierced straight at the stone statue tower, but the ancient ruins of the stone statue tower, known as a war fetish and suppressing space, could not be blocked by humans. The misty white light released from the inside and outside of the stone tower directly resists it.

Although the cracks and cracks of space fragmentation are endless at the intersection of the two, the dragon spear is pressed hard and hard to get in place, and the stone statue tower is still getting bigger and flying into the sky, and the rich blue and white light is released. The savage and ancient, the vast aura that has never appeared in the extreme north snowfield instantly descends.

   In the short confrontation between the electric light and flint, the **** day of destruction under the ground has evaporated all the land under the Liuli City. In other words, the entire Liuli City is almost in a complete vacuum at this time.

   Countless snowmen fleeing in the city desperately looked at the unbreakable ground under their feet and the shattered and collapsed houses around them, opening their mouths and let out a scream and wailing.

   The first wave of ruining the blood sun hits Liuli City directly after an instant!

The ground burst, the houses were broken, and a large number of snowmen were shaken into dust. At the same time, the entire void around Liuli City was torn out one after another. The most important thing is that the statue of the female saint in the center of the city made a slight noise. After the click, the first crack appeared!

"What are you waiting for!"

   Guan Zhengqing turned back suddenly, opened his mouth and let out an angry roar, then the girl Han Wenyue, who hadn't moved for a long time, raised her head, and a thick sigh suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.


   At the next breath, the rune on the girl's forehead instantly brightened, and a large amount of colorful glaze light rose up into the sky, and within this dazzling light, stretched out a white, flawless, round and slender hand.

   At the same time, the statue of a saint in the center of Liuli City opened his eyes!

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