
read2();  The Central Plains of Great Summer, the capital of God, the dawn is faintly, and the dawn breaks.

The scorching sun shining slightly in the eastern sky gradually illuminates the vast land of Shenzhou in the spring, and the weather turns warmer, and the souls wake up very early, especially in Shenjing, the world's most powerful city. At this time, a large number of people He got up from the bed, opened the door, stretched, and breathed the fresh and pleasant air.

   April day, this is the most wonderful and comfortable time on earth!

Due to the approach of the Great Dynasty Examination, a large number of scholars who have entered Beijing for the exam have been gathering from the 36 prefectures of Daxia to the city of Shenjing. Therefore, by the edge of the day, there will be one after another loud readings from the city. Sounded everywhere.

In the middle of the Shenjing City, in the densely-inhabited house, there was also a sound of recitation, and this voice was extraordinarily heroic and clear, just like the love story of the children who used to peek under the bed and worry about their lives. The earth narrated in the ear, and shook the hearts of the girls among the nearby boudoirs.

Then a young girl who just woke up, pursed her lips on the bed and thought for a while, got up and tiptoed to the window, raised her hand, and gently pushed the window in front of him a bit, looking down through the gap. go with.

   I saw a young scholar wearing under the tree below, holding a book in one hand and backing the other behind him, gently reading.

   The breeze blew across the young man's clothes, and his clothes fluttered, just like Qionglou Yushu.

   Morning light, morning dew, green trees, scholars.

Under this dreamlike scene, the girl suddenly became fascinated. But the next breath, the scholar who had turned her back to the window, suddenly turned around. Upon seeing this, the girl hurriedly stepped aside to avoid her, and her cheeks suddenly became hot and flushed. Even the top of his head seemed to have hot smoke, and his heart throbbed, and then heard a young voice from below:

   "You Ruier, I have seen you, so what do you hide?"

Sima Annan put away the book in his hand, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a smile, but he didn't manage it for long. A middle-aged official in a Sitianjian robe stepped directly in from outside, and after a salute, Open the mouth:

   "Young Master Sima, your majesty is summoned, and he is about to go to the north."


   Sima Annan's face returned to solemnity, and he bowed in return.

   At the same time, in the summer hall of the harem of the White Emperor Palace, two rows of candles were lit, and the whole hall was extremely bright.

   Under the light, Zhao Yuzheng opened his hands to the left and right sides, allowing the rouge to carry it like a moon, a piece of tribute to the Northern Army at Tianmen Pass. It was an inner jacket made of snow leopard skins at the peak of the Grandmaster Realm.

This animal skin is quite large, so under the treatment of the palace clothing department, two coats are made that are not bloated and heavy, but are still extremely warm, and the other is wearing rouge at this time. Body.

   Because he was pregnant, his face was slightly rounded and rouge, he carefully buttoned the buttons on the inner jacket of Zhao Yu's body, and after smoothing it with his hands, he gently opened his mouth and said:

"Your Majesty, it is said that the snowy plains in the far north are so cold that you have to dress warmly when you are here. If it weren't for the imperial robe that can't fit so many clothes, the concubines would wish to let you put on all the winter clothes. ."

   "Then why don't I become a ball, how can I fight and kill the enemy?"

   After Zhao Yu chuckled softly, he reached out to take the black and gold imperial robe presented by Bai Zhining, without letting Ru Yue's help, put it on by himself, and then opened his mouth again and said:

"No matter how cold this northern snowy field is, I will be fine. You forgot that I still have lava to praise this ancient giant. This guy is covered with lava and it is very warm. On the contrary, it is you. Although the spring is getting warmer, it is still Don't take it lightly, I will tell the people from the Department of Internal Affairs to pay more attention."

   Zhao Yu's voice fell, Rouge stepped forward gently, stretched out his hand to wrap around the waist of the young emperor, and gently said:

   "The situation in the northern border is complicated. Your Majesty must pay attention to safety."

After   , Zhao Yu did not immediately answer. Instead, he raised his hand and gently stroked the black hair behind the rouge that was like a waterfall, as if he was using practical actions to relieve the latter.

   After a long time, Zhao Yu’s calm and young voice resounded in the hall again:

   "Rouge, if one day you discover that the world we live in is just a forgotten corner, how would you feel?"

When this question came out, Rouge and Ruyue in the hall were taken aback for a moment, as if they were surprised why the young emperor would suddenly ask this question. Then Rouge's white pretty face fell into a brief thought, and then smiled slightly and spoke. Responded:

"Your Majesty, whether the world we live in is the center, or, as you say, a forgotten corner, it sounds scary, but it doesn’t really matter to the concubines, because the concubines are just ordinary People, there is only your majesty in my world, as long as your majesty is there, as long as Daxia is there, then to me, the whole world will not change."

   Rouge's voice was tactful as always, but there was a natural color in his eyes, because the black and gold imperial robe was added to the body, and the young emperor shadow on which Jinfeng soared was her heaven and her world.

   Then Rouge lightly raised his head from Zhao Yu's arms, looked at Zhao Yu's angular cheeks and his slightly frowned brows, took a step back, stared at the ebony black eyes of the young emperor, and continued to speak with distress:

"Your Majesty is not only the world of his concubines, but also the sky above the countless people of Daxia. As long as your majesty is strong enough, then for all Daxia citizens, no matter how the outside world changes, their lives will not change. , But this is too hard for your majesty."

   "How hard is it to talk about where the responsibility lies."

   Zhao Yu stared at the rouge in front of him with a smile, and then his brows gradually stretched out, and he reached out to touch rouge's cheeks like mutton jade, and said with a smile:

   "Rouge's words untie my heart knot, whoever knows me, Rouge!"

   Rouge’s big eyes curled up like two-wheeled moons, smiled and said:

   "The concubine shamelessly accepted your majesty's praise!"

Under the candlelight in the main hall, the two looked at each other and smiled. Even the air was filled with a rich and warm color. After a while, a middle-aged palace lady slowly entered into the sky with a crown that symbolized the absence of God’s right. , Then spoke softly:

   "Your Majesty, please wear a crown of heaven!"

   Zhao Yu nodded, smiled and looked at the rouge in front of him, his voice was faint:

   "Then there will be a queen who works hard."

   "That is the honor of the concubine."

After the voice fell, Rouge stretched out his hands and gently picked up the crown of the sky that represented the billions of people in Daxia and the boundless rivers and mountains. Then Zhao Yu gently lowered his head, Rouge lifted the crown cap over his head and carefully put it on Above the head of the young emperor.

   Rouge's movements are very light and steady, just like Zhao Yu's first time wearing a crown of heaven before he took the throne.

   And every day after ascending to the throne, whether it's the morning or the expedition.

   He made her wear a crown.

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