
read2();  Everyone in the world will imagine whether the world they are in has a boundary, and if the extreme of the world really exists, what will it look like?

The curiosity of creatures is always ready to move, so there are many legends about the extremes of the world circulated among the people of Daxia. Some say that there are a large number of hidden sects that are quietly established there. There are also rumors that even more in the northern snowy plains. In the north, there is a country built by the frost giants. Because the frost giants can't stand the heat of the south, this rarely appears in the Central Plains.

   Regardless of whether these legends are true or false, the people who can actually step into the Arctic can be counted for countless years.

   The northern snow was originally night, and apart from the extreme cold and darkness, there was no warmth and light, and the snowy field was even further north, and it could be called the Jedi on earth, the ice hell.

As it goes northward, its temperature does not slowly decrease as it goes northward, but a cliff-like rapid decline. The extremely thin air in the entire void is also frozen into crystals due to the extreme low temperature. , Suspended in all directions.

   The light is enough to make all the monks under the realm of the Grand Master of Palm Fate's birth and death be discouraged, because except for the realm protection that the Grand Master possesses, it is impossible for the others to survive in such a vacuum environment.

In the dark sky of the Arctic, the huge ancient black dragon waved its wings along the path of Yinxu City in front, and quickly moved north. At this time, the surrounding environment was extremely harsh, so the black dragon's whole body, tree armor, blood light, and powerful attack effect Surrounded, red, green and cyan lights shine.

The Radiant Army and Dire Division Taboos on the back of the black dragon blessed Shunzi with a large amount of magical powers to isolate it from the cold. Then Li Yi waved forward and once again set off a wave of blood, bombarding the surroundings like bullets. After the ice crystals were crushed into pieces, he opened his mouth and said lightly:

"On the far north of this northern snowfield, the monks of the Great Master Realm are qualified to set foot here, but despite this, the consumption of every minute and every second is a huge amount, and there is almost no other heaven and earth vitality supplement, just like In the case of rootless duckweed, the general masters estimate that they will be completely exhausted within half an hour."

After Li Yi finished speaking, he took out a bottle of purification potion from his arms and drank it. Then the rest of the taboos around him also took out the purification water and took it down. The windrunner Xu Qing, as the commander, took the blue porcelain bottle in his hand. After handing it to the nine-tailed celestial fox beside him, his heroic eyes looked at the huge Yinxu city in the darkness ahead, and responded:

   "I am waiting for the supply to be abundant, and I have no concerns about vitality, but I am curious that at this time, it is very close to the Arctic, but this Yinxu city shows no sign of stopping. What does it intend to do?"

   Xu Qing's cold voice lingered, the expressions of the taboos on the back of the ancient black dragon were slightly condensed, because the Yinxu City, which was originally flying in a straight line to the north, began to descend unexpectedly.

   "It has fallen, and the Arctic is here!"

   After the charming and soft voice of Crescent Moon sounded, everyone felt that the distant sky ahead, behind the numerous floating ice crystals, seemed to have an unexplainable change.

The great master taboo of the palm edge birth and death realm who possesses a super-first-grade forbidden Dao soul, even in such a harsh environment, can still extend far away, but at this time, the spiritual sense that everyone extends forward, It seemed to hit a wall that was once difficult to cross and was forcibly blocked. At the same time, more importantly, this spiritual sense was not bounced back, but was completely absorbed.

   "The front is weird, and I withdraw my spiritual consciousness. I am waiting to descend with Yinxu City, and I am going to see, this city has worked hard to come here, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd."

Xu Qing stared closely at the Yinxu City below, and her tone was getting colder and harsher, because everyone above the black dragon knew that no matter what purpose this city had, a world-shattering battle was about to come. It's about to happen.

   "This Yinxu City seems to be descending rapidly!"

   Inside the Yinxu City Win Palace, among the members of the Southern Merchants Association under the light of the stone statue tower, there was an exclamation. After that, Fang Showcase felt the increasing sense of weightlessness, nodded, and said with a slightly hoarse voice:

   "The storm is approaching. Whether we can return to Tianmenguan alive or not depends on how we develop next!"

   When the shopkeeper Fang said this, his eyes were staring at the figure outside the gate of Jinluan Temple in the distance, sitting on the steps, his body covered with bones.

That person's name was Guan Zhengqing, who was once recognized as the most talented person of the younger generation throughout Daxia. His name was even talked about and regarded as an idol even in Tianmenguan far away from the country. This time it is The shopkeeper Fang met him for the first time, but he was Daxia's rebellious identity.

In the eyes of the treasurer Fang, Guan Zhengqing, who was sitting on the steps at this time, had a deep solitude, even if he was almost completely assimilated by the Yinxu city under his feet, covered with white bones, leaving only half of his face in human form. , He still has a strong sense of isolation.

Regardless of the normal human world, or the Yinxu city at this time, Guan Zhengqing seems so out of place. This feeling is undoubtedly making the person watching feel particularly complicated, and even if Guan Zhengqing at this time is Daxia's rebellion, Fang's hatred The meaning is not too strong.

  Because perhaps it is this cruel world, the first to be abandoned!

Behind Guan Zhengqing is the center of Yinxu City. The Jinluan Hall, which once symbolized the infinite glory, was not rebuilt by the former dynasty as it was under Liuli City, but in the true sense, Yinxu City was originally The Golden Luang Hall that exists.

   The two huge gates outside the Jinluan Temple were closed tightly, but Guan Zhengqing did not push them open, instead sitting directly outside the temple, looking at the mountain that had completely lost its vitality next to him, and was silent.

  The mountain lying on its back on the ground, its appearance at this time is not much different from Guan Zhengqing's appearance, and it is not a human figure. After a long time, Guan Zhengqing opened his mouth, and a soft voice came out:

   "After taking away the first half of my life, you still got to this point after all. As expected, no matter how hard a person struggles, it can't be regarded as a god."

After   's words fell, the gaze in Guan Zhengqing's eyes became darker and darker, and the sense of estrangement between the whole person and the surrounding world became stronger and stronger, and then she fell into a little silence again.

   A moment later, Yinxu City shook violently and landed from the sky, officially staying on the barren ground of the Arctic Land. At the same time, Guan Zhengqing looked towards the sky further north, and the young voice once again lingered outside the Golden Temple:

   "You are so pitiful, half-man, half-animal, and I'm so pitiful, half-human, half-ghost, but I don't know if your half, and my half, together, can you become a real person?"

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