
read2();   The northernmost border of the vast land of Shenzhou is a city gate.

   The wide and boundless city gate, as if falling down from nine heavens, completely separated the whole world, and at the same time shook the minds of all the taboos on the back of the black dragon.

   If there is a gate at the end of the Arctic, does it mean that all the creatures living in the vast land of China live in a city?

   Or, the more creepy speculation is that you live outside the city at all?

   "I am getting more and more vague about the truth and existence of the vast land of China, but behind the land where we live, there are big secrets, or big horrors."

   An extremely solemn voice came from Li Yi's mouth, and then his gaze sank from the uppermost sky, and his gaze was directed towards Yinxu City, which was immediately in front of the city, which was suddenly tumbling with blood.

The bloodthirsty madman lives in Li Yi's body. In the Yinxu city not far away, every inch of space is stained with blood. Therefore, at this time, in Li Yi's sea of ​​knowledge, there are also endless waves of blood rolling, and the sea of ​​blood Inside, a sturdy body covered with countless runes in the sky and earth was roaring up to the sky, about to move.

Not far away, the Yinxu City, which exudes infinite blood and soared into the sky, has an unimaginable attraction for the bloodthirsty demon at this time. Then Li Yi stepped forward slowly and stretched out the same outline. The right hand of Dao's bright red rune points to the great city of Yin Ruins ahead.

   Taboo magical powers. Anxious!

A dense sea of ​​blood emerged from Li Yi’s body, then turned into scarlet blood flames, billowing burning, and at the same time, the eyes of the former suddenly became extremely scarlet, and within the entire eye pupils began to appear in Yinxu City. Scenes that happened.

Countless blood-colored buildings, countless struggling figures fixed at the moment before death, as well as the hideous appearance of Guan Zhengqing after he has completely transformed the ghost in the center of the palace. After the countless blood seas in Yinxu city rose into the sky with the underworld, they immediately over the city. A huge vortex appeared again slowly.

   The passage between Jiuyou under Guixu and the vast Arctic land of Shenzhou was once again opened by Guan Zhengqing!

Compared with the pitch-black vortex summoned by Guan Zhengqing when he used the Netherworld Wind Array before, the vortex channel formed again above Yinxu City this time has a larger range, and the Nether aura contained in it is more violent and extremely dazzling. Scarlet that is hard to look directly at.

The scarlet vortex spreads outwards at a very fast speed over Yin Ruins City. Between countless **** thunders shining continuously, a huge and endless will is faintly passed down through this vortex channel. This will is so magnificent that The faint release of a small trace made the Yin Ruins City under its cover an unbearable illusion, and the blood-glowing buildings in the city even began to appear cracks.

   The legend of Jiuyou under the ruins of the ruins corresponds to the nine layers of heaven above the sky, so there are also nine layers, and this time the **** after the **** vortex must be one of the extraordinary lower three levels.

Although the will passed down from the whirlpool did not utter any words, its meaning was understood by all the people in the city. This is like the last question before the transaction. Once Guan Zhengqing agrees, then this sacrifice Then the transaction is concluded, and there is no room for regret.

   Then, under the question of this will, in front of Shanzi's body, with white bones added to him, Guan Zhengqing, who turned into a ghost, directly nodded, and then a coercive will once again resounded through the depths of everyone's consciousness in the next breath.

"as you wish!"

The sound fell, and the entire vortex that straddled the Yinxu city instantly fluctuated at an extremely violent speed, just like the sky at the time of a thunderstorm. The blood cloud covered one wave, one wave after another, and finally All the blood seas were torn apart to the sides, and a huge creature slowly emerged from the whirlpool.

   That is a mouth, a huge mouth!

This mouth is tightly pressed and not opened, but its lips are as red as blood, as if they have been smeared on the most luxurious Jinyan branch of Daxia. Although only the mouth, the rest is not exposed, but just like this, give it to People have an inexplicable coquettish feeling, because every trace of it is so perfect.

   People can't help but imagine that if the owner of this mouth is a man, then he must be like a jade and unparalleled in the world, and if it is a woman, it would be enough to harm the country and the people.

   At last, under everyone's gaze, the mouth opened directly, and then he sucked up gently.

   There is wind in the world!

This wind is no longer Guan Zhengqing’s supernatural power, but the real **** evil wind, and then this wind swept the entire Yinxu City, blowing through the blood shadow sacrifices that were fixed in place, and directly It dissipated into the extremely tiny red mist, and took it to the sky, and then was directly sucked into the mouth by the huge mouth.

The evil wind engulfed the blood of countless sacrificed people and rushed straight into the sky, causing a huge inverted blood-colored funnel to appear directly above the entire Yin Ruins City. Every minute and every second, there are countless **** quilts. Absorbed so that on the wasteland outside Yinxu City, everyone can clearly see the vision above Yinxu City without the description of the blood demon Li Yi.

   "This is a sacrifice. I feel the boundless killing in it. The sacrificed life in this city is beyond my cognition. Even in the ancient ruins of the continent, it is a scene of horror."

Li Yi’s words are extremely solemn, but they also carry uncontrollable craziness and trembling, because under the stimulation of countless blood, the blood demon power in his body exponentially soars, it is difficult to restrain, almost bursting. The body came out, but suddenly, the blood mist over the entire Yinxu City was completely sucked into the mouth by the giant mouth, leaving no trace of it. At the same time, Li Yi suddenly raised his brow and continued to speak:

   "This sacrifice has been completed, and I am now anxious to know, what is it for paying such a high price?"

Li Yi's words fell, and the mouth in the vortex over Yinxu City closed again after absorbing all the blood, and then as if tasting the hard-won delicacy, he gently stretched out his tongue and licked the red Lips.

After that, this mouth continued to speak, and this time it was no longer swallowing, but vomiting. A small tower emitting a faint light floated from this mouth, and the small tower and the mountain above the eyebrows were suspended. The soul-catching towers are exactly the same, they all have a nine-layer structure like the tower of the ruins, but within the small tower floating from above, there is a golden dragon wandering around.

Guan Zhengqing's gaze has been watching the small tower falling from the sky. At this moment, his boneless body no longer trembles, and his chaotic intelligence has become extremely clear. He just watched the statue fall from above silently, carrying The small tower with the soul of the mountain.

   Lost his human form and turned into a ghost, he may no longer have the ability and qualification to feel sad and happy, but at this moment, everyone seems to understand his incomparably complex emotions.

  Everything he did was at this time. It stands to reason that he should be ecstatic, but Guan Zhengqing is sadder than anyone else.


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