The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 871: Billions of Yin Soldiers to be reincarnated


read2();   There are very few things in the world that you get for nothing. If you want to get it, you have to give it. This is actually a practice.

  The higher the cultivation base of the practitioner, the more he can understand that the nature of this world may be an unfair exchange.

The vortex of blood over Yinxu City that stretched across the entire sky, after completing the sacrifice exchange, together with that very strange mouth, slowly dissipated above the void, and at the same time, the city was full of scarlet scarlet. Countless blood shadows.

After losing the blood light, Yinxu City once again changed back to its original dark and lifeless appearance, while the exquisite soul tower carrying the core soul of the mountain continued to emit a faint light from above the void. sink.

   "There are people in this world who can reverse the universe of life and death and do the thing of resurrection from the dead!"

Yun Xuan Tuoba looked at the small tower in which the golden dragon wandered, and within the words he muttered, there was complete astonishment, and even the ice-field female saint who came from the land of Taixuan, blurred the face behind the light. , All have a thick incredible color.

   Since ancient times, life and death are irreversible, this is a truth that everyone knows, but what happened before me has subverted everyone’s cognition.

   Finally, under everyone's gaze, this exquisite soul tower settled firmly on the center of the mountain's eyebrows, just like entering a lake, sinking and disappearing.

There is no shocking vision, no majestic momentum, and no one even waits for too long. After a few breaths tightly, and lying on his back on the ground, the lifeless mountain suddenly opened his mouth and made a very long sound. Breathing.

   This breath was like the first breath of air that a person who fell into the water had just been rescued, and it resembled a thunder that blew into the ears, and at the same time made everyone tremble subconsciously.

I saw that with this violent breathing, the heart that had been extinguished in Shanzi's body began to beat again, and then the hot blood ran and boiled from within the blood vessels, driving the function of the whole body to gradually recover, and then the thick vitality accompanied the hot heat The temperature spread out from Shanzi's body.

   "Puff, puff, puff!"

The violent heart beating sounded louder and louder after another, as if a golden dragon was gradually waking up, and then Shanzi's tightly closed eyelids suddenly began to tremble, as if they were about to open completely in the next second, but right here At that time, he kept silently watching Guan Zhengqing below, but directly stretched out his right hand into fingers, and clicked on the eyebrows of Shanzi who was about to wake up, and at the same time a hoarse voice came out:

"Wake up later, maybe when you open your eyes again, you will be in a completely new world, where there is no more destiny, no more burdens, since then, Jiang Ying’s cause and effect have been determined. If you die or live, you will owe nothing!"

   As Guan Zhengqing's words fell, Shanzi's trembling eyelids gradually weakened, and even his hot body gradually became stable, but the still extremely stable breath indicated that he was truly resurrected.

   Shanzi may be the first person who has successfully reincarnated from the vast land of Shenzhou since ancient times, but at the same time he is also the deepest shame of this heavenly way, so no matter what, he cannot return to the vast land of Shenzhou.

   In other words, he has nowhere to go except the mysterious and unpredictable place!

After finishing all this, Guan Zhengqing slowly stood upright, first turned his head to look at Yunyu Tuoba standing aside and Li Dingshan, who was still looking horrified, and finally fixed his eyes on the distant square. In one corner, the ice-field female saint who stood up holding the ice coffin, then continued to speak:

   "I can't go to the land of the profound mystery. I will use Yinxu City as a fulcrum to pry open the gate a bit, but you still need to help me one last favor and take the mountain to that place."

   The voice fell, Guan Zhengqing nodded to Yun Yu Tuoba, the voice continued to fade out:

   "You wait and do it yourself!"

After    finished speaking, Guan Zhengqing turned around and pushed aside the Jinluan Temple behind him, the gate of which had been closed. The sound resounding throughout the Yinxu City resounded in the sky again:

  "Four gates above the ground, and a city below the gates, there are 300 emperors in the city, and hundreds of millions of Yin soldiers are waiting to be reincarnated!

   "Yin soldiers, come out!"

When the rolling sound resounded through the world, Guan Zhengqing reached out from the void and grabbed a jade seal about the size of a human head, then raised his hand and smashed it directly into the Golden Luang Temple, accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, this jade seal It shattered instantly, and a large number of golden fragments scattered all over the place.

Close to the Golden Luang Temple, debris everywhere burned, releasing thick billowing black smoke outward, and then the black smoke spread rapidly, directly igniting the entire extremely huge Golden Luang Temple, like a fire, forming a chain that runs through the entire world. The black pillar of the sky.

   An instant later, the uniform roars of countless soldiers rang out directly from the void, followed by an energetic shout from the generals, and finally, the three hundred emperor's voices.

   "This is one of the eight forbidden places in the vast land of China. In the tomb of the Ying clan, there are countless hidden soldiers in the legend, but I can't think of it!"

  In the Southern Chamber of Commerce, the shopkeeper Fang looked at the dark figures that stepped out of the black smoke in front of him, and spoke in amazement.

Then under the gaze of the treasurer Fang, these endless army of Yin soldiers rushed out of the black smoke and their faces were blurred, but their bodies were burly and strong, and each of them was wearing standard armor. In the front, there are even more powerful generals.

   Hundreds of millions of Yin Soldiers, the last and final details of the Ying Dynasty!

The nature of the Yin Soldiers is actually a ghost, so they do not have any weight. They line up directly over the Yin Ruins. The endless array of Yin Soldiers, like a wave, stretches across the entire Arctic sky, directly blending with darkness and cold. Where, regardless of each other, I don't know if it is an illusion, the temperature of the entire North Pole, which had already reached the limit, dropped again.

   This is the cold of the soul.

   "Get up!"

Outside the high platform of the Jinluan Temple, the bone-covered Guan Zhengqing raised his hands, raised his hands, raised his mouth and shouted, and the next breath, the large array of Yin soldiers above the sky, covering the sky and the sun, seemed to have received some kind of order. His hand, facing the wide stone gate behind, threw out the Ming Spear in his hand!

   After a short while, countless ghost spears rose into the sky, and the dark night sky of the entire far north became deeper and darker, like a layer of black ink on top of ink paper.


Guan Zhengqing spoke again, the countless ghost spears changed again, and they were intertwined in an instant. After a blink of an eye, they became three black ghost dragons crossing the sky. The ghost dragon roared ragingly, and then fell straight down like three rotating arrows of Nine Yous. under.

   The shooting direction is not the city gate, but the underground of the giant city gate!

   After a breath, the three dragons blasted into the frozen ground of the North Pole, and bit the bottom of the city gate in one bite.

The huge impact force caused the entire North Pole city gate to be violently hit, and countless golden light chips were directly shaken out, bursting outward, like countless fireworks flying above the night sky, illuminating the entire North Pole in an instant. Daylight.

   Seeing from a distance, it was like in Yinxu City, three dark dragon ropes stretched out, which tightly hooked this huge gate gate!


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