
read2();   "哐, 哐, 哐!"

   Da Xia Xia gates Nancheng regardless of day and night, there is no one on the street, only the watchman holding the gongs and drums, along the central street of Nancheng, all the way through, and exudes extremely loud gongs and drums.

Then the sound of gongs and drums followed the cold wind from the northern part of the Xiongguan Pass, directly rising, into the study room on the top floor of the Southern Chamber of Commerce in the center of the city, awakening a middle-aged woman with her head lying on the back of the table, and then Madam Fang He rubbed his somewhat swollen head, tapped the table in front of him lightly, and a soft question sounded:

  " Guan Shi, what time has it been changed now?"

   After the tired voice of Mrs. Fang came out, the door of the top study room was softly opened, and then the elderly manager Li stepped in with a strong chill, and responded:

   "Mrs. Hui, at this time, it was just at the time of Mao, and the watchman had just hit the gong. It must be a while before the hunters in this southern city should have started."

  The old steward was holding a cup of steaming tea in his hand, and then gently stepped forward, filled the cup on the table in front of Madam Fang, and continued to speak:

   "Madam, you have almost never closed your eyes since the Northern Army rushed to the snowy field. Let's go to the rest meeting. The outside news is guarded by the old man. The master and the lady Jiren have their own heavenly signs, and they will return safely."

   "The snowy field is dangerous, and the sword has no eyes. How can you let me rest assured."

Madam Fang sighed, thanked him and took a sip of the tea, with a worried expression on her face. Only then, she was not the strong woman who controlled the entire Tianmenguan Chamber of Commerce, but a An ordinary woman who is worried about the safety of her husband and daughter.

   Then Madam Fang rubbed her eyebrows and continued to speak:

"Manager Li, you have seen the fireball shining the entire northern snowy night sky before. I can't even imagine how much cultivation level is needed to release such a vast and boundless magical power, but there is one thing to know. , That is, the center of the snowfield must have received an unimaginable impact.

   "When I thought that the master and Jane were in the center of the snowy field, I couldn't help feeling my heart. I was afraid that as soon as I woke up, I would hear the bad news of his father and daughter."

Madam Fang’s eyes were covered with bright red bloodshot eyes, and then the elderly manager also sighed silently in her heart, just about to speak for comfort, only to listen to a burst of energetic loud shouts on the central street outside the window. The sound of horseshoes is directly in the ear:

   "Great victory on the front line, great victory on the front line, we will hear it, and all the world will celebrate!"

As soon as this sound came out, Madam Fang, who was holding the tea cup, trembled all over her body. She didn't even care about the tea in her hand. She trot all the way to the window, pushed it away, and looked down at the galloping horse. Si Tian supervised the official, opened his mouth and shouted directly:

   "Brother, where is the good news? Is it the snowy field in the north?"

The official in charge of Zhang Bang at Tianmenguan Sitian Supervisor is a young young man. The huge Fengwu Jiutianqi flag is flying behind him. Because of the victory, he has a look of excitement. Then he turns his head slightly and looks at the rear. Mrs. Fang in the sky responded loudly:

"Madam, it's Xijiang, the victory at Yulongguan in Xijiang, the king of Wei Guogong, the king of Zhenhai and the king of Ximan commanded tens of thousands of troops to kill the Archbishop of the Sun Empire at the gate of the fortress of Shenwei, and annihilate countless enemy forces. what!"

   "That is indeed a great victory, a blessing in the world!"

Madam Fang squeezed a smile on her face, then retracted her head into the study room, closed the window, stared blankly towards the north and let out a disappointed sigh. Suddenly, Madam Fang's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the north. The dark tumbling night sky let out an exclamation.

   I saw the originally extremely quiet Tianmenguan Beicheng, countless blue and white teleportation flowers, just like fireworks rising towards the sky, and the entire northern city sky was shining like daylight in the blink of an eye.

   "This is a large-scale teleportation. The far north snowfield should be the time of the final battle, sir, you must return safely with the pearl."

   Madam Fang raised her hand to cover her heart, trying to calm the beating heart, but the boundless fear continued to flow like a tide.

   At the same time, the vast north pole of the vast land of Shenzhou, the vast aftermath of vigor above the sky, is also like a continuous wave of impact tumbling in all directions, directly blasting the countless ice crystals suspended in the air into extremely tiny dust.

Standing on top of the earth, the huge lava boasted like a huge mountain. At this time, its appearance has changed greatly. The wings of the lava demon that cover the sky and sun open after themselves, like the highest banner that controls the entire Jiuyou Hell, waving in the wind, and countless from the nine. The lava flowing from the deepest part of You is burning with **** flames on his body.

   Lava Kua has completely turned into a doomsday messenger, and wherever the doomsday messenger goes, that is the doomsday!

Centered on the huge and incomparable body of lava, the entire void has turned into a sea of ​​magma that destroys everything, and then the palm of lava is drawn directly from the sea of ​​magma, enough to split the entire world, and the whole body is burning with doomsday flames. Yan Bian slashed towards the tiny blue dot in front of him without fancy.

   In the feeling of everyone, the whole ground trembles constantly, and the melting far north is divided into two in an instant.

With a clear and audible sound of space fragmentation, the infinite flames covering the entire Arctic land instantly disappeared. The lava boasted that the huge body shrank down rapidly, and at the same time, above the sky, the blue light spot struck by Yan Blade It fell directly like a meteor that was about to extinguish, and then smashed in front of hundreds of thousands of northern troops, causing a violent roar and icy debris in the sky.

Above the sky, due to the evaporation of the hot flames, raindrops as large as beans rushed down, shooting the raised ice dust back to the ground, and then under the scorching eyes of hundreds of thousands of iron-blooded army, Zhao Yu stood tall The scene before the pose is slowly clear.

The tall body of the ice lady saint lay on her back on the densely cracked ground. Half of her body was sunken under the ground. A red line exuding dazzling lava, from the top of her head, stretched all the way down, almost turning her whole body like ice crystals. The body is completely divided into two.

The female saint of ice is now like an ice sculpture on the verge of breaking, even the third eye on the forehead has been broken into two, and the most striking thing is that there is a five-star magic around the female saint’s body Array, trapped his body tightly in it.

   Super taboo magical powers. Doom!

   Under the end, all beings are equal.

   Whether it is a human or a saint, it is a lamb waiting for the declaration of death.

The majestic rain poured down, and then Zhao Yu raised his foot forward, his right hand also pulled out an orange-red flame burning Yan blade from the void, and slowly walked towards the Icefield Lady, while the latter used a gradually blurred Eyes, watching the walking figure.

   She seems to be looking at a **** who controls heaven and earth.

At this moment, the fifth person from the upper kingdom of Xuemei trembles involuntarily, and a deep fear rises in her heart. This fear is not only for the upcoming death, but also for this. The Taixuan land behind the gate of the boundary city is worried.

   At this time, there are only 200,000 Northern Army behind Zhao Yu, but if in the future, the army behind the young emperor is 20 million, 20,000, or even more in the Taixuan Land, then what will it be like?

   Then the Icefield Girl Sage looked at Zhao Yu who had already walked in front of her, and opened her mouth to make a low pleading:

   "Don't, don't hurt the little princess."

   Zhao Yu lowered his head and stared at the ice-field female sage whose entire body was beginning to be attacked by lava, and did not answer.

After    two breaths, the young emperor raised Yan Blade and pierced directly and smoothly into the third eye of the brows of the ice girl.

   The night sky of the northern snowfield suddenly blasted with a thunder, and countless blood-colored thunder and lightning continued to wreak havoc with their teeth and claws, illuminating the entire dark night sky.

   Lightning and thunder, under the torrential rain, Zhao Yu's eyebrows were once again marked with a cinnabar pattern by Heaven.

   Fourth Avenue Blood!


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