The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 885: A son's road to revenge


read2();   the northernmost part of the vast land of Shenzhou, the night sky of the Arctic, rainstorms like torrential rain, but as the lava exaggerates its body and recovers its human form, the sea of ​​magma that burns the entire dark sky gradually dissipates , And then, within a few breaths of time, the heavy rain turned into snowflakes and spread across the world.

As the goose feathers occupies all directions, Zhao Yu slowly raised his head and stared at the incomparably deep void above his head. In the depths of the young emperor’s ebony eyes, he seemed to see what was condensed above the nine heavens. That one towering eyes.

   If this vast road of China really gave birth to its own thinking, how would it feel about what happened in the Arctic at this moment?

After watching the two pairs of Divine Land’s most noble eyes for a few breaths, Zhao Yu retracted his gaze and slowly turned around. From then on, the Radiant Army, Night Dire Division, Angry Beast Army and 200,000 Northern Army behind him were all clear. I clearly saw the burning fourth cinnabar pattern on the eyebrows of the young emperor.

The four bright red and **** lines of cinnabar, written by the heavens, directly form a flower-like and fire-like shape. With Zhao Yu’s handsome face and the majestic crown of the sky, it is difficult to look directly at it. , The illusion that I want to worship.

   This is the direct manifestation of the majesty and richness of the **** of Zhao Yu's body. Then all the warriors in front of the young emperor knelt on one knee, their heads drooping, although they did not say anything, they looked respectful and looked frenzied.

   The silence at this time is far better than a cry from the sky!

In the extreme north, the wind is raging, and the snowflakes are as big as hands. Zhao Yu is still standing with his hands. He is waiting, because there is still cause and effect that has not yet ended. Under the extreme north city behind him, there are still extremely violent aftermaths of fighting, accompanied by a roar. The sound kept coming out.

With violent auras raging, facing Lin Xiao, the son of Zhenyuhou who killed his father’s enemy, he completely obeyed the call of the terror blade deep in his heart and released the demons among the demons in this wild evil **** for the first time. In the world.

   Then the huge demon intertwined with the wild evil demon flame and the Fudo Mingwang flame engulfed Lin Xiao's infinite anger, pouring endless power to his heart.

   is another life-and-death battle between fire and ice, the best in the world.

Yunxuan Tuoba held the Frostflower Spear and smashed the phantoms of the horror-blade demon again and again, but was completely bombarded by his own reflection and the golden-purple flames again and again. The confrontation between the two was no less. In the previous battle between Lava Kua and the Icefield Saintess, whether it was the Radiant Army, the Night Dire Division, or Zhao Yu, they just waited quietly and did not step forward to intervene.

   Because this is the road to revenge for a son.

Lin Xiao’s mind flashed a series of extremely clear figures, not tall, but his father Zhenyu Hou Linlang who gave people an infinite sense of security, his blind eyes, his closed and intelligent younger brother Lin Xiao, and the Xiuwaihuihuizhong, After Lin Xiao left, one person supported Qing Niantong in the entire Dalin Mansion.

These faces and scenes of the past flashed quickly in Lin Xiao's mind, and then accompanied by a roar, Lin Xiao's entire body of a demon that was twice as large as an ordinary person took a step forward, directly Ignoring the Frost Flower Spear that plunged directly into his chest, he clung to Yunyu Tuoba who was already covered in blood, and the devil's claws stabbed the latter's back.

The fight between the golden purple fireworks and the cold air of Shuanghua reached the critical moment of life and death. Then, with a spit, the Shuanghua spear plunged into Lin Xiao's chest. At the same time, Lin Xiao's right grasp also broke Yun Xi Tuoba covering his body. The ice of the watch plunged directly into the latter's body.

The two tall and straight figures collided in the next breath, countless flames and frost broke and disappeared along with the surrounding space. Lin Xiao lowered his head and looked at Yun Yu Tuoba that even though it was covered with blood, it was still extremely handsome. Then he spoke word by word:

   "Every day after you killed my father, every minute and every second, I am infinitely longing for such a day, piercing your chest, and then squeezing your heart."

On the chest where Lin Xiao was pierced by the Frosthua Spear, a large amount of ice spreads outward, and under the avenue, a lot of extremely coincidental things will happen in the dark. The time seems to be back to the place outside the Xuanwu Gate of Shenjing City a year ago. In the wasteland, on the chest of Zhenyu Hou Linlang, at the same position, he was pierced by the Shuanghua Spear, and he also stretched out his left hand, firmly holding the handle of the gun.

But the difference is that Lin Lang at Zhenyu Hou was exhausted at that time, and this time, Lin Xiao took the lead in holding the beating heart in Yun Tuoba's chest before Yun Tuoba exerted his strength. , And squeeze tightly.

   A muffled hum came from Yunxiu Tuoba's mouth, and then a mouthful of bright red blood spewed out. Then Yunxiu Tuoba looked at Lin Xiao with the hideous demon face above, and gently responded:

"Your father is a respectable person. Before he died, he whispered in my ear. He quietly told me that the new era has come, and his death is not important at all. Perhaps it is the great road of heaven and earth. The choice he made, and one day, his son will avenge him, if one fails, then two.

   Yun Yu Tuoba finished saying this, opened his mouth again to protrude a mouthful of blood, and then continued to open the way intermittently:

"This trip from the Sun Empire to Daxia, a colorful world, saw the legendary colors, and met many interesting people. It was a worthwhile trip. The key also made me feel the awe of power. You are very strong, Daxia is very strong."

   "The ancients once said that the heavens bypassed anyone and what they did was needed to be repaid, not that they were not reported, but the time had not yet come.

   Lin Xiao grasped Yunyu Tuoba’s heart with his hands and gradually forced inward, the latter vomited even more blood, and then he shook his head very indifferently, smiled weirdly, and responded:

   "Do you still believe what an adult deceived a child?"

   Yunyu Tuoba’s voice had not yet fallen, and Lin Xiao’s heart was completely squeezed, and the entire body suddenly began to be covered with dense cracks, and then released the frost spear, the body slipped away, and the breath completely dissipated.

   At this moment, the entire Arctic wasteland was completely plunged into the silence with only the sound of the wind, darkness and silence is what this barren land should have existed.

The cold wind was bitter and the snow fell silent. Lin Xiao held the Shuanghua spear on his chest with his left hand and drew it out with force. A large amount of blood gushed out from the muzzle, instantly staining the entire chest, but Lin Xiao But completely ignored.

After that, this depressive little killer who suffered countless minutes and seconds, kneeled on his knees, held Yunyu Tuoba's bright red heart in one hand, and held the Super First Grade Dao Soul Shuanghua Gun in the other. He looked up at the sky and made a sound that pierced the sky. The roar.

   then burst into tears.

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