
read2();   tens of thousands of years ago, since the end of the battle between Longboguo and Wuxianshan, which was called an astonishing catastrophe, Shenzhou Haotu, one of the sunken fairy islands, has been with Tai The mysterious land has completely taken a completely different path.

In fact, for the two parties at this time, their understanding of each other can be said to be completely unfamiliar. The only difference is that on the level of innate heart, the land of supreme profoundness is in the strong side, after all, for anyone, Between the immensely huge main continent and a sunken island, it is obvious which one is strong and weak.

   But the world is fickle. At least at this moment, everyone standing under the Far North Realm City is not afraid, but thinking about how to gain an advantage.

  Compared with the eyes of the heavens outlined by Zhao Yu with his fingers and pure silver light, the teleportation flower outlined by Li Dingshan on the boundary city at this time is countless times smaller, and it is about the size of three people.

   Then Li Dingshan turned sideways slightly, facing Zhao Yu, who was standing beside him with his hand, lightly speaking:

   "The size of the teleportation flower determines the number of people who can pass. This is why I said before that only three people can pass at a time."

   "What's the price for this?"

   After Li Dingshan’s voice fell, the young emperor’s question sounded again, and Li Dingshan continued to look at the flowers on the frontier city, and responded softly:

"The female saint of the ice field has been searching for hundreds of years in the vast land of China, and even the legendary Baidi Palace Phoenix Pavilion has been looking for it, but still can't find the thing that can open the teleportation formation in front of me, so I actually don't know it. What's the price."

   As soon as Li Dingshan said this, the expressions of Sima Annan and the others changed slightly, and the fiery-tempered Jiang Yue took a step forward. The tyrannical aura rose directly and fell directly towards Li Dingshan.

   "Egoshi, don't be restless!"

  Ms. Xu Qing gently raised her hand to stop Jiang Yue, and then heard Li Dingshan’s somewhat hoarse voice continue to sound:

   "Although I can't find a **** that can open this formation, there is something under the world that can definitely open it, because it is the origin of everything."

   "Should you mean Dao Xue?"

   Sima Annan’s response sounded full of coldness, and the faces of the Radiant Army and the Taboos of the Night Dire Division behind Zhao Yu also instantly became extremely cold and stern, as the vast aura of a volcano erupted, gushing out wildly.

  Between heaven and earth, Dao Xue is the most worthy of the first divine object, the noble and supreme treasure that everyone aspires to. Precious means scarce. However, Dao Blood has the biggest difference compared with other heaven and earth treasures.

   Behind every drop of Dao blood, it represents the life of a saint in a terrestrial fairyland!

Sanctification is difficult, difficult to climb to the blue sky, not to mention the amazing people who have fallen before the nine-fold ladder through the ages, for nearly a year, fortunately in the early autumn, Bai Mingxiu, Muronghe and Lao Bei’an Wang Jiangyu, which one is not The best in an era?

   But they are all at a distance from the bridge of heaven and earth, and they fall short.

   Just one step away, it's forever!

The whole world is cruel, so the blood of the avenue is precious beyond imagination, and the meaning of Li Dingshan at this time, in the eyes of the taboos, the purpose is the eyebrows of Zhao Yu, the lord of the great summer, and those four paths make up the flowers of the avenue. Cinnabar pattern.

   covets the blood of the saint’s upper Dao, which is the same as the dead, and according to the big summer law, it is a big sin that cannot be forgiven.

The atmosphere under the entire Arctic Realm city became extremely solemn in an instant, and even the temperature became even colder because of the monstrous murderous aura. Then Zhao Yu's still calm and steady voice sounded, preventing the infinite evil spirit. Ascend again:

   "My father-in-law is so stingy, how can he give you such precious blood?"

   "The shopkeeper is actually pitying me, in fact, I am also covered with rouge."

   Li Dingshan's response sounded with a trace of loneliness, and then he slowly raised his right hand and stretched it to the center of his eyebrows, at the same time, his voice slowly came out again:

"The world is huge and infinite, and there are countless creatures under it. Every existence thinks that it is special. To be honest, I sometimes get confused as to what kind of existence I am, but I do live a long time. "

Accompanied by Li Dingshan’s soft voice, the two golden camellias in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and emitted light that was difficult to look at directly. At the same time, when Li Dingshan’s right hand was close to the center of his eyebrows, a line Another bright red cinnabar pattern appeared instantly.

   three times!

   Zhao Yu's control of the blood in the heart of the eyebrows has reached an extremely deep level, and it can even be burned to achieve the special effect of the inexhaustible sea of ​​vitality, so the young emperor can control the aura of Dao blood.

But Li Dingshan is not the case, so after Li Dingshan completely exposed the blood of the Dao to the world, under the entire northern boundary city, a strong to the extreme aura of Dao instantly diffused outward, even because of the whole three Dao blood. Produced a wave of ripples sweeping outward.

Daoxue has an unimaginable temptation for any creature in the world, so all the taboos behind Zhao Yu, including Sima Annan, clenched their fists to control the infinite desire that gushed out of their heart. .

"In fact, there may be some risks in using this teleportation flower, because in my eyes, this teleportation formation is mutual. In other words, once I wait to teleport to the land of the profound, then if this world city If there are creatures on the other side, the replacement will be completed directly. I hope your Majesty will pay attention to this."

After Li Dingshan finished speaking, he no longer hesitated, he directly digs into his eyebrows, digging out a drop of bright red, as if the blood is burning, and then he slapped his palm on the city in front of him. At the same time, Sima Annan, who holds the fireworks of the three-phase power, also slapped the city wall.

   In the next second, the flower rune of teleportation above the northern boundary city instantly shined generously, and then under everyone's gaze, it began to bloom outwards slowly.

As the space flower bloomed, the world city space in front of everyone began to tremble violently, and then the countless bubbles that formed the space began to collide and disillusioned. After two breaths, a light gate as high as one person appeared directly above the world city. While exuding a dazzling light, strong suction came from behind the door.

   "Take care of rouge, and the little life that is about to be born!"

Li Dingshan turned his head, took a deep look at Zhao Yu, and then stopped hesitating, plunged straight into the light door in front of him, and after his figure sank in, Zhao Yu's majestic and handsome face was full of solemnity, and then he spoke slowly, calming the emperor. The tone then spread out:

   "Nightmare Si Yeyi, Xue Dao is out."

   After the emperor’s voice, in the team behind Zhao Yu, two figures stepped directly out, and they all responded together:

   "The minister is here!"

"You will follow Li Dingshan to the land of the Supreme Profound, and help me see what the mystery is in this legendary main continent. Let me also see that Daxia’s iron hoof needs to conquer the entire land of the Supreme Profound. how long!"

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