The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 891: Three clay figures


read2();  The emperor, when encountering an enemy, he does not think of resisting but tries to conquer.

Since Zhao Yu became the throne, he has never been an emperor who obeys the rules, cut the lion’s heart, Zhennanman, Pingxueyuan, and now he is fighting in two lines, trying to kill all the alien races in the endless mountain. Every piece of this is It is the great cause of the rest of the emperor's life.

   Such a great achievement may seem incredible, but it is not without evidence.

   Princess Zhao Xiu was in power for more than ten years, she worked diligently to govern, and her national power was flourishing, allowing Daxia to completely recover from the fifteen years of war. This undoubtedly laid a crucial foundation for Zhao Yu's expansion and external use of troops.

Then there is conquest. Zhao Yu needs to conquer, and the ancient ruins system in Zhao Yu's mind also needs to be conquered. With the accumulation of countless blood, soul, and life, Daxia has developed to a completely different level. An unreached new era.

   Under the generation gap of a higher civilization, the demise of the weak is actually like a great avalanche, unstoppable.

The whole world is the weak and the strong. The most direct way to develop at a speed that surpasses everything is to plunder. In a sense, Zhao Yu, who has only been in power for just one year, has become remembered by the world. The eternal emperor.

As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and the emergence of the land of the profound is a catastrophe, but it is also a great opportunity for the overlord Daxia, who has expanded to the extreme, because of this mysterious and abnormal door. The post world provides Zhao Yu with a goal to continue to fight and conquer!

At this time, in the raging blizzard and gust of wind in the far north, along with the two figures of Nightmare Sovereign Night Demon King Ye Yi and Xue Dao wearing black robes, stepped into this place on the far north boundary city in front of them. Daoguangmen, Zhao Yu and Da Xia behind him, formally took the first step to the land of Supreme Profound.

   The front of this step, or the abyss, or the sacred place of the fairy palace, is unknown, but this step has to be taken, and must be taken.

Above the Far North Realm City, the light that bloomed from the teleportation flower was like a giant beast that chose people and swallowed the figure that stepped into it. Then Zhao Yu's faint emperor sounded In the ears of everyone:

"You will think about why I chose Ye Yi and Xue Dao to go to the far north. There are two reasons. First of all, the movement of this far north city in the Taixuan land is definitely not small. It has attracted the attention of the great forces in the Taixuan Land. At the same time, on the back of the city is a place called Beihai in the Taixuan Land. The Deep Sea is Xue Dao’s home ground. It can not only isolate the powerful exploration, but also can play Show the strongest strength."

   At this point, Zhao Yu paused for a while, his black eyes stared at the light door that was getting brighter in front of him, and the faint voice continued:

"The second point, I just heard the female saint of Icefield say that the human races in the Supreme Profound Land are weak. If several human races appear directly, it will attract the attention of people who are interested. Ye Yi is the night demon king, and Xue Dao is the deep sea murloc. , So the two are the most suitable candidates."

   After Zhao Yuyu finished, the taboos behind the young emperor once again saluted forward and said at the same time:

   "Your Majesty Shengming."

In fact, these taboos are equally clear in their hearts. Zhao Yu said these words in order to give them an explanation. It is important and dangerous to go to the land of the Supreme Profound. Therefore, explain why there is no reason. Biased.

   In fact, for an emperor, Zhao Yu didn't need to explain, because the emperor was a monopoly, listening, and domineering, but Zhao Yu did not want to be so cold and ruthless.

When the voices of the taboos were lingering outside the city, the teleportation flower in front of Zhao Yu did not dissipate directly after Li Dingshan and the others entered. Instead, it flickered very strangely, as if it was making peace. Suddenly switch between sucking.

   Sima looked at the weird look above the city in front of him, raised his hand and pinched his fingers, then his complexion changed slightly, and he blurted out:

   "It seems that Li Dingshan really has said that there are real creatures behind this city, and they are about to be transposed!"

   "Everyone is on guard, the Qi machine is solid, and the blade is out of the sheath!"

Before Sima Annan’s words were over, Miss Wei Guogong Xu Qing directly opened her mouth and let out a loud roar. When the cold and majestic command sounded across the sky, whether it was the taboo of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, the Black Dragon Guard and the Angry Beast Army, The Northern Army, headed by Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, all condensed the Qi machine to the limit in an instant.

   The uniform sound of the unsheathing of sharp blades directly tore through the sky, and the iron and blood that stirred the wind and cloud rose into the sky. Together with the vast aura of the taboo, they formed an ancient war **** phantom that occupies the entire half of the sky.

The phantom of the ancient **** of war obscured the sky, and his body was composed of scarlet-like blood with infinite iron and blood. Then the phantom raised the sky-reaching spear in his hand and pointed directly at the swallowing Arctic city in front of him. Lock it firmly.

The void outside the entire Arctic Realm city suddenly became solidified like a quagmire, and even the extremely thin air became difficult to flow, and the taboos behind Zhao Yu, each of them contained a formula that could destroy the sky. The forbidden magical power of destroying the land, although it is condensed and not released, but the murderous intent that leaks to the outside has completely enveloped the outside of the far north.

A total of 200,000 elite warriors who summon ancient war souls have increased the combat power of most of the high-end and top taboos in Xia, even if the three land gods shuttled from the gates, they were hit by the violent sea of ​​forbidden powers. If you don’t die, you have to lose a layer of skin.

Under the gaze of everyone, the flickering frequency of the teleportation flower above the Arctic Realm City is getting faster and faster, and the exhalation power outgoing is getting stronger and stronger, and then everyone's complexion becomes more and more cold, the windrunner Xu Qing Clenched his right hand and raised it over his head.

In an instant, all the warriors stared at that tightly clenched fist, waiting for it to swing forward, and then condensing it out. The most violent blow of Shenzhou Haotu completely tilted. Out.

Under the boundless murderous intent, the light gate of the northern boundary city lit up to the extreme in an instant. Next to Zhao Yu, the lava boasting and Huang Ting's figure holding the big summer dragonfowl appeared directly, concentrating on guard. At the same time, Xu Qing lifted towards the sky. The right fist clenched fiercely in vain.

   Under the lock of the air machine, the light door was brightly lit. After an instant, three figures were spit out from the door, and then slammed heavily on the ground in the North Pole. After a few laps, they did not move.

   There is no strong aura, nor too strong murderous intent, then Sima Annan next to Zhao Yu slowly walked towards the three figures lying on the ground, approached, squatted down and looked carefully.

   Then Sima Annan turned his head, showing a dumbfounded expression, and said rather strangely:

   "Your Majesty, three clay figures have come from the land of Tai Xuan!"


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