The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 895: Old acquaintance


read2();  The Great Xia court has believed in efficiency first since the opening of the dynasty. Therefore, within a very short time after Zhao Yu’s sacred order was issued, all the high-ranking officials in the entire Shenjing The door of the mansion was knocked open almost at the same time.

And the craftsmen who had already assembled in the Daxia Ministry of Industry earlier than these officials were teleported to the altar of the Arctic. After these large numbers of Daxia masters were teleported, they began to be accompanied by the Northern Army to the entire surrounding area. Mapping the environment.

[Penquge]   Among the strict officials of the Ministry of Industry, wrapped in animal clothing, there appeared a girl in red with a graceful figure.

The girl concealed her entire face under her hood, and together with a large number of officials from the Ministry of Industry, she walked forward slowly with a look of doubt, and then everyone's ears sounded a powerful introduction from the Jiang clan general of the Northern Army. sound:

   "My lords, the situation is complicated, so I will make a long story short. Since then, your Majesty has included the entire northern snowfields into the territory, so in other words, this place will be our northernmost place in Daxia!"

   As soon as the middle-aged general's voice fell, a group of officials from the Ministry of Industry suddenly exclaimed. Then before these people sighed, the general's continued voice completely subverted the perception of these officials:

"Behind you, there is a heaven-passing city in the darkness, and behind the city is another completely unfamiliar world. Therefore, according to your majesty’s request, the Northern Army will be responsible for guarding this place, and the Ministry of Industry will need to rely on the ancient stone statue tower and The altar builds a barracks, and the stone tower is in front."

   The middle-aged general finished his speech, stretched out his right hand, pointed forward, and saw a stone statue in Yinxu City, which was still burning in the distance, emitting a growing blue-white light.

   Then these Ministry of Engineering officials first looked at the front, and then turned to look at the rear, only to see a huge shadow standing silently in the darkness of rolling ice crystals behind.

   A gate and a stone tower, echoing each other, with the mighty power that shocks everyone!

   "This matter is very important, and it is related to the safety of the entire community, so I have to trouble you adults!"

   After the middle-aged general solemnly gave a military salute, in front of the officials of the Ministry of Industry, the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry with white beard and hair also responded, and then stroked the white beard on his chest and responded:

   "This is indeed a sensational and extraordinary event, even the old man, it is difficult to accept for a while, but without further ado, I will start acting immediately."

After finishing the book, the old Ministry of Industry took off the hood on his head, because everyone was still under the shroud of the light of the altar, so the surroundings were actually not cold, but extremely warm. Then Lao Shangshu looked around for a week and continued to make an old sigh. :

"If it were changed, it would be impossible for the Ministry of Industry to build a large fortress barracks in such a bad and barren land within a short period of time, but now, with the help of your majesty, the mysterious and mysterious, and the organs. , I’m waiting to create miracles, don’t you say, Hong Chen?"

   Lao Shangshu’s voice fell and he didn’t hear a response, so he turned his head, and a somewhat puzzled voice continued:

   "Red dust?"

   But the call of Lao Shangshu, the girl in red washing Hongchen seemed to have not heard it, because all his mind was concentrated on a figure that suddenly appeared to the side.

   Even if this figure is shrouded in the celestial robe, Xi Hongchen can still recognize it, because this breath is very familiar to her after nearly a year.

   Then the flying figure in the big robe slowly took a step forward, staring at the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and Washing Hongchen in front of him with plain eyes. The voice belonging to the fat Qiu Hengji slowly lingered in everyone's ears:

   "Master Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, as well as members of the Institution Sect, your Majesty summoned."

   The northernmost sky of the vast land of Shenzhou, the blizzard is getting bigger and bigger, as if the water vapor evaporated into the void of the sky by the lava boasting the violent lava scorched earth before.

Under the shroud of the light of the altar, a red-washed dust, together with the old Shangshu with white beard and hair beside him, followed the fat Qiu Hengji, slowly heading north, the old Shangshu Shangshu The old ruddy face was still as usual, but it was washed away, because it was going to face the saint, it seemed a little restrained.

Although this old Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry is famous for his knowledge in the court, he does not ask about other disputes, but that does not mean that he does not understand the world, and the younger generation of the agency sect next to him The best, Lao Shangshu takes care of her like a daughter, so seeing the girl's silent appearance, Lao Shangshu then stretched out his right hand and stroked the white beard on his chest. Then an old voice came out:

"Hongchen, don’t be cautious, your majesty’s temper is much better than my bad old man. Sometimes in the Palace of Emperors, my old man gets red eyes and yells a word or two. Now it’s not still good, so do not worry."

There is a trace of pride in the voice of Lao Shangshu. Since Zhao Yu ascended the throne, the position of the Ministry of Industry among the six departments has risen sharply. Under the union, even the entire Daxia infrastructure has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

   One of the most representative buildings is the Shenjing Station, where countless people come and go. It can be said to be the pinnacle work of the great masters of Great Xia, destined to be recorded in the annals of history and passed down through the ages.

   The emperor attaches great importance to it, and the results are remarkable. For an old man who has dedicated his life to fortifications, what is happier than this?

After Lao Shangshu sighed, the girl next to her nodded, and then a very soft response came out, which surprised the old man. The cooperation between Lao Shangshu and the girl also had a long time. Even though she said nothing in the daily life Not much, but it is simple and neat, but such a twitchy attitude like a little daughter has never been seen.

   This aroused the curiosity of Lao Shangshu, but he just wanted to ask for it, only to see the figure in front of the celestial army robe stopped directly, and then the young voice passed:

   "The front convenience is the limit of the shrine's shroud range. Once you step outside the shrine's light, it is the real North Pole, so I am afraid that Lao Shangshu, your physical condition at this time will be overwhelming."

   "Good boy, how dare you doubt the old man!"

   When the fat man's voice came out, Lao Shangshu's eyebrows flicked upward, and even the white beard on his chest jumped out, and then continued to open his mouth and say:

"The gate of Da Xia Xia close, you little baby, you should be familiar with it, but it was built by the old man with a lot of people. At that time, the old man almost froze his hands, but he still survived. Now the old man Although I'm getting older, I don't know how many times I don't know how many times I am wearing a different animal clothing. There should be no problem."

After    finished speaking, Lao Shangshu patted his hands, took the lead in stepping forward, directly past the fat man, and stepped out of the light of the altar.

   "Master, don't mess around!"

It wasn't until Lao Shangshu stepped half of his foot out of the light that he had been thinking and absent-mindedly washing Hongchen along the way. Then he opened his mouth and wanted to stop it, but it was too late. Then he suddenly turned to the figure on the side. He let out an anxious shout again:

   "Dead fat man, think of a way!"

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