The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 896: A hundred officials gather


read2();   on the vast land of China, the farther north the region is, the colder it is. This is common sense under the avenue, perhaps an old book of old age who has delved into the way of fortifications She didn't have a deep understanding of the four words of the Arctic Land, but for the girl Xi Hongchen, the chief disciple of the Institution Sect, she deeply understood the horror of this place.

It is no exaggeration to say that this place is a terrible place that ordinary people will not step into for a lifetime. Even the puppets that wash the red dust and the organ sect for their livelihood will be frozen into ice instantly as soon as they step out of the shelter of the light of the altar. , Let alone the old man of the Ministry of Industry, the old Shangshu with a shallow cultivation.

   Therefore, watching Lao Shangshu's whole body about to step out of the ground, Xi Hongchen, her eyes were full of anxiety, and she couldn't even take care of too many subconscious shouts, and the fat man blurted out three words.

But what Xi Hongchen didn't see was that his back was facing Lao Shang Shu who raised his foot, and his eyes were full of weird smiles. Then after the girl's voice fell, Lao Shang Shu kicked out of the light directly, but he didn't show up. No injuries, not even the animal clothing on his body was blown up.

   Then the old man looked around, his old face showed some doubts, pretending to be surprised, and said:

   "It's not too cold, wow, old man, I thought I was going to be shaved off."

   "The old man is always strong, and you will not be troubled by the coldness."

The fat man spoke softly, and then stepped forward in the same way. Then he glanced at the fat man under the celestial robe with a little gratitude, and in the place that the old man could not see, it belonged to the embryonic form of the fat man’s kingdom, which was directly transformed into With a mouthful of the bowl, the three of them were buckled upside down, isolating the wind and snow in the entire Arctic.

As the three of them slowly stepped forward, the fat man slightly raised his right hand and shook it forward slightly. There was a wave of fluctuations in the darkness in front of him, and then a huge lava elf walked out of the void, leading the way in front, and emitting light at the same time. Illuminate the surroundings.

The journey from the altar to the very northern boundary city is not lonely, because every ten steps, there is an angry beast army wearing ferocious beast armor, who is not afraid of the extreme cold, stands upright, and is responsible for guarding the Lord of Great Summer At the same time, the sanctuary where the three were originally located, one after another teleporting rays of light pierced the void, and that was the officials from various ministries who had been ordered from the capital city.

The furnace spirit led the way. As Qiu Hengji and the three of them were marching, some old and childlike old Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He turned his head and looked at Xihongchen, who had fallen silent again, and said directly. :

   "If the old man, I remember correctly, did you call this Radiant Army brother a fat man, girl? The Radiant Army is a guardian of your Majesty. Everyone is extremely mysterious. How can you recognize a girl?"

  Lao Shangshu's soft voice of doubt fell, he was reluctant, blinked his eyes, and continued jokingly:

"I said you have been very wrong with the girl since you first started. It turns out that you have met an old acquaintance and you are upset, but you girl is in our engineering department these days, and it is you and the others that make the old man puzzled. How did you meet?"

   As soon as this remark came out, it was not only the face of the red dust, but also the fat man who led the way in front of him, he paused, and then Qiu Hengji's soft voice came from under the latter's hood:

   "A year ago, Miss Xi was kind to her."

   "Wow, my life-saving grace, I understand, I understand!"

  Lao Shangshu suddenly showed a smile that was not a smile, and then he raised his head to the sky and laughed, with an old and heroic smile, and then his two hands moved behind him, shaking his head and shaking his head, and continued to speak slowly:

   "At the age of an old man, on the contrary, I will envy these young people more and more, and I will be born in the best and greatest era."

   Lao Shangshu said here, paused for a few breaths, and then stretched out his right hand, pointing to the huge shadow that can be faintly noticed in the darkness ahead, and the old voice continued to speak:

"When you look at the so-called world city in front of you, you may think it is terrifying, just like an unpredictable ancient behemoth, it will open its mouth and swallow everything in front of you at some point, but in fact, in my opinion, It is a Hummer that needs to be conquered."

  As soon as these words came out, the fat man and the young girl Xihongchen were both taken aback, then the fat man spoke softly, and a very young voice came out:

   "Old Shangshu is still confident."

   "Confidence is the confidence to put it bluntly."

  Shangshu, the old Ministry of Industry, smiled, paced forward with his hand held hands, and continued to speak:

"My old man, I am very old, so I have experienced everything, whether it was a war or a peaceful period, but I have never experienced a powerful court like today, so if you say that the land behind this gate is stronger than our Daxia For countless times, I was the first to disbelieve that old man.

"In the eyes of the old man, the vast land of China and the land of Taixuan are like old and young practitioners. In the early stage of cultivation, the land of the Taixuan will indeed be stronger than it due to its natural resources and age dividends. But once you have reached a certain level of practice, such as before the sage level, it is not just a trivial treasure and water mill Kungfu that can break through. It is always time, the situation between the two may be completely reversed, in the entire wheel of rolling history. In China, latecomers are everywhere."

After Lao Shangshu finished speaking, he raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest. The old but not muddy eyes were shining brightly. Then the fat man leading the way in front stopped and bent over to respect Lao Shangshu. Road:

   "Master Shang Shu has a great opinion, and the kid admires it."

   "He is an old man who doesn't have any good ideas. He usually spit out vulgar words."

As soon as the fat man’s voice fell, he heard a calm response coming from the rear, and then a few people turned around, and saw two groups of northern soldiers with blades lined up amidst the light of the blue and white mist up and down the altar. As the blood and murderous aura soared into the sky, among the northern sergeants, a group of officials wearing long and heavy summer official uniforms came together. Between the black robes and swaying, a self-like aura continued to condense.

There are about a hundred of these officials, arranged in two pieces of cultural relics, wearing their own official hats, alternating hands on their chests, and walking, just like walking on the high platform of the Huangji Hall in the Baidi Palace to participate in the early dynasty. Meticulous.

   This is the important minister of all the four ranks of Daxia, and it represents the temple where the vast land of Shenzhou occupies an absolute dominant position.

As the saying goes, living high in the temple brings its own official spirit. Therefore, even if there are so many high-ranking officials in Daxia, even those with low cultivation bases, their condensed momentum is enough to make it difficult to look directly at them. I want to worship.

   In a sense, what these officials represent is Daxia!


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